
Chapter 3: Time to Start!

"Okay everyone, get up and be ready because we're going to put everyone up to the test." (Shelly)

Her smile was wide and I could tell that there was a hint of mischief in those words.

She makes a single clap and all of the sudden the whole room began to shake.

"W-What's going on!?" (Boy)

One of the boys that had gotten up immediately shouted as he felt the quake.

Well, that wasn't much of a surprise since I could see that there were also others starting to panic.

Even Fran that was beside me moved towards my back and cling unto me closer.

"First test is resistance." (Shelly)

The room's tiles began to change into the color red.

As they changed, the room's temperature suddenly raised and the heat enveloped everyone.

Sweat dropped at everyone's foreheads and there were even those that collapsed due to the sheer heat.

Though I could bear it, the heat was the same as being near a campfire in the middle of the day.

"Oh I forgot, there's a part of the room for those who wants to give up." (Shelly)

She pointed behind us and there, a part of the room still had white tiles as its wall and floor.

Those that had collapsed earlier began to move in the middle of the heat and stayed inside the space.

Seeing their relaxed expression, I could guess that it was the only portion of the room that didn't have the effects of the trial.

From 21, our numbers dropped into 15.

The one's that given up either had thick clothes or extravagant one's, they were probably nobles that wanted to enroll.

Well that's to say, there were still nobles within our peers having a smug smile plastered on their faces.

"Alright that's enough." (Shelly)

The tiles turned back to white and the heat that was experienced had disappeared like it never happened.

Though, everyone was breathing roughly after experiencing it.

I looked behind me and there Shelly was panting.

For a small simple girl, my thoughts of her being weak was easily brushed off.

"Ha, don't worry about me… I can handle it."

She still made pauses between her words in order to breath.

"Hahaha! Is that all? If that is so, this trial isn't that hard than I expected." (Noble boy)

One of the boys shouted towards Shelly as he pumped his chest forward.

Intimidating an examiner isn't really needed, the stench of a noble is coming out of his prideful smile.

"I see that a lot of you had easily survived that. Well then, as per requested by your friend there, let's raise the bar a bit higher than normal shall we." (Shelly)

Shelly smiled like a kind mother, but chills only ran down everyone's smile as they heard her.

"Since I'm kind, I'll give everyone here some cool air." (Shelly)

A clapping sound was given off by her hands and the tiles once again changed.

Now, they had turned into the color blue, except for where the once that had given up were.

A white smoke escaped my mouth as I exhaled.

It was freezing, like being left out outside in the middle of winter, it was freezing cold!

I embraced myself in order to let my body heat itself up, but I could guess that I won't last if this condition continued.

"Ha…ha…ha… I… can… deal… with.this.easily." (Noble boy)

The boy that shouted before still boasted as he shivered.

To think that his pride could withstand this, how truly noble like.

As I looked at everyone shivering due to the cold, a warm embrace melted the heat off my lower back.

It was Fran, tightening her embrace, the heat flowing off her arms was pleasing.

Actually, it was kind of abnormal.

"Please don't move Ai. I'm using magic in order to heat ourselves." (Fran)

I was amazed to see that Fran actually had magic.

However, is magic even allowed while were doing the trial?

I looked upwards to where Shelly was and I was surprised that she was actually staring back at me.

Did she perhaps notice that Fran was using magic, that, is actually quite possible.

Looking around, I noticed our numbers had decreased again, but not as many as before.

Only 12 remained, including the noble boy from before.

The temperature rose and the tiles began to turn white again, indicating that the test was over.

"Now, wasn't that a good way to cool off. Actually, there are breaks given before every trial and a warning is also given before it starts. But since I see that everyone is stronger than what they look like, I guess those aren't needed are those." (Shelly)

Shelly glared towards us.

Moreover, everyone glared at the noble boy that boasted before.

There were even angry stares coming out of the safe zones, must be the ones that quitted just now.

Seeing us, he simple smiled like it was but a trivial thing.

"Hmm, I'm hungry. How about we have a snack." (Shelly)

Shelly produced a paper bag and out of it she brought a sandwich.

Just then, the tiles of the wall in front of us began to turn green and out of its cracks green liquid spilled out.

It bubbled up and dropped unto the floor, then it moved and wiggled towards us.

The only thing comprehendible about this is that they were living beings, monsters.

In simpler forms, they were slimes.

Though they're weak to magic, they are dangerous due to the characteristics they possessed.

"Corrosion Slimes!" (Wizard Girl)

A girl holding a wooden cane shouted.

Knowing its name, everyone jumped back and gathered together.

Others ran as they saw the monster and quickly placed themselves in the safe zone.

Corrosion Slimes, though weak to magic especially ice, they are dangerous when touched. They can easily dissolve any kind of material once they've eaten it and simply touching them could melt away your skin.

"Hey! Isn't this too much even for us! Even C rank adventurers avoid these things!" (Wizard Girl)

The girl from before shouted towards Shelly, but everyone's eyes were wide.

To Shelly it was like a show, she ate the sandwich as she waved her hands towards us.

The girl made an irritated face and quickly raised his staff.

"Everyone! Fire your magic and don't stop!" (Wizard Girl)

Though she wasn't in command, everyone nodded to her and raised their weapons.

Some only raised their hands like me while other raised their staff or staves at the slimes.

"Burn what is before me, Fireball!"

"Needle of ice pierce my enemies, Ice Needle!"

Everyone fire their own magic towards them as I watched.

With the mass amount of magic being thrown, the slimes were sopped at their tracks, that would have been the case.

Some of the slimes were able to slip through and were heading towards where we were.

Fran from behind me ran in front of me and raised her hand.

"Wash away the filth before me, Water Wave!" (Fran)

From her hand came out rushing waters that quickly stopped the approaching slimes.

But, it was too weak.

The slimes were stopped by it, by I can see that they were able to move while resisting.

"Good job pipsqueak. Time for me to show my magic!" (???)

When I looked to my left to see who spoke, a white-haired boy raised a blue cane and smiled.

"Suffer the freezing point of ice! Thundra!" (White-haired boy)

The water that flowed against the slimes started to freeze.

It crawled towards the slimes that had gotten caught by the waves and instantly froze them in their place.

The slimes themselves froze due to their bodies being mostly made out of liquid.

But even though they were frozen, they were alive and if there were already hints of the ice beginning to melt due to the slime's properties.

There were some that had gotten the idea and were displaying a worried face.

"Good job everyone, now stand back!" (Wizard Girl)

We looked behind us and there we saw the girl from before with a tired look.

She was at a distance away, at the wall behind us.

On a white tile was a circle drawn using what seemed to be coal.

Inside the circle were symbols and designs forming shapes, it was a magic circle used by magicians.

"Hide my presence but show my allies my thunderous roar! Lightning Beacon!" (Wizard Girl)

The circle began to shine and sizzling sparks escaped its interior.

Seeing it ready to strike, those in the way panicked and ran aside.


A rough lightning noise was produced as lighting escaped out of the circle and targeted the monsters.

Actually, I knew what that spell was.

In the past, when we were still starting in building out house, I was distracted when I was following the old man and ended up lost in the forest.

Not knowing where I came from and where to go, I cried as I feared on what lurked inside the dark.

But then, I heard lighting even though the sky was clear.

I saw where it was made and seeing it close by, I followed it.

There stood the old man as he waved towards me.

"Haa… Ha… I didn't expect that to work…" (Wizard Girl)

The target of the spell had disappeared and what was left was a burn mark on the opposite wall and the trail were the lightning was directed.

The girl fell on her knees, without her staff she would've fell completely.

"Wow! You sure are amazing miss!" (White-haired boy)

The white-haired boy from earlier praised the girl and gave her a thumbs up.

Likewise, everyone praised her also.

That is, except for the noble man who was crossing his arms while having an irritated face.

"Haha, it wasn't much. That was the only lightning spell I know off, and it wasn't even for offense." (Wizard Girl)

"Oh, let me help you." (Ai)

Since… I was useless at the situation earlier, I immediately ran towards her and gave her a hand.

"Thanks." (Wizard Girl)

She smiled and grabbed my hand and with my help she lifted her body back up again.

Another person approached us, it Fran.

"Let me help also. Calm the body, calm the mind. Refresh." (Fran)

The girl's body began to heat up and her eyes widen.

She lets go of my hand and stood on her own.

"Wow, you know healing magic?" (Wizard Girl)

"Just a little." (Fran)

I was happy to see that both were smiling at each other, but I was still concern with one thing.

"Are you alright though? I saw you use magic and I'm guessing that it must've tired you right?" (Ai)

Noticing my question, Fran laughed shyly at me.

"Well, I am tired… But I'm happy to help!" (Fran)

Fran showed a dignified face rather than a tired one.

This girl's surely a strong one.

The wizard girl giggled while seeing her.

Then, claps could be heard on top of us.

"Well, well, well. To think that there are still a lot even though that just happened. Well, I guess your numbers have already dropped to the single digit." (Shelly)

The examiner that was clapping as she safely stood on top of the platform smiled.

No, it was more of a grin as she saw us.

From 21 to 9, our numbers had dropped even though we just experienced three trials.

"I'm amazed. Since this is the first time for me to see this much in three trials, let me tell you guys a little secret." (Shelly)

Just then, screams echoed behind us and when we looked back, there was a black tile.

There was a hole on where the safe zone was, and everyone who stayed there had disappeared.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine. Our school doesn't really indulge in killing without profit." (Shelly)

Her words were frightening.

"Let me tell everyone this, in the past the same trials were given and between every one of them was a resting period where you can eat, rest, play, talk, and do whatever you can. But since a certain someone showed too much pride, I also needed to show some pride myself. Well, I see that even without it everyone had survived this far." (Shelly)

The noble boy avoided everyone's glances.

I don't know what kind of expression he was making, but knowing how it was his fault, it must've affected him strongly.

"As a prize, let the next trial be the last one. In truth, there were supposed to be ten trials, but since everyone survived three without resting, I guess we can make an exception." (Shelly)

Ten trials, if ten trials were given, how would everyone be.

Would there be even survivors if it was done.

Like everyone else, everyone reacted to her words.

Some sighed in relief while others were trembling with horror.

There were also one's like the silver hair guy where their eyes were shining and there were one's like me that were taking these calmly.

Since nothing would be beneficial if fear suddenly ate us, I remained calm.

I also noticed that the wizard girl from before wasn't speaking and was paying close attention to Shelly's words.

"As a bonus!" (Shelly)

Shelly pointed upwards and the hourglass spins upwards.

The grains then began to pour downwards.

"Like before, a five-minute break will be given. Also…" (Shelly)

Hearing the word break would make everyone feel relief, but since she cut her own words, everyone paid close attention.

"The next trial will be a dragon. Be ready alright~." (Shelly)

To Shelly's words, everyone froze and spoke no words.

"Oh, you can just jump down that hole if you don't want to join."

"This old project will become active!... Hopefully..."

Yunyun_Yobuncreators' thoughts