
Mafia or Professor

Carsyn pov OMG!!!!!!!! It's already 8 am. How could I miss my alarm today, seriously today! This is the day i have been eagerly waiting for. No i guess it's not only me. Almost all the girls in the university have been waiting for this day. You know why? Cause it's Thursday. Yes you are reading right. Just because today is THE THURSDAY! Thrusday means today is the class of my boyfriend. Ha ha just kidding, it's not my boyfriend but obviously the one i want as my husband. And he is Andreas Finley. The Most handsome species till now i have laid my eyes on. He is 28 years old, with a Greek god like perfect face with blue eyes, perfect height of 6.2, having a damn sexy body and with a devil like attitude with a never smiling stern face. There are rumours that he is worse than the devil and his profession as a professor is just to cover up his real business. Still i am not sure but may be it's true cause he takes only one class per week. Oh, how i wish he was only mine even though he is a devil or what not but it's not possible in this life time since there is a rumor that he is already married. So, what if he is already married, i can still have a good look at him without paying any tax. All the girls in university drool over him. I guess his wife is really the lucky one. If only i was his wife, Carsyn Andreas Finley, how pleasing it sounds to my ears! . ..... Oh no i am already late, i guess i am not going to get a seat in the first row. Oh god please make leo take the seat in first row. Leo, he is my best friend. That nerd boy alway comes first but if he is not going to get a seat in the first row, I'll surely kill him and then go to prison. **** Author This is going to be interesting. Will Carsyn davis be able to get the attention and love from the devil professor Andreas finley? If yes, how? And how will the devil react to carsyn's love? Will he love her? If yes , what about his wife? Has Andreas noticed her until now? if not how will things proceed from here?

Chetssyav · Realistic
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27 Chs

Mr. handsome

Chapter 8

Carysn Pov

I am feeling my head being heavy also there is a pain like I had been hit on my head with some heavy metallic thing.

There is some sort of noise that is bugging my ear like a mosquito singing it's very disturbing making my head hurt.

I wanna open my eye but my lead is still heavy making it difficult for me to open my eye.

But I heard somebody talking.

Voice A " What did you hit her?"

Voice B"I was in bad mood."

VoIce A " Boss clearly ordered us not to hurt her. "

Voice B " now what are we going to do? "

Voice A " we will say she was being disobedient."

Voice B " So, When are we going to inform the boss, should we wait for her to become conscious or Should we inform them now?"

Voice A " Let's inform now."

Why am I here? And what are they talking about? Who is their boss? And why the fuck i am bought here with my eye cover, hand and leg tied.

And who is his boss and why did he order to kidnap.

Could it be that he is attracted by my beauty and want to make me his wife?

Oh no I can't marry him, ok ok although I accept it was me who promised to myself I will no more follow My never becoming husband but I still can't let go of my fantasy for him.

Oh my God am I a nut or what how can I even imagine all these things when my life is in danger.

I don't even know why they bought me here, are they going to blackmail my parents for money.

Or as it is written in the novel they try to kill me or touch me and My Mr.right will come to help me out of this.

What the fuck Carson please come out of your novel world I said to myself. If there was something like Mr.Right he would have already come and helped you out of this


Author Pov

When Carsyn was busy in her crazy thought she heard one of man among them talking to someone " boss what are we supposed to do with her?"

" ok boss I got it. "

Voice A " Boss asked us to wait for a while he is going to come and then we can leave this.

Later after some time, Carsyn heard a heavy sexy voice Which was somewhat like the voice of professor finley.

Although she found the voice attractive and want to see the owner of the voice she was sure he was not Mr. Finley.

She heard the footstep coming towards her. She shrinks her body into a small ball.

And the very next second she felt a hand behind her head opening the blindfold for her.

When her blindfold was opened but she still pretended as if she is unconscious but her eyelid betrayed her.

But Carol didn't fall for her pretentious act, a smirk appeared on his lips, and said: " Miss beauty you don't have to pretend, I can see you there your eyelid betraying you in the act of playing a game of unconsciousness."

As soon as Carson listen she open her eye and she was looking at the handsome man without blinking.

She even forgot to ask the questions that had been bugging nonstop in her head about why did have to kidnap her, and what did he want?

She even started comparing her feature of carol with Mr. Finley.

Carol too was amused by the girl in front of him about the fact that she has been kidnapped but there was no fear in her eye rather she is lost in looking at him.

Carsyn pov.

God, please help me why the fuck is so handsome that I can't even decide who is more handsome him or Mr. Finley.

Fuck, fuck, fuck you Carsyn David is even in the right state of mind why the fuck do you have to compare these two.

But believe me, guys he is so handsome that if I had not fallen for Mr. Finley I would have hit on this Mr


carol pov.

What's wrong with this lady's mind.

She had been kidnapped but there is no sign of fear in her eye rather she is looking at me with amusement without blinking.

I know I am handsome haha, no one can resist my charm.

I am feeling like she is interesting why not I will have some talk with her until rose will come.

Carsyn pov.

When I was lost in my world.

This Mr.Handsome snapped his hand in front of my face I came back to reality.

And there was a smirk on his face. somehow I wanna punch his handsome face and make his teeth fall so that he can never smirk at me.

He then speaks " hey beauty let's have little interaction."

Somehow his energy makes me feel like he intended no harm to me. If so, why the fuck did he even kidnap me.

And this time I smirked and said " hello Mr. Handsome, I doubt you have kidnapped me just to have little interaction."

And there he raised his eyebrow with a big smile plastered on his face and said "Miss beauty seems to have some shot of misunderstanding."

I was confused by his question but I haven't shown any such expression on my face and continued to play cool, looking at my surrounding, my tied hand, and blindfold that was just taken off by this Mr. Handsome making it obvious said " oh Mr. handsome, mind-clearing my misunderstanding? "

But he didn't speak anything rather was smiling nonstop.

So I continued " Don't tell me, Mr. Handsome, it's not kidnapping for you you are just playing I

game called hide and seek. "

This time he chuckled, drag a chair near me, and sat on the chair but still, he refused to talk.

I guess he is checking my patience.

I again speak " I guess what I said is funny for Mr. Handsome."

And finally, he intended to open his mouth which was till now glued saying " Miss. Beauty is funny and can be a great comedian. "

Oh holy shit someone please tell this guy I am going to be a great doctor. As for comedians, not anyone like me can be a comedian it requires many things more than just having a sense of humor. "