
Mafia : you ruined me till my last breath

You killed me every time you called me

AsMae_Ourara · Teen
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6 Chs


at that time my hand start shivering, I was so scared, I even couldn't stand in my place , I want to make it up to them saying

"I have no attention on telling people about anything I saw in your website, so please leave me. "

" its too late now sweetie ,take it " what did he sent to me , I opened the email and the shock was my family .

" what are you going to do to them , let my family they have nothing to do with that , please take me , it was me who bothered you not them " he laughs loudly.

"WHAT!!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING LIKE THAT, did I say something funny to make you happy "

" you know what it will be a waste of talent if I killed you hahaha , you need to choose between your freedom or your family life "

I don't know, should i be happy or sad because he gives me a decision which will get my family out of this , and the second was losing my freedom , I don't know what will happened to me but it was obvious that I will choose my family , I think that what they called Karma justice.

"Damn it, haha it's so funny!!! you know my choice will be my family safely "

it seems like god punished me for everything I have done in the past , I deserve everything , it was all my fault, that's the result of my selfishness . at that moment it was the first time that I wanted to die from the bottom of my heart , I went to the balcony of our house trying to end my life . I looked at the ground imagining my self lying on the ground , crying for not apologize to my mum , " this time it gonna be the end 1…..2…..

ring ring !!!!! my phone ringing it was him I couldn't just ignore him .

" don't think of committing suicide or all your family will suffer because of you , it's your last time to show your love to your family , try not to be selfish "

What was I trying to do , what wrong with me!!!! He was right, at least I'm going to do something good in my life, I'm not going to say that I have no regret, but at least my conscience won't offend me for what I have done, and my mind will be at ease for them.

I walked around the house , creating my last memory , I don't want to but I'm going to say goodbye .

I opened the door , there were too many people in the front of the house , they took me and burn the house . I had never imagined seeing my childhood house burns until its ashes, what have I done to this family , from the start I bring just bad luck and misery , forgive me mother , I'm sorry father , I have crossed the line . I was in the car waiting till I saw my family coming in a hurry screaming my name

I was biting myself so I couldn't scream , when they were taking me to their place I called him and asked for last meeting with my family , he agreed but the condition was seeing them from a far , I was okay with that .