
Chapter 4: Introductions on names.

After Shelly gave her words, she sat back and waved at us.

Everyone had fear mixed in their expression, well that is to be expected.

The next trial will be a dragon, beings far stronger than wyverns and farm more intelligent than any kind of animal.

They had been engraved in legends and myths, but every one of them depicted how mighty they are.

And now, everyone here will be facing such divine being.

"I-I'm sorry… I don't think I can defeat a dragon… Goodbye everyone." (Girl 1)

"A dragon is a no go! I came her to study, not to fight. Count me out." (Boy 1)

"Even though I registered to the adventurer guild, even I avoid those things. I'm sorry everyone." (Boy 2)

"Umm… aa… Sorry, goodbye!" (Girl 2)

Four people immediately left and headed towards the hole.

Since they were hesitant on what might happen if they dropped down, it was far more better than facing a dragon, they eventually jumped in on their own.

From 21 to 6 our numbers had dropped drastically.

Me, Fran, the wizard girl, a white-haired boy, a noble boy, and a hooded person was all that's left.

Seeing everyone perform, I began to question if we would even have the slightest chance of defeating it.

What's more, does someone here even have magic strong enough to pierce its scale?

Though I might have a bit of a problem but…

"Everyone, please gather." (Wizard Girl)

The girl spoke and waved at us.

Having nothing else to do, we followed and made a circle.

On my left was Fran, but on my right was the noble boy from before.

To be honest, I prefer if the hooded person was here rather than him.

Though he's suspicions, he's better than the prideful person here.

"Let me get this straight, I gathered everyone here in order for us to make a plan at the upcoming trial. But first of, I want everyone to introduce themselves so that everyone would be able to easily cooperate with each other." (Wizard Girl)

No one protested but everyone kept quiet.

Seeing no objections to her words, she waved her robe aside and held her cane.

"My name is Fannie Falliope, apprentice of the famous magician Conrest Faliope." (Fannie)

She brushed her green hair and it flowed like wind was present, which was not due to the enclosed area.

"Now then, the next person to introduce themselves will be the person on your right." (Fannie)

She looked to her right and there Fran's body jumped.

When Fannie sat, Fran panicked and looked around her only to see the gazes of everyone fixed at her.

She trembled a bit but she was able to stand, weakly.

"Umm… My name is Fran Boville, it's alright to call me just Fran! Nice to meet everyone..." (Fran)

Fran quickly sat down and hid at my side.

She raised her voice a bit there, I guess she was too shy to begin with.

"Nice to meet you also Fran." (Fannie)

Fannie smiled towards Fran, but Fran was too occupied hiding herself as her face became red.

Well then, I guess I'm up next.

From my cross-sitting position, I stood up.

"I am Ai Winston, everyone can call me Ai. I'll be in everyone's care." (Ai)

I imitated the old man's movements and bowed elegantly while raising my skirt.

I don't know what the others thought, but I was able to see a glimpse of Fran having a surprised look but at the same time twinkling eyes.

When I sat back down and I looked to my right, the noble boy slowly raised his body and he raised his chest high.

"Though sharing my name to commoners like yourselves isn't really needed, I guess I can let it slide since everyone had done so well." (Noble Boy)

Get on with it already.

"The name is Roman Oslo!" (Roman)

Was there any meaning to that, for all I know it sounded like a normal name.

"Oslo!?" (Fran)

Fran beside me raised her voice, I guess the name really had importance.

"Oh so you've noticed. That's right, I am the son of Henry Oslo, the brother of viscount Manuel Bolivar Oslo." (Roman)

Hearing all that, it still sounded the same for me.

Well, I guess his status is a bit higher when compared to nobles.

I don't really know, I never paid attention when the old man was talking about it in the past.

Fran beside me looked like shew as in despair.

Hey, if you bully Fran, I won't forgive you.

"That's enough. Titles hold nothing here, so please take your seat if you're done." (Fannie)

"Hmph, once I get out, there will be a chance that you'll be labeled as a traitor of the sate due to what you just said now didn't you." (Roman)

"I don't care. I'm not a resident of Barbara in the first place anyways." (Fannie)

"Belittling the might of Kingdome Barbara, you sure have balls even though you're a lady." (Roman)

The two glared at each other and each side didn't want to admit defeat.

But man, was that really necessary.

"Hey, is it my time to talk?" (White-haired Boy)

The white-haired person besides Roman spoke.

Since the situation won't go anywhere if it continued, Fannie sighed and nodded.

Roman sat, a smug smile rose out of his face, I want to punch him.


The white-haired boy jumped up and straightened his body.

I can see that he had done training before because both his posture and body were straight and well maintained.

"Hello everyone, I'm Len Mashiro but everyone can just call me Len." (Len)

Like a child doing his best to introduce himself, he waved his hands towards us happily.

"I'm from St. Marene orphanage. There I'm the big brother of 12 little brothers and 10 little sisters!" (Len)

He proudly popped up his chest as he said.

For an orphan, he had a kind smile, the institute must've really taken care of him.

"So you're an orphan yourself." (Fannie)

Fannie smiled at Len like everyone else, but only hers was the one that felt lonely for some reason.

"Yeah. Both my parents died at the last race war." (Len)

"I'm sorry to hear that. So your parents fought, were they soldiers?" (Fannie)

"My parents aren't soldiers like those wearing armor. But they did fight." (Len)

Fannie was confused on his answer.

Since I didn't know what they were talking about, I kept silent and listened.

"Wait, you do mean the recent war right? The war were we conquered a quarter of the Demon's Lands. If that's so, I never heard of people enlisted to join the fight. All of the soldiers there were trained veterans, why were your parents involved?" (Fannie)

"Hmm… Ah! I forgot to mention." (Len)

Len placed his hand on his head and everyone peeked at what he was doing.

He brushed his hand backwards and out of his hair, two ears popped up.

They resembled ears that of a wolf's.

"A demon kin!" (Roman)

After seeing it, Roman quickly backed away and collided with me.

Was seeing those ears really scary, they seemed fine to me.

"I see. So you're a demon." (Fannie)

"I guess? Even though I'm a demon, I was raised by sister Martha and the others in the orphanage. That means I'm a half-half!" (Len)

Len smiled and placed his hands to his waist as he puffed.

Though he had the body that could be on par with what a grown man would have, he was childish, yet at the same time not.

"Get away demon kin! Your kind is unwelcomed in Barbara's territory. What was it, St. Marene's orphanage? I will immediately dispatch soldiers in order to subjugate every last rat hiding at that place!" (Roman)

Roman shouted as he pointed towards Len.

Hearing him, Len's eyes became cold and his sight was fixed towards Roman.

Like a wolf ready to pounce on a pig, his bloodlust rose and I could see him gripping his hand.

Ah, he'd done it, I sighed in my head.

Since he was right in front of me, I wanted to push this noble person away.

Of course, I tried doing so, but he still stuck unto me.

Hiding behind a girl is cowardice!

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my family. Those that hurt my family will be hurt even more." (Len)

His tone was calm like normal, but the atmosphere surrounding it made it that the noble he was targeting began to shrivel up.

I wonder, does he by chance have a trauma on Len's kind?

"G-Guys don't fight!" (Fran)

Fran shouted as she clings to my side.

Surprising enough, everyone noticed her, even the Roman had noticed.

He avoided being gazed and returned back to his former posture.

"R-Right. Ahem. Len, do you have anything else to add?" (Fannie)

Len's face brightened up and he answered with a "No mam!" before saluting and taking his seat.

His personality changed so quickly that it was hard to believe.

"Alright… Umm, you may begin your introduction." (Fannie)

Fannie gestured to the hooded figure and the person moved.

"I guess there's no point hiding it." (???)

A feminine voice escaped out of the dark hood.

Since the person had hidden herself well enough that there was a masquerade mask worn under the hood, it was surprising to hear that the person was a girl.

The said person stood up and removed the cap.

Seeing her face, everyone had surprised expressions.

Meanwhile I remained confused on why everyone was so surprised.

Red long hair, white skin, a beautiful face, she was a beauty wherever you look.

Maybe this is why everyone looked so surprised, they were charmed!

Placing her hand to her chest, she started speaking.

"I am glad to meet everyone. As you may all know, my name is Rosetta Fourine Veredium and I am the daughter of our king Harson Messie Veredium." (Rosetta)

A dignified and noble like speak was delivered.

It wasn't the same as one Roman made, no, her words had might in them that could easily make commoners bow to their knees if they weren't ready.

Such example are, everyone, except for me.

Fran greatly lowered her body just to kneel before her and the others kneeled as well, but not was much as what Fran made.

As for me, I was sitting normally since I don't really know how much of a status she had.

"Ai, what are you doing?" (Fran)

Fran peeked at me while she had her head bowed to the floor.

She whispered towards me but I really don't know what she meant.

"Everyone, please raise your heads. Like what Fannie had said before, noble statuses are unneeded in today's situation." (Rosetta)

The three continued bowing, but as Rosetta gave a gesture towards them, they eventually reverted back to sitting.

Now that her identity was known, no one knew how to act.

"Hey Ai, why didn't you bow earlier?" (Fran)

Fran like before clings to me and whispered softly.

"Even if you ask me that, I don't know what you mean." (Ai)

"She's the princess! Of course you need to bow to royalty!" (Fran)

"Yeah… I don't get it." (Ai)

Was my common sense different from the else?

I know that she was royalty, but why should I lower my head.

She hadn't done anything to me and at the same time I hadn't done anything to her, there was no reason for me to do such action.

My head turned back to the said princess, there she was smiling towards us.

She must've heard out conversation.

"Fufufu, this is the first time that someone didn't kneel before me." (Rosetta)

"That's right! This is a foul move made by that commoner! Nonetheless, a punishments is needed for her action." (Roman)

The noble quickly followed her remarks.

It seemed that he also noticed me when he bowed earlier, wasn't that much of a surprise though.

"Sir Oslo." (Rosetta)

Hearing his family name, Roman straightened his back and faced her.

"Please remember that everyone in the country is free to do their own actions as long as it applied to the law. There is no law dictating that the highest respect must be given to those who are in the ranks of royalty. Moreover, her attitude is what this kingdom planned on achieving, a person who would act on their own accord without any chains binding their actions. Right?" (Rosetta)

Her speech finished and she smiled at my direction.

Fran must've thought that she was being directed, she quickly avoided her gaze and hid behind me.

"I'm sorry if I was rude. In truth, I do not have much knowledge about this country. That is to say, I also don't know much of this world's common sense. I was taken care of in a environment far from the reach of civilization, and so I developed these kinds of characteristics. I am sorry if my actions were unwanted." (Ai)

"Please don't mind. Like I said, I like how you acted. The one who should be at fault is sir Oslo right there." (Rosette)

Roman almost choked after hearing her.

It was funny, to choke at his own without even having anything inside his mouth.

"Excuse me, may I ask why you also joined in this event princess." (Fannie)

"Ah, Rose is alright. Likewise I would like everyone to call me as such." (Rose)

"Um… okay then… Rose, why did you decide to enroll in this school? Doesn't the kingdom have the right teachings in order to become a magician?" (Fannie)

"To your action, you are not wrong, but at the same time you're not right also." (Rose)

Fannie kept quiet and continued hearing her explanation.

"It is true that the kingdom has the right number of teachers and scholars and that it also has the facilities to facilitate teachings done but, that's all about it. As you've known, the school where we're all planning to go has facilities much more advanced than ours. An example of which is this room and the contraptions presented." (Rose)

Rose pointed towards Shelly, and Shelly waved back.

But that wasn't what she was really pointing at, the things she wanted us to see was the hourglass.

Though it looked like a normal hourglass, how it turned on its own and how it entered the room were all done by some sort of mechanism, at least that's to my understanding.

Fannie nod as to understand what she meant.

"And then you decided to go to the most advance school." (Fannie)

"Yes." (Rose)

Rose agreed to her conclusion and smiled.

Crossing her arms, Fannie began to think.

"Does anyone here any questions they might want to present?" (Rose)

I kept silent, well of course because I didn't want to question further but also because it didn't really bother me that much.

She wanted to study, that's all.

Just then I felt something move beside me an there I saw Fran raising her hand.

"Your name is Fran am I right?" (Rose)

"Ah, yes, p-princess, I-I mean Rosette, I MEAN ROSE!" (Fran)

Fran struggled one how she would address the person, but since she shouted the right choice in the end, it looked like she didn't need any help.

"Fufufu, please be at ease. Now, let me hear your question."

Rose giggled and covered her mouth, was that perhaps etiquettes she had learn, who knows.

"Umm… Is it really alright for the kingdom's princess to be here? Did your parents approve you going?" (Fran)

Of course this question was bound to pop up.

Since an influential person had begun to move, there would be people concerned on what might happen to that person if he disappeared.

And since this is the princess we're talking about, the whole country would eventually get affected by it.

"Actually, I ran away." (Rose)

"Ah, you ran away, I under- RAN AWAY!?" (Fran)

"My, you don't have to shout." (Rose)

Everyone was surprised on the princess's answer.

The princess of the country disappearing without a trace, the whole country must be in chaos right now.

"P-princess Rosette, you left the palace without telling anyone!?" (Roman)

Roman couldn't keep quiet anymore and he raised his voice.

Since both were royalty, of course Roman would be affected as well.

"Oh don't worry, I left a message to my maid. It would arrive to my father soon enough." (Rose)

With a carefree atmosphere, she giggled on her own as two people were concerned on the possible future.

By the way, Len was making different faces while listening.

He wasn't able to squeeze in between conversations and saw he just reacted depending on the events.

"If that is all, let us now here your conclusion miss Fannie." (Rose)

Leaving the two as they react on what just happened, Rose directed her voice to Fannie.

She was still crossing her arms while thinking like before, she didn't move much in the same spot.

"Miss Fannie?" (Rose)

"Ah, oh, are we finish?" (Fannie)

Snapping out her trance, Fannie rested her arms to her lap and looked at the surroundings.

Meanwhile, it seemed that since there wasn't anything they could do, the two had accepted what just happened and had returned back to their position.