
Mafia or Professor

Carsyn pov OMG!!!!!!!! It's already 8 am. How could I miss my alarm today, seriously today! This is the day i have been eagerly waiting for. No i guess it's not only me. Almost all the girls in the university have been waiting for this day. You know why? Cause it's Thursday. Yes you are reading right. Just because today is THE THURSDAY! Thrusday means today is the class of my boyfriend. Ha ha just kidding, it's not my boyfriend but obviously the one i want as my husband. And he is Andreas Finley. The Most handsome species till now i have laid my eyes on. He is 28 years old, with a Greek god like perfect face with blue eyes, perfect height of 6.2, having a damn sexy body and with a devil like attitude with a never smiling stern face. There are rumours that he is worse than the devil and his profession as a professor is just to cover up his real business. Still i am not sure but may be it's true cause he takes only one class per week. Oh, how i wish he was only mine even though he is a devil or what not but it's not possible in this life time since there is a rumor that he is already married. So, what if he is already married, i can still have a good look at him without paying any tax. All the girls in university drool over him. I guess his wife is really the lucky one. If only i was his wife, Carsyn Andreas Finley, how pleasing it sounds to my ears! . ..... Oh no i am already late, i guess i am not going to get a seat in the first row. Oh god please make leo take the seat in first row. Leo, he is my best friend. That nerd boy alway comes first but if he is not going to get a seat in the first row, I'll surely kill him and then go to prison. **** Author This is going to be interesting. Will Carsyn davis be able to get the attention and love from the devil professor Andreas finley? If yes, how? And how will the devil react to carsyn's love? Will he love her? If yes , what about his wife? Has Andreas noticed her until now? if not how will things proceed from here?

Chetssyav · Realistic
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27 Chs

Really Disturbing

Chapter 7

Andreas Finley POV

I am feeling something different and I am not liking this feeling it's really disturbing and irritating to me.

That girl is disturbing and disobedient. She is now On the list of one bad student.

A bad student for me doesn't mean who is not good at studying Despite their hard work.

Bad students for meares those who break my rule.

Rule No.1 Never be late for class even a minute

Rule No. 2 Always be attentive in class.

Rule No. 3 Don't behave like a nursery kid.

Rule No. 4 Don't show your lovey-dovey act to others when you are in college to study not to show your love interaction.

Rule No.5 Don't Have any other relationship with your teacher except teacher-student relations.

And for this girl we are now talking about Miss David is someone who is just one day had become in the top list of Bad students.

She had disobeyed all my Rule except for rule no 5. Maybe that is why on the mentioning of her name I was irritated.

At 1st she came a total of 2 min late to my class today,

And then she was not interested in my class when I was giving a lecture about a very important topic.

After that, she was running all over with her hair wild being chased by her boyfriend all the way and then colloid with me.

Very disappointing being a medical student she is not carrying herself like one making her boyfriend tour on the wheelchair for patients and showing their love all over the college.

But wait why is she asking about her. Is it that she is taking Miss David as a threat to her position as Mrs. Finley.

I smirked at her and said, " Why is that your concern who is she to me?"

Although I have not touched or treated her as my wife in person I had always pretended to be a good and caring husband.

So, no one can treat her position as was stated in the contract.

She looked at me and then said " it's my concern because..."

She stopped in the middle while talking maybe because of fear cause I was looking at her as if in the next second my hand will be on her throat if she will say any word against my will.

And what's more irritating is something stop talking in middle.

I then asked " Because? "

At first, she didn't speak, and then after receiving my glare, she said " because she was in your office today. "

Fuck, yes she was in my office but how come that became her concern.

I then asked "And then? "

She looked away and said, "She seems to have a crush on you and you seem to care about her otherwise you wouldn't have helped her from falling."

He squinted his eye and said " Mad freak, Don't interfere with my students. "

She then laughed like a menace " Why do you care about her so much? "

I couldn't bear this woman anymore So, I stand up and reach to her with my hand on my neck with the speed of electricity and said " Don't interfere in my life where you aren't supposed to be, enjoy your place. "

And what she is babbling that I care for Mrs. David I just help her from falling.

Does she think I will care about someone who is such disobedient and disturbing? she doesn't even fit in my liking.


Carsyn David POV.

I am finally at the hostel and although as I mentioned my friend is now part of me still I am missing my home so much that I can't express myself in words.

All I am feeling now, all I wish now is I close my eye, and the next second when open it I will be in my 5th year of MBBS giving final exams.

Haha, I am so full of myself, isn't it? But seriously guys wanna complete my study as soon as possible.

I have already shared with my friends about My never becoming husband and all their reaction was ARE YOU SERIOUS HE IS MARRIED.

What the fuck guys, I know he is married, what I am saying is I have a crush on him or my be more than that I am not saying I am going to marry him.

But if I get the chance I will. Haha just kidding I have my brain still with me.

But seriously speaking looking at him yesterday how soft he was with rose I want him more. You must be thought of as a crazy girl. But imagine him be caring, soft for you and only you.

huh rose I getting jealous of that woman and who won't be she is beautiful as well behave and soft at the same time which is enough to make a girl wanna be lesbian and boy falling on her feet more than she had My never becoming husband as her long become a husband.


I am going to skip the next class cause you know the girl's problem.

Yeah my talented friend you are guessing right what I mean is menstruation (period).

Today is my second. Along with cramps in my lower abdomen, I am also dealing with the river of blood flowing every time I am sneezing.

What more devil is I have been continuously sneezing from the morning.

After this third class, I no longer have any strength to do class.

Overall these things this irritating leo is continuously nagging me about what type of cramp pain experiencing.

Dude are you serious. Only if I would have been as strong as bruce lee, I would have been shown him not only the pain of period cramp but also of pain experienced at delivering a baby.


I am on the way to my hostel walking like a zombie but I am feeling like someone is following me.

I think I am hallucinating who the fuck will follow me but I have continuous feelings of being followed and had an eye on.

But initially when I saw no one was there.


Someone grabbed me by my hair and before I could make more noise the put his hand on my mouth.

But why me?

I mean why me? I haven't taken a loan from anyone or done fraud.