
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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"White enshrined, Qi enshrined, you bring your right wing to block the right enemy; Qiu Lao, Xue sister, you take the left wing man and horse, block the enemy on the left. Li Lao, you take the remaining virtuoso master, and open up a channel for us. , As soon as my Flying Tigers went straight to the target treasure trove and cut off their support! "

Once the crowd appeared here, Zhuo Fan had not spoken yet, Luo Yunhai had already negotiated as before, and he held the power of command, just like a true marshal, ranking and arranging the command, if the command was determined!

In an instant, the crowd shouted and all acted according to their orders. The elder Xuan Tianzong's offerings hadn't had time to react, and they suddenly felt a strong momentum, and the Moce Zong everyone was killed.

No way, they hurried to deal with it.

However, the side of Mo Cezong was arranged by Luo Yunhai in advance in an army formation, and he was prepared long ago; Xuan Tianzong was suddenly taken aback by the scene in front of him, and was caught off guard by surprise.

For a time, the judge was sentenced.

If it is a single fight, the general will command or not matter, but in the case of group fights, there is a general who understands the strategy and can immediately master the battlefield!

It's just a blink of an eye, and the situation on the whole battlefield, as previously discussed by Zhuo Fan and Luo Yunhai, has entered a great advantage.

Originally, when they appeared, they were enshrined by the other party for hundreds of years, but now, the left and right roads are cleared instantly, and Li Lao and they opened a bright channel in the middle. Luo Yunhai took the Flying Tigers and a group of gods. The disciples of Xuanjing's Moce Zong rushed straight out, without taking the decisive battle with these virtual masters, so as not to be a cannon fodder.

Their goal was to deal with Xuan Tianzong's disciples, kill people and set fire to occupy the treasure house, hold all kinds of spirit soldiers and spirit armor medicine in their hands, and cut off their backup transportation.

Although this backup is a bit close, it can also disturb the state of mind of the masters of the virtual, and naturally it will not be handy when fighting.

Zhuo Fan couldn't help but touch his nose and nodded slightly: "Yunhai, this kid, is really more and more outstanding, even the commander of the virtual master is not amazed, really like the old man!"

"There are ... Luo family?" Chu Qingcheng said stupefiedly, looking at some of these familiar faces.

Nodding lightly, Zhuofan raised an eyebrow at her: "Yeah, as soon as they heard that my wife, Zhuo Da's housekeeper, was caught, they went out to help me, hehehe ... how about, I Although he left the housekeeper of the Luo family for a long time, his love is still there! "

With a charming white look, Chu Qingcheng chuckled and shook his head without knowing it.

"But what's the matter with these Mozezong people? Do your lords give you the power of the entire sect for you?" At this time, Han Qianying looked at Zhuo Fan with a surprised face, too. Set the channel.

She grew up in Zongmen since childhood, knowing that Zongmen war is not a trivial matter, but why the Sect Master of Moce supported Zhuo Fan's wife so desperately, but it made her a little difficult to understand.

Could it be that the outstanding status is more important than the future of the sect?

Unconsciously, Zhuo Fan and Kui Wolf glanced at each other, but they both laughed and said: "This question, we will talk about it later. What we have to do now is to completely avoid future troubles!"

A glance flashed in his eyes, Zhuo Fan turned and stared closely at the direction of Sect Sect Master, and a strange arc was drawn across the corner of his mouth, shouting: "Sect Sect Master Xuan, the statement that looks like me is not impossible, hehe Ha ha..."

His face couldn't help but fiercely pumped, Sect Master Xuan looked at this bustling and noisy scene, shocked and angry, although his fists clenched tightly, but he couldn't stop shaking.

Zhuo Fan's surprise attack really surprised him, and it scared him so much that it was difficult to recover for a long time, and a heart has been turbulent.

But no matter how he said, he was also the sovereign of the patriarch. After taking two deep breaths, he calmed down and gritted his teeth. Alarm bell ... "


However, he didn't wait for his voice to fall, not far from the main hall of the sect, there was a sound of howling and howling, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Sect Master Xuan looked at it from afar, without knowing it, and shouted: "No, there is the direction of the treasure trove. They want to take away the Lingbing Lingjia and cut off our supplies!"

"Damn, they are prepared, otherwise it is impossible to go straight to the treasure trove as soon as the war starts!" There was a long beard next to the Sovereign Sovereign, and he could not help but scold: "How are these outsiders?" Knowing the location of the treasure trove, who the **** leaked it out? "

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Sect Master Xuan gritted his teeth fiercely. He turned to look at a woman below, gritted his teeth and said: "Daner, you traitor betrayed so thoroughly that even the important places of the Zong Men told the enemy It really trapped me that Xuan Tianzong is no longer in a thousand calamities! As long as I knew this, the old man should never accept you as a disciple! "

"Uh, this ..."

Shaking his body, Dan'er was hiding behind Chu Qingcheng and others with some fear, and his eyes were all dreaded, but soon, the little girl wrinkled Qiong nose and hummed: "Master, you accept us for Just, do n't you have your purpose too? Do n't say it is so noble, it seems like how much kindness to me. According to Zhuofan, we each take what we need, and no one owes anyone. Now you want our lives, We will not agree! "

The whole body couldn't help but shivered fiercely, the Xuanzong master was so angry that his beard was upset, and he must be flying, and he cursed: "Sinister, you are just broken by the devil kid, and you cleaned the portal for the teacher, and the result you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sect Master Xuan raised his hand, and the huge spear spirit appeared again, with an unmatched momentum, and slammed into Dan'er.

If this happens, this girl must be broken!


With a whisper, Dan'er's head shrank, and he quickly hid behind Chu Qingcheng. But at this moment, there was another Long Yin cry, Zhuo Fan's vigorous Red Dragon King was already firmly in front of the women, and the dragon tail flicked and touched, and he crashed with the spear.

The next moment, but seeing a powerful momentum spread out all around, and many of the virtual masters who were fighting next to them flew together, and the spear also returned.

Dali Red Dragon King flicked the dragon's tail, and there was a trace of shattered scales on the tail. In this collision, the spirits of both sides turned out to be a tie!

"Sovereign Sovereign, this girl is my wife's sister, then it is my little aunt. If you want to kill her in front of me, wouldn't you take me too seriously?" Zhuo Fan leisurely came to the Red Dragon King , Looking at Sect Master Xuan, laughed out loud.

Sect Master Xuan clenched his teeth tightly, looked at him fiercely, and cursed: "Zhuo Fan, you lead someone into my sect, the old man will never let you go!"

"Cut, it's as if Lao Tzu didn't lead anyone into your sect, and you'll let me go, hypocrite!" Dismissing his mouth disdainfully, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed a faint and evil light: "No matter what, Lao Tzu vows Complete three things. One is to answer my wife 's question, which I owe for ten years; the other is to take my wife from the place where I was forced to sell here because of my relationship; three, hum ... … "

Speaking of which, Zhuofan's eyes flashed with a naked fierce mansion: "The third is to remove all hidden dangers that are not good for my wife! All you have to do today! So today, you will definitely die, don't haunt her allure!"

With a loud shout, Zhuo Fan stepped steeply, carrying the Red Dragon King and rushing to the Sovereign Sovereignty. Sect Master Xuan was also cruel in his eyes, rushing his teeth with his teeth.

Suddenly, a lance in the sky, a dragon over the river, suddenly fighting together, raging. That powerful momentum made the battle around him suddenly languish a lot, forcing many masters of the virtual realm to have to fight away from here.

Especially the elder worshipers of Mo Cezong, who saw Zhuo Fan's Soul War for the first time, were shocked by the heart, and were shocked by this powerful momentum.

Looking around, Zhuo Fan's battle with Sect Master Xuan is like a disciple fighting his Sect Master. It is clearly a life-and-death duel between the two Sect Masters!

For a time, the elders consecrated two flowers and looked at each other, both of them nodded slightly. I do n't know when it will start. This Zhuofan already has the power to act as a suzerain ...

"Sect Master, we help you!" The two envoys next to Sect Master Xuan saw the battlefield glued together.

But a sudden black figure came to them and looked closely, but it was Li Jingtian no doubt.

With a slightly closed eyelids, Li Jingtian looked at the two coldly and said lightly: "Sorry, the battle of Zhuo Butler, I hope you don't disturb. If you want to fight, the old man will accompany you!"

He gave him a deep look, and they both chuckled unconsciously: "You're nothing but the Sixth Level of the Deficiency. Both of us are masters of the Seventh Level of the Deficiency. With only one person, you can't handle it, and you want to stop both of us. , It 's a delusion!

"Hehehe ... Ignorant, we who follow Zhuo's housekeeper, how can we confuse Xiuwei with strength?" Unconsciously sneered, Li sneered with a sneer: "Only those of you who are practicing in the Zongmen greenhouse The cultivator will have such a stupid opinion! "

The brows shook slightly, and the two laughed out loud: "Hum hum ... What an old guy who doesn't know how high and thick, then let's show you, our Xuan Tianzong is awesome!"

As soon as the words fell, the two shook their bodies, and a giant axe and a hook appeared in front of them, and then exuded a tremendous bang, as if to cut through the void, and severely slashed to Li Jingtian!

"Hahaha ... Our spirits of axe, yin and huangshuang are famous in Xizhou for their vigorous spirit. Even the ordinary spirits in the field can be opened by us in the void. You, the cultivator of the sixfold virtuality, encounter When the two of us joined forces, it was almost death! "

"Oh, yeah, that's really what you want!"

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, Li Jingtian faced with the coming two powerful winds of axe and chopping, the beard moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth unknowingly crossed a cold arc, and then his eyes were condensed, a very fierce Suddenly, his momentum spouted from his body.

Soul changes, ghost dragon claws!


There was a long chant, a trembling sound in the sky, and Li Jingtian suddenly rushed out of a black dragon, and the two dragon claws grabbed the axe and the two souls with tremendous vigor.

Seeing this, the two sneered for a while: "Idiot, your gods and souls are not the dragons and dragons, they must be smashed by the two of us ... uh ..."


However, they didn't wait for them to finish talking, but their bodies were stagnant, their eyes protruded, and they didn't breathe in an instant. And in front of them, their two axe and soul were broken apart in an instant and dissipated into the void.

Under Li Jingtian's black dragon's claws, there was a dark black light!

"I don't have Earth Dragon Soul, nor Sky Dragon Soul, but it doesn't mean that I will lose to you guys who are self-righteous!" A ghost in his eyes flashed, Li Jingtian didn't look at the two again, and turned away and left The unbelievable eyes of the two elder offerings around.

This ... is this guy from the world? Anyone who can have a relationship with Zhuo Fan is really not an ordinary person ...