

Now I see a massage from Tina,

👩📱"Hi, where are you?"

"Mann send me a message, he asks for you and me".

"he asked why you too not came in college"

"is everything okay? "

"I told him I am sick so I can't came college, but Mayu is came to college"

"then he tell me, you also not go"

👩"I know you were going to college, so why didn't you go"

"Everything is fine?"

when I read her messages I told her everything and said, Now all fine. Tina said can I come their, for help you.

"No No, you are sick and also weak. so take care of yourself. no need to come here" I told her.

"If you need any help then tell me. I will help you" she said again.

"Yeah! Yeah!, now go and take rest" I said.

My that day full went in hospital. Doctor said professor Prabhu will discharge after two days. I take care of her two days. I will go to hospital before go to college and also after college. so I can spend some time with my new friend. when doctor give discharge to professor Prabhu, that day Tina and Mann also come with me to meet professor Prabhu.

professor Prabhu was happy cause he will take discharged now. he was also happy because he met Tina and Mann. I introduced Tina, Mann and professor Prabhu to each other. Now we have one new friend.

Ya! Ya! they are profassor but now we are friends. we four exchange our phone number.

"If do you have any problem then call me I'll help you okay", professor said to we three.

"Can you leak our exam paper" I said them in funny way.

"Yes why not, but after paper was done in all college"

when professor said this I make my pouty face and little angry on them. professor, Tina and Mann laugh to me because my reaction. when they started laughing on me, so I can't control my self and I also laugh with them.😁

"Now I need to go, we will meet again'' professor said and go in taxi. but wait, he is looking me. like they want to say something. but what I don't have an idea. I ignore that moment.

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Daoistuo38Dacreators' thoughts