
Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition

The second version. Agriculture is a very interesting activity. Like the sale of products. Not to mention the cooking, healing cooking. The development of tourism. All this will be in this novel. Perhaps the continuation of the first novel, but not a fact. What is the story about? The story of a graduate student who decided to become a farmer. He sold his apartment and started to run his business with the money he received. Farm, online shop, farm shop. Decided to sell organic food. Who is this guy? Former student of the Faculty of History. His relatives are historians and artisans, scientists. Great-grandfather Farmer. Grandfather - oriental sweets manufacturer. His ancestor ... Dara is the hero of another novel "'Jiang' Magic Coin" ... What happens to him? He finds magic coins that have already become a magic entity, he has an all-powerful system. The main character does not immediately use it ... Why should I care? It is interesting. But not at once. Not from the first pages, there is interesting historical information, there is an understanding of everyday life, traditions, oriental subtleties of doing business. Almost reality but in a fantastic wrapper. Pros - good content, many different historical facts about the Silk Road, Eastern Trade, Household reflections on politics and economics, there are interesting ideas for organizing your own business in tourism and farming. Cons - bad form, that is, the text of the novel is rough, grammar and syntax is lame. There are mistakes. Overall assessment of the story if to be objective: Writing Quality - 2 stars Stability of Updates - 4 stars (3-4 times per week from 500 to 3000 words for one chapter) Story Development - 4 stars Character Design - 3 stars World Background - 3 stars Overall result: Who wants to learn new things about farming and about the world after the Cold War, who is interested in the first place content, can be sure that he/she will not waste his/her time in vain. Whoever likes the good form of the syllable, he/she can immediately leave, having pulled his hat, striking his/her horse sideways with spurs, plunge into the depths of the prairie. Tags - Farming, Cooking, Health, Folk Medicine, Magic, History ----------------------------- This is a work of art. Any resemblance to real people or real events is purely coincidental.

Gourmet_DAO · Realistic
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Aunt and relatives

- "Well, how is the trip a dumb thing, why did you stay there so long"? Aunt Feruzeh said with a note of anger.

"Why didn't you even call, didn't answer calls, yours must worry?"

"You didn't even call them when you arrived in town, you idiot," said the aunt.

"Go and call!" Aunt screamed at Dara.

Dara was dumbfounded, and why was this aunt yelling at him, he was young, did not understand that they were worried about him, although he was no longer a child, he was still a baby for his parents.

Dara returned five minutes later, with a embarrassed face, Barno thought with a smirk, "Cousin must have gotten from both Aunt Banu and Uncle Parviz and from grandmother Aba Biya with grandfather! Firuz!"

They lived in the house of an average aunt. Grandfather and Grandmother had their own house, it was on the same site with the average daughter. Since they lived in the same quarter, the old people visited each month for each of their children.

Echidna, Barno, could not restrain herself and loudly laughed - Hihihihihi!

"Well, that got stick from Grandparents!"

"And Aunt Banu, she will still be chewing on you for two or even three days!"

Barno said.

What she immediately got from Aunt Feruzekh.

"Stupid girl, how dare you laugh at my little sister!"

"Go better help set the table!"

"So the guests will look at you, and think that you are sharp on the tongue and rumors will go that you are that spiteful girl, the grooms will bypass our house!" Aiming at himself an imaginary rigor with a smile, Aunt Feruzekh noticed.

Barno, with a flushed face, ran into the kitchen. Thus, Aunt Feruheh defused the situation.

The whole crowd of drivers and travelers went to wash their hands and then eat.

On the table there were already steaming large bowls with meat broth seasoned with potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions, celery root and large pieces of lamb on the bones. With finely chopped dill and celery leaves. Sour cream was in large bowls on the table right there, black bread is a legacy from the culinary preferences of the second empire. In Asia, it is usually not customary to eat brown bread, eat tortillas, but in Small Ahn, there was a mixture of European and Eastern traditions.

Barno, sat down at the table the same way, the sleepy cousin Shadydy left the room, he arrived late from the university, was busy writing an article on his work. Shady was writing a doctoral dissertation.

In Small-An, a two-stage system of obtaining degrees was adopted. Candidates of Sciences, and then Doctor of Sciences. After if the doctor taught, he was awarded the Professor. During the second empire - obtaining the title of professor, it took at least six months or even a year. But with gaining independence from the empire, Small-An began to assign the title of professor literally 3-4 days after the date of application for the assignment of the title.

Sometimes it was possible to see a very young doctor of sciences at the age of 25 at the university. This was due to the fact that the reforms of higher education also affected Small-An.

Because of this, a couple of years ago, the degree system was changed from the imperial Prussian system to the American one, but with its own local characteristics. And she became single-stage - just defended Ph.D.

But they were already considered doctors of science. They immediately became professors, they managed to get two or three educations. In economics, law and information. Just getting a bachelor's degree. Some of the wealthy families that came from large clans or former political bosses sent their children and grandchildren to study at foreign universities in the EU, USA, UK and Singapore. Those that were poorer gave their children to foreign branches of universities in Small-An. They studied for two years in Small Ahn and two years in China or Turkey. Training was free.

Having received a master's degree or a Ph.D. there, they went through nostrification in Small-An ... and then went to work in those countries where they studied.

Then they came to Small-An, and began to implement the rules that were in those countries in which they studied. But these implementations were not systemic in nature. Therefore, we tried this, this or that. As a result, this did not affect the education of Small-An very well. Until finally it was not put in order, returning to the system of the second empire. And just Shady, now was going to defend a good work on the history of the Silk Road. He was very thoughtful, demanding of himself, a scientist. He was offered an easier way to become a candidate of sciences - a doctor, but he refused. Considering that this will not bring him any benefit as a scientist or science. He was told that he was too whispering to live, you need to be able to step over your beliefs and morality, then you can achieve great results.

But like the whole Mirza-Bobo family, Shady strove to follow an honest path, a path of enlightenment. The doctoral work and position obtained in such an easy way was a burden for him. Not honestly received, then you will be responsible to your soul