
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasy
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80 Chs

The Backward World

  The carriage wheels are "creaking", the ground of Blackwater City is paved with irregular green stones, very uneven, sitting in the carriage feels a little bumpy.

  Merlin sat beside Mei Xue, from her body wafted a faint girlish fragrance, so that Merlin felt very comfortable, but the carriage is really too bumpy, he sat for a while, some discomfort, so he leaned back on the carriage, feet slightly bent, such a position to make him feel more comfortable.

  However, Mei Xue was dissatisfied, she looked at Merlin's legs that were straddling in front of her and frowned slightly, "Merlin, can't you put your legs in place? You are a nobleman, you have to have the manners of a nobleman."

  "I'll just lie down, I didn't sleep well last night."

  Merlin casually perfunctory, still my way, maintaining the position that makes him most comfortable.

  Mei Xue unexpectedly did not fight with Merlin, she gently bit her lips, a hint of concern appeared on her face and carefully asked, "Is it because of Avril?"

  Merlin did not answer, while Mei Xue continued on by herself: "In fact, you don't have to worry too much, Avril has been officially engaged to you after all, this is the testimony of decades of friendship between the Barman family and my Wilson family, Avril will marry you after all. But you should not go fooling around in the future, use more snacks on Avril, maybe she will like you."

  Although Merlin closed his eyes, but did not really sleep, Mei Xue's words, he also firmly in mind.

  "Avril is my fiancee? But the meaning of Mei Xue's words, it seems that Avril does not like me ... How come I have no half impression in my memory?"

  Merlin only gained a part of the memory, while some memories are permanently lost, in order not to reveal the horse and be suspected by others, he has to pay attention to every word of everyone around him and analyze the key information.

  Like Mei Xue mentioned Avril, is certainly particularly important information, Merlin also all secretly in mind.

  Lying for a while, Merlin also felt some boredom, it lifted the curtain, a cold wind outside filled in, so Merlin cold shiver.

  "It's almost winter ...," Merlin said with emotion. It's September, the last month of autumn, but the cold seems to have come early.

  "Yeah, it's almost winter, and for some reason this year, it's getting colder and colder."

  Mei Xue wrapped her clothes tightly and her body curled up in the corner of the carriage.

  It seems to be raining gray and drizzly outside, there are not many people on the street, there are just a group of a dozen vagrants who are on their knees begging from the well-dressed people walking on the street.

  These vagrants are wearing rough linen picked up from who knows where, thin as a strip of twine, eyes full of the color of desire, there are even some very young children.

  Others saw these vagrants, are a disgusted look, some also covered their mouths and noses, speed up the pace away, Merlin lightly swept the eyes of these vagrants, and then will be gathered in the street a group of young riders on horseback.

  These knights are uniformly dressed in silver light armor, wrapped around the upper body, holding a wooden shield in their hands, and carrying a half-high sword on their backs, looking formidable. The crowd on the street seemed to fear these knights, while some children, when they saw these knights, had a hint of envy on their faces.

  Merlin frowned, he did not know these knights, but he was more afraid to ask Meixue.

  Mei Xue was in the carriage, also saw these knights, seemed to be very disdainful, coldly said: "It's this group of guys again, the knights of the city defense corps, not useful in appearance. So many people out of the city, I'm afraid which town has encountered thieves again, recently it's really getting more and more peaceful, there are many towns around Blackwater City have appeared a large number of thieves."

  Merlin did not speak, but quietly all this information in his heart, now he just came to this world, and the memory in his mind is very confusing, should not talk much.

  Merlin secretly observed for a while, these city defense regiment knights although only a hundred people, but well-equipped, and each person's body has a solemn aura, will never be Mei Xue mouth said in the middle of the look but not useful.

  These knights were going out of town and soon disappeared from Merlin's sight. After watching for a while, Merlin also felt the cold wind stinging his bones, so he lowered the curtain and hid in the warm carriage.

  I don't know how long it took, but the carriage gradually stopped, and Moss, the servant who drove the carriage, shouted softly, "Young Master Meilin and Miss Mei Xue, have arrived at the church."

  "Okay, get off, the church is here!"

  Meixue looked in high spirits and jumped out of the carriage at once, Merlin followed behind him and also got out of the carriage, he gently stretched his body and craned his slightly stiff neck before he looked up and saw a church in front of him.

  This church covers an extremely large area, almost as big as four or five soccer fields, the people who come and go are ordinary believers, but also some noble lords in noble dress, they all come to the church early in the morning to pray.

  The Kingdom of Light is a belief in the God of Light, the Church is extremely powerful, almost every city has a Church of Light church, like now early in the morning to pray, but also a steady stream of people.

  Merlin also followed the congregation to the church hall, the hall painted snow-white walls, with a huge frescoes, these brightly colored, living giant frescoes, apparently are singing the praises of the God of Light religious frescoes.

  Merlin saw a fresco in the center with a tall, blurry, unreadable deity, emanating a soft holy light. The white holy light enveloped many ordinary believers, old people, children, men and women, nobles, commoners and even criminals, all of whom had devout, peaceful smiles on their faces under the shining of the holy light.

  The name of this religious fresco is called God loves the world, is written in the light script, Merlin inherited a part of the memory in his mind, so also recognize the light script on the fresco.

  In addition to this fresco of God's love for the world, there are some frescoes such as God drives away darkness, God brings light, God punishes the devil, God sends down miracles, God blesses believers, etc. Although the stories on the frescoes are different, but the meaning expressed is the same, are singing the praises of the glorious deeds of the God of light.

  The devotees, all with their heads bowed and hands against their chests, guided by the priest, were praying, and for a time, the large church was filled with the sounds of various prayers.

  Merlin thought of the bony homeless man in the street just now, and then saw the people who were praying religiously, he finally realized that this is still a very backward world after all!