
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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"Those little rabbits are heading towards the treasure trove. Stop them!"

Under the leadership of Luo Yunhai, the Flying Tiger Army and a group of disciples of Mozezong quickly and orderly left the battlefield of the master of the virtual realm, and attacked Xuan Tianzong's crucial back defense.

At this point, in addition to Sect Master Xuan guessing their intentions, many of the worship elders present also saw the key to this.

So, one person shouted loudly, and the rest of them all got rid of their opponents and chased them to Luo Yunhai.

In an instant, a strong momentum appeared behind them. After many masters were stopped by the elders of Mo Cezong, five or six people still broke through the encirclement and came behind them.

Feeling the powerful gang wind approaching, Luo Yunhai's brow wrinkled deeply, turning his head to look, the cold sweat in his head.

They are all disciples of Shenzhao Tianxuan here, which are qualitatively different from those of the masters of Huaxu. If they are caught up by those peerless masters, do n't look at the fact that they have more than 100,000 people.

Because of the intensity of their consciousness, it is difficult to hurt those who have become weak, but as long as they release their souls, they will be able to kill them like leeks.

Suddenly, they have reached the most dangerous juncture!


Suddenly, two sounds of breaking through the air, and two newly-familiar figures suddenly came to Luo Yunhai's side, but it was Yueer and Kuigang. Looking at him anxiously, Kui Gang hurriedly said: "Luo Family Master, what should I do now, Master tells us that everything here is at your command!"

"You are ... Brother Zhuo's apprentice, he actually accepts disciples? He used to be very repulsive! Even Yan Lao only passed on the arts, not disciples, but you ..."

Taking a deep look at the two, Luo Yunhai frowned, staying for a while, and then nodded his head clearly: "It turns out that, no wonder the tens of thousands of disciples of Mo Cezong, Brother Zhuo let you bring it, when Really oneself! "

Nodding anxiously, Kui Gang agreed: "Yes, Master said that the two of us listened to him the most, and the disciples of Mo Cezong were under the command of an outsider at once. Be a spokesperson. No matter how you say, we are also Mozezong's own people, and they trust us more. Now what do you have to say, but no matter what, we must guarantee that these tens of thousands of disciples will be your first opinion! "

"Okay, then you just take all the disciples to assault the treasure trove!" The pupils of the eyes narrowed slightly, Luo Yunhai couldn't help but yelled, then turned his head and flew back.

Suddenly, Kui Gang quickly grabbed Luo Yunhai, who was about to rush out, and puzzled: "Wait, what do you mean. We are going to raid the treasure trove, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to stop the chasing master who is chasing you, and buy time for you!" Then, Luo Yunhai would fly away again.

However, Kui Gang and two people were stunned, and quickly grabbed his hand tighter, shouted: "Aren't you going to find death? The other party is a virtual master, you have more people, just use it The corpse came to build a wall, and it will soon be overwhelmed by the whole army! "

"What about that, I'm from the military, how can the soldiers fear death on the battlefield? In short, our purpose was achieved in this way!" Luo Yunhai didn't mind at all.

Kui Gang and two people looked at him, but they were stunned for a moment. They shook their teeth slightly and gritted their teeth. "Master asked us to listen to your command. You are the commander here. How can you personally take risks and go to me!" The disciples of Moce Zong follow orders, follow me ... "


However, his voice has not yet been spoken, but Luo Yunhai has already grabbed his shoulder fiercely and solemnly said: "Since you are an apprentice of Brother Zhuo, how can the people of my Luo family be in danger? Moreover, Brother Zhuo has already explained in advance that you must not have an accident in this war. After that, he still has a surprise for you! "

"But you ..." Eye pupil couldn't help shaking, Kui Gang said anxiously.

With a chuckle, Luo Yunhai waved his hands indifferently: "This is the way of my Luo family to establish a world, a benevolent act, which will be passed down from generation to generation. I am the head of the family, especially so. With the re-creation, I will never let him accept the disciples in danger. Moreover, you also said that your master told you to listen to me, then follow my command line and make no mistake! "

As soon as the words fell, Luo Yunhai flicked his robe sleeves, and he broke free from the shackles of the two and turned back to fly back to meet the six chased powerful men.

"Flying Tiger Army came with me, holding his breath, concentrating, and striking into formation!"


The entire Flying Tiger Army was uniform, shouted, and then rushed to the enemy with Luo Yunhai. And the fate of the next, they are also very clear in their hearts.

But before the order, the soldiers have to obey and fortune-telling?

This is the current style of the Luo family. Combining the original style of the Luo family book incense, the Renyi family, Zhuo Fan is courageous and courageous, and the unique style of the military alone is prohibited!

Looking deeply at the brave and fearless army, Kui Gang and Yue'er stayed unconsciously for a long time before taking a deep breath and sighing, "No wonder Master is thinking about going back. This family is so important to Master, for the disciples of our two Masters, even the lives of the head of the family can be lost! Is this a madman, a fool, or a real ... righteousness? "

"Hehehe ... I can't think of Master Demon Master, the last family is actually the most pure Zhengdao family!" Kui Gang couldn't help but sighed, "But this Zhengdao family is not as annoying as other Zhengdao schools, Yue'er, let's go ... uh ... "

Kui Gang wanted to pull Yue'er together and continue to burst into the treasure trove, but saw her look deeply into the direction of Luo Yunhai's disappearance, motionless, stunned, and unknown.

A little deep in thought, Yue'er's eyes flashed finely, and said lightly: "Kui Gang, you continue to advance as the Lord Luo said, I have other tasks!"

As soon as the words fell, Yue'er also stepped on, and immediately flew away in the direction of Luo Yunhai's disappearance. Kui Gang froze, staring closely at the back of the two, and pondered for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and waved his hands and shouted: "All disciples of Mo Cezong, follow me into the treasure trove. kindness!"


With a loud shout, the disciples of Mozong Cezong also saw Luo Yunhai's behavior at this moment, and they were amazed in their hearts for a while, then they continued to leave with Kui Gang.

And behind them, Luo Yunhai will take 100,000 Flying Tigers to back them up. Although its strength may not be as good as those of the virtual masters, this invincible momentum is to make them feel at ease!

The Luo family, a family worthy of Zhuo's housekeeper, is really not easy from top to bottom!

Swish swish ...

Several sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and the six Xuantian Sect Masters came to Luo Yunhai. Luo Yunhai's eyes were condensed and he shouted, "Chong!"

The entire Flying Tiger Army swooped together and moved forward bravely without stagnation.

"Hey, hey ... It's really a group of things that don't know life and death. The gods according to the heaven Xuanxiu, dare to stop in front of the old man?" With a cold smile, those people did not take Luo Yunhai and the Flying Tigers in their eyes. The elder, the long-bearded elder, waved his hand, a tens of feet long, flashing the arrows of Lei Mang and shot at everyone instantly.

The soul changes, breaking the sky arrow!


The powerful coercion, with the breath of death, pressed against their door in a blink of an eye, making them unable to stop the breath and their heads were in pain. But even so, Luo Yunhai still gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Gather all the power of the primordial spirit in one place and give me back, we have 100,000 people!"


The crowd shouted again, and there was a gust of wind, and the power of the consciousness like water was all condensed together. Like a wall, the Great Wall of consciousness was built in front of it, and the power of the original **** was still Continue to consolidate and move forward!

However, seeing this, the elder with a long beard scorned his lips in disdain: "No matter how strong the consciousness of the **** master is, it is nothing more than a consciousness. The soul of the illustrious and powerful person changes qualitatively, not solely by the consciousness. The amount of cohesion can make up for it. Hum, a group of small mice that are not self-controlling, they want to find death, and the old man will do you all! "

When the other five virtuosity experts heard it, they couldn't stop laughing, but instead of speeding up the chase, they stopped to see how they were tortured to death.

call out!

With the thunder of thunder, the thunder arrow was almost instantaneous and stabbed into the strong wall of consciousness constructed by everyone, and then with a whine, the puncture continued without delay, without a pause. Continue to strike at Luo Yunhai.


Can't help but spit out a spit of red blood, and everyone felt that their brains were bursting like rivers and rivers, and they couldn't stop the pain from sweeping their hearts. Some of the cultivators of the Heavenly Profound Realm in the Flying Tiger Army, even under this fierce stimulation, suddenly had their eyes empty, no longer breathing, and then the steely body fell to the ground with a thud, and it suddenly became stiff.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds and thousands of bodies fell to the ground one by one. Luo Yunhai listened to all of this, his heart twisted.

These Flying Tigers, although they are refined by Zhuofan, can't be regarded as humans except for their consciousness. However, these people have done their due diligence at the Luo family, and have been commensurate with the Luo Yunhai brothers for so many years. Luo Yunhai has treated them as a family.

Now seeing the fall of so many people, Luo Yunhai's heart was bleeding, but he gritted his teeth fiercely, and still insisted with the rest of the people.

This is the Luo family's military style. Weeping and remembering to wait until after the war, they said that in the battlefield, they have only one mission, rush!

The tyrannical thunderbolt was swiftly pierced, with no signs of slowing down, as if proclaiming that what Luo Yunhai and others had done before were futile and no different from a fool!

The masters of Huaxu looked at all this, and they laughed again and again, but soon, they couldn't laugh. Because even so, the faces of everyone in Luo Yunhai and the Flying Tigers are still solemn, and they go all out with no sign of retreat.

It seems that they simply do not know that this is futile!

For a time, even the six aspirants who became opponents could not help showing a solemn look on their faces. For many years, I have never seen such a persistent cultivator. But because of this, you must die!

The real murderous intention was revealed in the double pupils. The old bearded man waved his robe sleeve, and the thunder arrow flew faster instantly, and came to Luo Yunhai in the blink of an eye. The hot Rayman seems to have stung his nose with a kind of burnt pain ...