
Dinner Pt.2

Sophia POV

After I managed to kick Da out of the kitchen I handed Gemma the box with the Dundee cake. She opened the lid to look at it and said, "What is this?" I smiled at her and said, "It's Dundee cake it's a Scottish desert it goes great with coffee or whiskey." Gemma looked at me for a second and said, "The second drink option sounds like a good choice for the group of idiots on my back porch." We both laughed at that.

It didn't take long for dinner to be ready and I was sent to fetch the men as Gemma called it.

Gemma had made spaghetti and amused everyone to know end that I had never had it even Da but he understood why at least. 

Opie was the one who finally said, "What did you eat all your life if you've never had spaghetti?"

His question surprised me but I wasn't offended so I chuckled and said, "Well for starters lots of soups, bangers and mash, fresh salads the gardens at my boarding school were insane so we always had fresh vegetables. Roasted lamb and chicken with sausage and of course a lot of tea." 

My last comment about tea is what finally sent Da over the edge and he started laughing. Gemma looked at me and said, "Is that it? There isn't a lot of variety on that list."

I sighed and said, "The chefs at school were always cooking up sweets as well. They mostly did the basics, I do remember my 4th year we had some French cuisine and it was alright a bit to light to keep us warm in the Highlands in the midst of winter. So I didn't eat it much. Also the castle was a bit drafty so soup was a must with every meal." 

This caused everyone's head but Da's to turn in my direction as Clay said, "Wait a minute did you say castle?"

I chuckled and said, "Yes, the school I went to was an old castle converted into a school it's been around since the middle ages. Only a certain few get to go there and it's by invitation only so the student body isn't crazy large but it has seen an upscale in students in recent years. I'm on the board and my Gran is the headmistress. She is wanting to retire though and is trying to convince Hermione or Neville to take over for her. I don't see Hermione wanting the job she enjoys working as minister to much."

It was Gemma who almost choked as she looked at Da and said, "Why didn't you tell us that your daughter is so well connected?"

Da just sighed because it is her friends that hold positions in British government not her. She is a business owner and school boar member plus running two families about to be three now that she has found me. She has enough on her plate without me bothering her with our stuff." 

Clay looked at Da and said, "What do you mean by about to be three now that she has found you?"

Da sighed and said, "Look ya all know that I was kicked from my family and forced to run but because I had Sophia she is the last heir to my bloodline. So she is set to inherit my families titles and fortune. It's kind of arse backwards where we are from but that is how it is. I have to go with her to the bank tomorrow and sign all the proper paperwork for her." 

Clay just looked at Da for a minute and said, "We will talk about this more later in church Chibs I want details I know there is stuff your not sharing." 

I just looked at Clay and said, "That would be my fault I am under strict instructions to not divulge any pertinent information in regards to the inheritance until after all proper documentation has been filed. Once that is done and I have the requests in place I can see about releasing the information to you. However this will only happen after I get the go ahead from my government. Not before so please don't press my Da to much he is just trying to protect me from my enemies."

This caused Opie to say, "Enemies what enemies?" 

I sighed and said, "My da told ya that I was a child soldier right?" This caused everyone to nod their heads and Da to sigh so I continued, "I was in a war that started out as a political battle between two factions in our government and being the heir to two houses put me in a very powerful position. So I was targeted from a young age with my friend Harry he is heir to three houses his parents were killed when he was one for opposing their political adversaries. Harry was put into our equivalent of witness protection and emerged on his 11th birthday where we met at school. That's where most of our problems started. We were almost killed my first year a man came in as a teacher and tried to kill us in the dungeon of the castle. Second year was pretty much the same except our friend was kidnapped as well. Third year was ok except we had an escaped prisoner who escaped we thought he ratted on Harry's parents location while they were in hiding but he turned out to be innocent. His friend who was the real rat showed up and tried to kill Harry. Fourth year was the worst we had a tri school games happen, Harry almost died and our friend Cedric did. Fifth year we started to gather supporters and had a few legal issues we had to face to keep Harry and I in school. Sixth year we were training with our arse of a professor in combat while fielding political attacks on our houses. It was also at the end of this year that our professor killed our headmaster to keep another student from having to because his father forced him to join them in the war. Which brings us to seventh year were Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself went on the run and lived in the woods while hunting for the evidence we needed to take down our enemies. The final battle took place just outside of the castle where we went to school. Harry almost died and I shot a man and killed him to save everyone else."

Da just placed his hand on my back in an attempt to comfort me. Opie grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze and Gemma said, "Where were all the adults in this shit show?"

I gave a dark chuckle and said, "Dying, they were busy dying I lost Sirius, Albus, Severus, Fred, Tonks and Remus who are Teddy's parents and many more friends we almost lost quite a few more. It was a bloody war but we made it though and we are tougher for it." 

It was heavy for a few minutes before my phone rang it was the one Da had given me. He also gave one to Clover and Daisy to keep at the house. I looked down and saw that it was them so I answered. 

Sophia: "Hello"

Clover: "Mistress you have a visitor." 

Sophia: "Who is it Clover?"

Clover: "It's miss Luna Lovegood."

Sophia: "Alright Clover I'll get Da to bring me home. Tell Luna that I will be there soon I wasn't expecting her but then again no one ever expects Luna."

Clover: "Yes mistress, goodbye." 

After I hung up with Clover I looked over at my Da's found family and said I am sorry to lay all of this at your feet and leave but I really must be going I have a friend that stopped by unexpectedly. Da could you take me home? I really don't feel like driving right now after the trip down memory lane." 

Da just nodded at me and bid his goodbye's and walked me out the door.