
Magic Knight of Ice (Sao x Kenja no Mago)

A soul found himself waking up as a newborn in a brand new world. Born with the memories of his life, what would his life be? This is a Crossover Fic of Sao and Kenja no Mago. Additional tags: Single Pairing, Calm Mc, and Intellegent Mc. The Mc looks like Eugeo from Sao just to give you guys a good picture of his looks.

Daoist_Truck · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

2 years


Two wooden swords clashed, their wielders are currently in a wide space with many spectators. The mock battle was heating up, the two fighters fought hard or so it appears to be.


One of the fighters swung and caught the other off-balance as the latter stepped back. The former pointed his sword at his opponent's throat and uttered, "It's my win."




"As expected of his highness!"

"Amazing, isn't his highness only 8 years old now?"

William smiled and offered a hand towards his opponent. "It was a good match."

His opponent smiled wryly and accepted William's help then stood up. "Your highness must be the joking, I was no match for you at all. You are really amazing, at your young age, you're close to being a master."

"Don't humble yourself, just train harder. Hard work always pays off. And besides, you are the kingdom's knights, our pride."

"Thank you for the kind words, your highness." The man bowed and then walked off.

"Your highness, fight with me next!" One of the spectators exclaimed.

"No, me next!"

William smiled after hearing the commotion. He was currently in the barracks where he fought knights to gain fighting experience.

"Come on then!" William smiled slightly


"...Finally done with the sparring," William muttered, he was now walking to his room, beside him is his attendant Rufus.

"Rufus, how's Kyrell doing now?"

"Kyrell is training diligently according to your training plan, your highness. He is currently doing knight training at the Gold Knight's base as per his highness's ordered."

"Good," William nodded, 2 years ago, he started his experiments on some small animals regarding his theory. Unfortunately, due to his busy schedule, his time for experiments was limited.

It took him 2 years to get some results, and William has high confidence that his theory could work as he got some evidence it worked on the tests he conducted on animals.

It is also why he ordered for Kyrell to be trained as both a knight and magician as he formulated a plan for the future.

Kyrell was now training in one of four knight orders in the kingdom, gold knights. The four knight orders are Gold, Black, White, and Crimson knights.

The gold knights' main duty is to protect the royal capital. Unlike the other knight orders which are deployed out of the royal capital, the gold knights are mainly stationed in the capital, and rarely do they need to be deployed out.


"Your highness, His Majesty has called for your presence in the throne room. He wants you to be present for the meeting, today." Kneeling in front of William was a man in armor.

William was just about to head to the library for his daily schedule of reading when this messenger appeared.

"Mm, you can go now." William nodded towards the man. He then walked in the direction of the throne room.

As he walked in the hallway, he contemplated why he was suddenly called by his father.

'Perhaps he wants me to gain experience early on and want to show me how meeting with the various ministers work? Lord Sirius did test me on various subjects during the past two years.'

During the two years that went by, he was extremely busy. Almost all his time was taken by his sword training, studies, sparring with the knights, then reading books. And on his free time, he conducted his experiments in his room.

That was six consecutive days of a week with Sunday being only his free day which he again, mostly spent on his experiments.

'Sometimes, I feel like my studies are being rushed or something. It's quite suspicious especially the various tests they had me go, it's like I'm being prepared for something at a rush pace. And now this...'

William's thoughts are halted as he arrived in front of the door leading to the side entrance of the throne room. The door was guarded by two knights, standing stoic.

When these knights saw William, they immediately kneeled with their right arm placed parallel in front of their chest.

"We greet his highness!"

"Mm, I was called here by His Majesty. Can you open the door?"

"Ha!" The two knights stood and opened the door. William nodded and entered, leading him into another hallway.

He continued walking and saw another two knights guarding the exit of the hallway. These two also kneeled when they saw William.

William stared upfront and can already see the throne and the large hall where the important people governing the kingdom were gathered.

The two knights then stood and one of them announced, "His Highness, the crown prince has arrived!"

William continued walking and arrive on the elevated ground where the king's throne was placed. Beside the king's throne was another smaller throne. William then walked in front of the king and kneeled, "I have come as you've ordered, Your Majesty!"

"Fumu, stand up and sit beside me," Arden said

"Understood!" William said and sat beside his father then stayed silent. He was only here to observe after all.

Arden watched his son and nodded in approval, 'William, my son, you've grown splendidly.'

Arden then focused his attention on the people gathered inside. "The last person has arrived. This royal meeting begins!" he announced

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Then I'll go first, your majesty." Aedion stood out in front of the king, "We recently received a message concerning some suspicious movements in the south."

Marquis Aedion Winslow, the head of military affairs of the kingdom.

"By south, you mean..." Arden said softly,

"Yes, it is the mercenary country, Worfeel. Our men have noticed that Worfeel seems to be calling back the mercenaries that are working outside of their country. They also seemed to be buying provisions."


The hall got silent before erupting into a commotion.

"Worfeel is buying provisions? Are they preparing for war?"

"Absurd! Those mercenaries shouldn't have any ideas about our kingdom or else!"

"The southern part of the kingdom is extremely important, we should take this subject seriously."

"Your majesty, I suggest we strengthen our defenses out south just in case."

Arden listened to the various comments then bellowed, "Silence! Do not panic, Worfeel is merely a small country. They can't possibly be wanting to go to war with us. And them buying provisions could be in preparation for winter. Do remember that Worfeel doesn't have huge farms which can feed them."

"...Your Majesty, I still suggest strengthening our defenses out south. Worfeel's actions are suspicious, our men have also spotted many mercenaries lurking near our territories. We've already captured squire a bit of them." Aedion spoke

"Very well, I will permit more soldiers to be stationed in the south," Arden said

"I'm grateful, your majesty," Aedion said then stepped back. Another man then stood out and started reporting about another subject.

William on the other hand contemplated about the southern part of the kingdom. The southern part of Caelum was the main producer of food for the whole kingdom.

It has fertile lands and wide plains which were used for farming. It is one of the most important places, second only to the royal capital hence it has a good amount of merchants coming in out of the southern territories.

Finally, it was the final person reporting.

"Your majesty, as you already knew, our harvests last year were not as abundant from a few years ago. And the reports I've gotten suggested that, possibly our harvests for this year could be lower than last year's."

This report caused yet another commotion in the throne room. Just like what the man in front said, the harvests from the lasts 3 to 4 years has been significantly lowered every year.

This has been developing to be a serious problem for the kingdom. Especially since the harvest time is getting near and in a few months, winter would arrive.

Hello, Author here! Just want to ask you guys if you have any ideas for the heroine? I've already got someone in mind but I'm still not sure on it. So I want some feedbacks from you, readers.

Daoist_Truckcreators' thoughts