
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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189 Chs

Trick 136: Not a fair fight!

On Asgard

Hela was questioning people for the Sword to open the Bifrost, when she paused and looked at the sky.

A rainbow Bifrost shot over to Asgard and landed in front of Hela, smoke surrounded Ace as he raised his head looking at her, saying "Sorry. Did I ruin your execution?" while grabbing an ax that was about to decapitate a woman.

Skurge said in shock "Knight!?"

Ace pushed him away, looking at Hela as he held his staff towards the ground, saying "Ace. Knight of Asgard."

Hela looked at him, petting a massive black wolf behind her as she scoffed "The little boy has come back! I must admit, you are quite brave… Or rather, a fool. Which one is it?"

Ace cracked his neck as he said "You tell me." as he threw out a cloth behind him, kicking the woman next to him into it. The cloth fell to the ground and all the civilians disappeared, leaving on Ace and all of Hela's forces.

She laughed and sneered "A fool it is! Kill him." before looking away.

Ace looked around at the skeleton soldiers before his arm turned black. He seemed to have grown claws as he curled them, the skeletons falling one by one.

Hela paused and turned back, frowning "You dare?!" Ace waved his fingers as a green flame weaved in between them, he grinned and replied "Oh, I definitely do." Hela whistled and the giant wolf stood up snarling at Ace, who frowned, dragon horns growing out of his head in an instant as he roared, "Sit, damn dog!"

The dog was dazed and staggered back, laying on the ground and cowering.

Hela looked at Fenris and turned back to Ace, who reverted back to normal, saying "Draconic Magic, quite impressive… However, do you think that will save you?" as she ran her hands through her hair, the throned crown returning.

Ace shook his head and crushed the green flames, saying "No, I'm just here to hurt you… Really, really, bad." Hela sneered and threw a sword at him, Ace stepped to the side and dodged it, clapping over the staff as it melted onto his arms.

He rolled forward and Hela laughed "A close combat mage?! You must be joking!" as she slashed at him with her sword, Ace opened his palm and the magic circles were a much darker purple.

He made a circle with his fingers, black arms coming out of the hole by the hundreds, grabbing the sword as they merged into one giant arm.

Ace slapped the strength card on his chest and inflated massively, becoming almost as big as the Hulk! He grinned and grabbed Hela, smashing her into the ground before kicking her up into the air.

He jumped and grabbed her legs, spinning before throwing her like a shooting star, blasting nearly half the Palace to ruins!

Fenris trembled and Ace grabbed it, stepping forward and throwing it just as hard directly at Hela, causing tremors across Asgard.

He shrank back and collected the Strength card, looking over at the dust clouds, only to see Hela standing on a huge spike, saying with a smile "Your effort is commendable! It's like watching a puppy helplessly drown."

Ace clapped his hands together, sliding over his arms before ripping off, magic circles covered them, tarot cards circling around him as he smirked, replying "I thought I was an ant."

Hela's smile faded and she snorted, her lips curling into a displeased arc, "Annoying…" as she thrusted her arms forward, dozens of spikes shooting at him. Ace looked at the sky and let out a deep breath, flying into the sky, spiraling out of the way of the spikes.

He slapped out a magic circle and the spike passed through it, turning into sand before flowing back and turning into cards that burned with a dark purple flame. Ace curled his lips and waved his arms, countless magic circles appeared all around him blocking all the spikes.

Hela looked up to see an unimaginable amount of little flames burning in the sky, Ace floated in the sky and snapped his finger as all the little cards flew towards Hela, exploding and burning everything.

Hela slashed them, saying with annoyance "This is boring!" Ace looked up and clapped his hands, making signs and gestures with them as runes floated around him. He dodged to the side as a spike flew at him, then a huge one!

Ace frowned and turned, his cloak covering him as he disappeared, reappearing behind Hela, holding his forearm, pointing his palm at her as a dark purple light appeared. She turned around and Ace fired a massive laser, sending him floating backwards.

Hela frowned and slashed at the laser, however it split into 8 pieces and formed a rectangular coffin around her.

Ace made runes with his fingers, flying around as he threw huge black spikes into the rectangle, one after the other before backing off.

He waved his hands over each other as his vambraces lit up.

The coffin started cracking as a thud was heard.

A few thuds later and it shattered to bits as Hela said "Is that it?" Ace held his hand to the sky and said "Ah… Nope." he floated in the air and smashed his hands out, spreading his fingers as he said "This is a big one."

Hela looked up and her brows raised slightly.

The clouds above Asgard all disappeared and a massive sun appeared, but it was wrapped and distorted, several magic circles appeared above her head and the sun trembled suddenly.

There was no noise, only a massive beam of black light that fell on Hela instantly!

Ace looked down as the light bubbled before exploding!

Air blew him away as he crossed his arms, the sun disappearing as dust remained in a palace sized crater!

He looked and frowned, waving his hand. The dust disappeared and Hela stood in the center of it, her crown of thorns gone as black debris surrounded her. Her armor in tatters.

She touched her cheek and licked the blood from her finger as the wound healed instantly, her armor returned to its perfect state as she looked up at Ace, saying "You've managed to scratch an itch, well done."

Ace frowned and muttered "Invulnerable?" Hela rose into the sky and spread out her hands, black and gray energy coating them as she replied "On Asgard, I am Invincible. However, find solace in the fact that I will suck the life out of you, normally my enemies find themselves impaled~"

Ace snorted and turned his hands, dark purple energy covering his as he replied "Whatever." before blasting her with his energy beams, Hela pulled and sucked the energy into her palm before tossing it aside as everything it touched turned to ash.

Ace frowned and flew back as Hela chased him, shooting out beams of literal death energy. Ace waved his arms and deflected the death energy with his own, he couldn't stop it head on, but he could deflect it to the side and that was enough.

He curled his finger and flicked his hand to the sky.

The Judgment Card disappeared into a ripple above him and ripples appeared in the air all around them. Hela looked around and snorted "Parlor tricks." as bright golden weapons peaked from the ripples, firing at Hela as she waved her hands, throwing necroswords at them all, shooting them down one by one.

Ace picked out the Empress Card and plastered it on his head, using one finger to rotate it upside down. His appearance turned demonic and energy burst from his back, fluttering his cloak like a cape behind him, horns curling out of his head.

He waved his hands and pulled the air as green flames flew into his hands, he sucked in before letting out a dragon roar into the flames, a massive green flaming dragon flew out attacking Hela, who waved her hand, a sword of death energy slicing into it, but the dragon simply divided.

Ace hovered behind the dragon waving his hands and controlling the dragon like a puppet before crossing his hands and clenching his fists.

The dragon exploded into thousands of slightly smaller dragons, attacking Hela constantly.

She crossed her arms and cried out, swinging them to her sides as a wave of death energy blasted out, turning everything to dust. Ace caught the Judgment card and put it away, looking at Hela, slapping his hand out as the ocean around Asgard rumbled, a massive wave surging towards her.

She snorted and pressed out her palm, the tsunami turning to fire as it doubled over shooting towards Ace, who frowned, snapping his fingers and waving behind him. The pillar of flames curled around Ace and twisted into a gigantic stone pillar, smashing towards Hela.

She waved up and a black spike construct rose from the ground, piercing the stone pillar.

Ace's eyes lit up and he grabbed the air on both sides, twisted his wrists before clapping them together!

The stone pillar morphed into giant hands and clapped on Hela, however, she held her hands out, shattering the stone hands, smirking at Ace.

Ace frowned and took off the Empress Card, throwing his hand to the sky as clouds rolled in, turning black before massive spears of lightning rained down. Hela waved her hands, death energy swords chopping the lightning as he flew towards Ace quickly, slashing down on his head, saying "Die."

Ace fell back on his hands and spun, pushing off as a magic circle gave him a platform. He landed on his feet and stepped back, jumping over another slash, bending backwards at another.

He landed on the ground and pushed off the ground, shooting towards Hela instantly, catching her by surprise!

He made fists with his thumbs out as dark purple energy crackled all over his arms.

His fists connected with her chest and Ace said "Boom." as the Dark Purple energy detonated, Hela was sent careening to the ground like a shooting star, smashing into the ground and kicking up a cloud of dust.

Ace landed on the magic circle platform, breathing heavily as he looked at the ground, only for Hela to get up, running her hand over her chest as everything healed.

Everything always healed.

Ace let out a breath and muttered "Damn…" she appeared in front of him instantly, "You're starting to annoy me." before kneeing him in the stomach, smashing down on his back, plastering him to the ground below.

She dropped and pulled out a Necrosword, coated in Death Energy, slashing down, but there was a flash of lightning!

Hela looked over and was hit by lightning, flying into the palace as Thor appeared next to Ace, letting out a breath, "Just made it!" he looked down and said "My friend! Valhalla hasn't claimed you yet! Haha!" as he stretched out his hand.

Ace clasped his hand, as Thor pulled him up, Ace rubbed his back and let out a wheeze "Oh man… It's like getting hit by a truck… that was carrying another truck…" Thor slapped his back, making Ace groan in pain, as he laughed "Well done, Ace! I will handle it from here. Please help the people escape."

Ace looked at him and Thor stared back confidently. Ace groaned and pulled out his staff, collecting his cards as he flew away, holding his back in distress…