
Mafia world- Two Worlds Apart

Revenge was her only reason for living. Alice wanted them to feel the same pain she endured. Her heart died along with him the day he died. She would never love another. She was trained to have no compassion and to show no mercy, but what will happen when Alice finds out everything she was told was a lie? What will she do when her whole reason for living changes? Kevin was adopted by the most feared mafia leader. When he came of age he took over from his adoptive father. He kept his promise he made her when they parted. He searched for her as he promised, but what happens when he found her and finds out she is their clans sworn enemy and not the same girl he used to know what will he do?

Voges · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

"Hey, Tess,"

"Maisie? Please tell me you are back."

"I am back!!!" Maisie sang over the phone.

"AHHHHHH!" Tess screamed which made Maisie hold the phone away from her ear.

"You want to go to Club La Vita tonight?" Maisie asked.

"Hell yeah! I am down on getting smashed tonight!"

"Yeah! Will you inform the rest of the girls? Oh, and should I come and pick you up?"

"Yes, I will let them know. They are going to be thrilled, and yes, please. I think it is best. I don't want to total my car tonight. My dad will kill me."

"Then it's settled. How late should I come and pick you up?"

"How about past ten?"

"Okay, I will see you then. Bye." Maisie ended the call.

The girls were a total of six. Tess walked in front swaying her hips. The black mini dress barely covered her bum.

Tess trailed her finger around the bouncer.

"Hello Ivan, have you missed me?"

Ivan smiled at Tess as she was circling him.


He opened the red rope.

"Ladies" Ivan motioned with his hand for them to enter.

Maisie was the last to walk past him,

"Hey, Maisie. How have you been? It's good to see your back"

Maisie turned and smiled at Ivan, "Hey Ivan, Good thanks, and yourself?"

"Also good thanks. Tell the boss I said hello when you see him,"

"Will do," Masie said and continue walking.

Inside, the nightclub Maisie watch as the DJ bounced along the riddim of the music. She looked around at the girl and guys dancing. Neon lights shine around the room. Happiness showed on their faces as if all their problems were taken away for this one night. Their body swayed to the beat of the music. She passed couples making out and others dancing with their eyes closed. Maisie searched through the crowd for her friends.

"Maisie over here," Tess waved her hands as she screamed.

Maisie shifted between the crowd towards her friend.

"Maisie!!!" Tess screamed in excitement. Tess grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

The girls walked through the crowd toward the bar and ordered drinks. After a few drinks, they walked to the dance floor and started dancing. Maisie swayed her body to the beat. After a while, she felt Tess's back dancing up against her. She smiled over her shoulder and moved her body against Tess's.

"Tess, I am going to get something to drink. Do you want something?" Maisie asked

"What?" Tess shouted back holding her ear to Maisie,

Maisie raised her voice. "DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO DRINK?"

Tess shook her head and continue dancing.

Maisie walked over to the bar looking at the rest of her friends who were dancing with random guys.

"Hello Mike, One Mojito please," Maisie said to the bartender

He nodded and walked away. Maisie looked toward the dance floor bobbing her head to the music.

"I haven't seen you around here before,"

Maisie looked next to her. His shocking blue eyes caught her attention first. Her eyes moved down to his body seeing his white shirt tightly hugging his muscles. 'Oh my. His smile! It would make any woman melt'

She noticed him mouthing something to her, which brought her back to reality.

Maisie tilted her head. and pointed to her ear, "Sorry what did you say?"

He moved toward her letting their arms touch faintly.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?"

His breath near her ear sent a tingling sensation through her.

"No, I -" She looked at the bartender who placed her drink in front of her.

"Here you go, Maisie. Good to see you are back."

"Thank Mike," she said as she raised her glass toward him.

He winked and served the girl standing next to her.


Maisie looked at the guy again. She studied him as she took a sip from her drink.

"Let me guess your family owns this place or you are a regular and my attempt to flirt with you just got blown back in my face."

Maisie smiled at his words, and clicked her glass against his,

"I will give you another chance," She reached her hand out toward him.

"Maisie Rodriquez, Nice to meet you…"

He smirked at her and took her hand in his,

"Luca Canali,"

Maisie smiled as she looked down at their entwined hands. Her hand felt warm in his. It fitted perfectly.

"You can let go now." She said,

"What if I don't want to,"

Maisie notices a girl glaring at her from across the bar.

"It seems your girlfriend minds though. I don't want any trouble. So can you please let go?" Maisie motioned to the girl with her chin,

He frowned, "I don't have a girlfriend," He followed her stare and glanced at the girl Masie was motioning to. "I don't know who that is, but I promise you I don't have a girlfriend."

"And how do I know you are telling the truth? For all, I know you have a wife and two children."

He had released her hand and was busy taking a sip. Her words caught him off-guard almost making him choke on the drink.

"Hack - hack." he coughed

"No. I promise I don't have a girlfriend, wife, or anyone." He turned toward the dance floor. "Do you want to dance?"

"Maisie?" Tess screamed as she stumbled over to Maisie and threw her arms around Maisie's neck.

"Why are you taking so long? Come and dance with me," Tess moaned

Maisie held Tess at the waist trying to help her stand upright.

"Tess, how much have you drunk?" Maisie asked.

Tess looked next to her and spotted Luca.

"Who is this hottie over here?"

"Tess!" Maisie called out.

Tess jerked her head back to Maisie, "What? He is fine. You can't disagree with me." Tess slurred her words out.

Maisie looked worriedly at Tess. "Tess, what is going on with you? This is not like you. What did you drink?"

"Did shot with those hotties over there." Tess pointed toward a group of guys. She starts to tug at her clothes, "Wow, why is it getting hot in here."

"Tess! How many times have I told you not to do that? Shit. we need to get you to a hospital."

The guy Tess had pointed to smiled and walked over to them.

"Hey, beautiful. You told us you were getting your friend. But it has been a while since you left." His eyes roamed over Maisie's body which made her feel uncomfortable. "Is this your friend?" He asked as he licked his lips. "She is quite fine."

"What did you give her," Maisie asked as she held onto Tess helping her to not fall over.

"Now - now, don't be like that. Come with me and I will give you the same."

"I will…" Maisie got interrupted by Tess,

"Maisie, I do not feel too good," Tess said against Maisie then grabbed her mouth.

Maisie looked concerned down at Tess. She moved her eyes to the guy in front of her. She knew she had to get Tess out of there as soon as possible, but the guy was blocking their way.

"Get out of my way!" Maisie screamed furious at the guy.

"Looks like you need a little help."

Luca was watching everything from the side. He stood up and placed himself between the guy and Maisie.

"Move, or do you want me to help you? It seems you did not hear the lady."

The guy's eyes widened when he saw Luca. He nodded then turned and walked toward his friends.

Maisie released the breath she was holding. She looked grateful at Luca, "Thank you."

"Do you need help?" He asked as he looked at Tess.

"Yes please," Maisie said in relief,

Luca took Tess from Maisie and picked her up. As they walked out Maisie stopped by Mike and whispered something to him. Mike looked to Tess in Luca's arms and nodded then strode into the club.

"Where is your car?" Luca asked.

Maisie motioned to her car and unlocked it.

They turned as they heard a commotion behind them. The guy that encountered Maisie fell out of the door. He looked horrified back at the door. Blood was pouring from his nose, and his left eye was already shut. Mike walked out and before the guy could stand up Mike kicked him in the stomach.

"Maisie, I …" Tess called out then puked over Luca's shirt.

Maisie gritted her teeth as she looked at Luca. "I'm sorry…"

Luca closed his eyes "You owe me big."

"I know. I know. Let's get her in the car."