
Mafia : you ruined me till my last breath

You killed me every time you called me

AsMae_Ourara · Teen
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6 Chs


" we are going to leave the place " nothing will change so I have nothing to do here , the longer I stay the more I regret so I just need to leave smoothly .

" okay "

Three years passed and lisa become a number of that mafia , they took her and teach her until she become a professional hacker , she was so much closer to the boss of the mafia .

Door open!!!

" boss you called for me "

" yes Lucy , sit down , it's been a long time you grow up too much in that year ,you become a real pretty lady "

"Thank you sir for your compliment "looking at her cold face, the face of someone who had nothing left.

"Aren't you going at least to smile in my face, stop being cold "she looks at him in the eyes saying?

"There is no place for emotion in this organization, wasn't you who told me that?"

Knock!!!! Knock!!!!!

" boss its ..."

" haven't I told you not to come in whenever I am with Lucy !!!!!"

" I knew , but it's an Emergency " the assistant was scared and worried

" say it " he looked at the boss and looked at Lucy ,she noticed that she must leave the place

"anyway !! Thank you for your care , I need to go I have shooting " she leaves the office with a mind full of questions 'what's makes him so worried , it must be something serious'