


After a surprise visit from Scott, every day after class, I went straight to his house and nursed him to get better because I was afraid he'd come back again and worsen his wound that was starting to heal. Ashley and Owen always teased me about it, telling me that Scott had a feeling toward me and he only used his wound as an excuse, so I would always be beside him, but I ignored them. As long as Scott hasn't confirmed what they are saying, I won't let my hopes up.

The longer I'm with Scott, the deeper my feeling for him. I think I already love him.

He's so sweet and cuddly. He always stole a kiss on my cheek or hugged me while I was changing his bandage. Sometimes he would caress my face or run his finger on my hair. At first, I always smacked him or threw him a glare, but it didn't stop him, and in the end, I let him be because the truth, I liked the feeling I felt every time he touched my hair or hugged me, and his lips on my cheeks sent a tingling sensation inside me.

After three weeks, finally, he got better. And as a promise, he asked me out for dinner, and here I am in my room with Ashley pulling my hair to fix it. I don't know how often I winced in pain, but being an Ashley, I was left unheard.

I just wanted to wear jeans and shirts with my Converse only, but Ashley forced me to wear a dress. She said it wasn't just a simple dinner, but it was a dinner date.

I sighed in relief because, finally, after an hour, she was finished torturing me. I smile when I see myself in a full-length mirror.

"Thanks, Ashley."

"Now you like how you look, while earlier you wanted to kill me with your stare." She huffed. I just grinned at her and hugged her. She scoffed but returned the hug and patted my head like a child. I glare at her, but she smiles and pulls away from the hug. It's already 6:45, and Scott said he would pick me up around seven.

Ashley handed me my silver clutch bag, where I put my phone and money inside, just in case Scott forgot to bring his cards. Nothing wrong with being prepared. I don't want to wash a plate later if we don't have money to pay. And if it happens, I'll forget that I know Scott Miller. As if you can? I shook my head because of my crazy thought and just went downstairs with Ashley following behind me, smiling.

"Where's Lara Ashley, and who is that?" I rolled my eyes. Sometimes Owen is overacting.

"How do I look?" I asked and twirled in front of him.

"Good, you look very stunning tonight, Princess." He said and pulled me in his arms.

"Thanks to Ashley." I grinned and pulled away from the hug. Owen quickly pulled Ashley into his arms and kissed her cheek.

"You did a great job, babe. I'm sure. Mr. Miller will ask her for a dinner date again." He said, smirking at me, and I threw a crumpled tissue at him, but he just laughed and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Very mature of you, Owen," I said, but he shrugged his shoulders.

The doorbell rang at precisely seven o'clock. Ashley quickly runs to the door and opens it.

"Lara, your date is here." She said and opened the door wider to let Scott in. Scott stepped inside my house for the first time, and he grinned when he saw me.

My jaw almost fell on the floor when I saw him. I think I'm not the one who's overdressed here, but Scott. God, he looks so edible and handsome tonight. I'm sure all the ladies where we are going later will have their eyes glued on him. And I'm so thankful to Ashley for forcing me to dress up, or I will look like his maid beside him.

"Hi! He greeted me. "Flowers for a beautiful lady." He said, handing me three stems of white tulips.

"Thank you." I took it from his hand, blushing when I saw Ashley looking giddy in the corner beside Owen.

"I told you so." Owen mouthed and formed a heart shape using his finger. I blushed more and turned my eyes to Scott, who was wearing a beautiful smile on his lips. Why does it feel hot here instantly? He's so handsome. He looks so neat and clean and smells so good. I wanted to hug him, bury my face in his chest, and get a lung full of his scent.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, snapping me out of my dirty thoughts.

"Ye...Yes. " I stuttered, nodding my head, and I bit my lips in embarrassment when I heard Ashley giggle.

"Enjoy your date, Lara," Ashley said with a teasing smile on her lips.

"How often did I tell you this is not a dinner date? It's just a dinner between two people who know each other." I scoffed when Scott chuckled.

"We can do this as a dinner date if you just let me. Shall we." He asked. He is not letting me comment on his statement.

"Ashley, can you keep this flower for me?"

"Of course, my dear," She said and took the flower from my hand.

"Bye Ashley, bye Owen," Scott said.

"Take care of her. And I want her back with no single hair missing."

"I promise." Scott chuckled, held my hand, and led me out the door. I wave to Ashley and Owen goodbye, but the two share a kiss on the lips, looking at me.

"These two are both crazy." I thought and entered the passenger seat when Scott opened the door for me before entering the driver's seat.

"You look beautiful tonight." He said, smiling.

"Thank you. You're not bad yourself."

"I know." He conceitedly said, grinning. I just rolled my eyes and looked outside the window. His words earlier still lingered in my mind. "I can make this a dinner date if you just let me." What did he mean by it earlier? Does he want to date me? But why not ask me directly? Or maybe he didn't mean it. I sigh sadly.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait until we reach there." He shortly answered with a smile plastered on his lips.

After thirty minutes, we finally stopped in front of a seafood restaurant. I looked at Scott and grinned.

"So, I guess you like it here?" He said, smiling. Then I got out of the car and opened my door.

"Thanks. I like prawns so much. It's my favorite," I said. Scott held my hand again and led me to the restaurant entrance. I don't mind it at all. I like it, showing other girls that someone already owns him. What are you thinking, Lara? He is not yours. You're being territorial towards a person that wasn't yours. My shoulder deflated.

Scott, I like him so much. I confirm it now. Even though I don't want to hope he will return my feelings, I can't stop myself. I have a sliver of hope that his action toward me means something too, and I'm holding on to that little hope.

"Reservation for Miller." He said to the staff as soon as we stepped inside. I looked up at him, and his presence demanded attention. And it seemed like he was glowing, and I could see some of the ladies were already looking at him. I lowered my head when I saw how beautiful they were. A tall, pretty face and gorgeous body, and I don't have all of it. I sighed sadly and lowered my head. I felt Scott wrap his arms around my shoulder and pull me to his side.

"I looked up at him. I only reached his shoulder, although I'm wearing heels now, which adds to my insecurities. He smiled that breathtaking smile and kissed my forehead, instantly pulling me out of my pity mood. I smiled back, then clutched his arms.

"This way, sir." The staff said and led us to one of the booths overlooking a fountain outside with a Koi fish swimming under it. Scott pulled my seat and let me settle down first before he sat in front of me.

"You want a drink, sir, ma'am?"

"Can I have water? I asked after my self-pity mood. I became thirsty.

"A glass of water for me as well." The staff left after he handed us the menu, and my eyes quickly ran to all the food displayed on it.

"Are you alright? When we arrived here, you looked so happy, but when we were inside, you looked so down, and now your eyes are sparkling just seeing the food display on the menu?"

"I'm good. Don't mind me." I want to say that I felt insecure surrounded by beautiful ladies that admired him, and I felt jealous, but I held myself because I didn't have any right to feel that way.

"Yeah, you are just Lara, mood swings after every few minutes. If you don't have a mood swing, you are not Lara anymore." He grinned.

"I don't have a mood swing." I defended myself.

"If you said so." He smirked, arms crossed over his chest. I wanted to retort at him, but our server returned with water. I throw him a death glare, but he smiles in response.

"Ready to order, sir, ma'am?"

"Yes!" I quickly answered. I'm already salivating at the food on the menu. "I want Linguine with prawns, chili, garlic & rocket, buttered garlic prawn, and a big pineapple juice. Scott chuckled but ordered the same as me.

"Can we have your fine wine? Lara, do you drink?"

"Yes, a little."

"Okay, white or red wine?"

"Red wine," I answered.

"Red wine then, Miss. I want it iced." Our server wrote our order on her notepad. "Sir, I will return with the list of our red wine so you can choose yourself."

"Okay," Scott replied, and a few minutes after she came back, she handed him the list. Scott gave it to me, but I shook my head. I don't know about wine, and I drink whatever you offer me.

"You choose. I don't know about wine. Scott pursed his lips, then looked at the list.

"I want this one, he showed it to me, and I gasped because of the price. I motioned him to lean closer to me, and he did.

"It's costly for just a bottle of wine," I whispered, ensuring our server wouldn't hear me.

"It's okay. I am rich. I won't go bankrupt." He whispered back and settled back on his seat, chuckling.

"I want the Domaine Leroy Chambertin Grand Cru 1990." He said. "Why did he order that wine? It was so expensive. It costs 7,477 for one bottle.

" Okay, sir, any dessert?" Dessert, I can't let it pass.

"Can we have chocolate fudge if you have it?"

"Yes, we have, ma'am."

"Okay, we have that. That's all, and thank you.

"You're drooling." He teased us after our server left. I just rolled my eyes at him in response.

"Lara, tell me about yourself." He said after a few seconds of silence passed between us.

"There's nothing much to tell. I'm Lara Carter, eighteen years old." I giggled when he glared at me.

"How about you, Mr. Miller? Can you tell me about yourself?"

"I asked first." He scoffed.

"So mature." I smiled. " I'm Lara Carter, eighteen years old.

"I know that already." He said, annoyed.

"Will you shut up and let me continue?" I snarled, annoyed. He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"As I am saying, I am Lara...I laughed when he glared at me. " Okay! I'm an only child. I'm living away from my parents because, for some reason, I couldn't tell you. I lived abroad my whole life and returned when I turned thirteen. I took a breath to calm myself. That dreadful day is still fresh in my mind.

"My parents are dead, and I only have my grandpa." That's my story. How about you?" I asked and took a sip of my water.

"I'm Scott Miller." He laughed when I smacked him on his arm. "Okay, I'm serious now. I'm 23 years old."

"You're old." I teased.

"Yah, I'm only five years older than you." He said and glared at me.

"Still old."

"Shut up if you want me to continue."

"Okay, my lips are sealed." I grinned. He rolled his eyes and straightened in his seat.

"I am an only child, the same as you. I was eight when an unknown group surrounded our home. Killing everyone, including my parents and a family friend, took me in. Our lawyer passed everything my parents owned to me because I'm the only immediate family, but I could only have it when I turned eighteen. The family that took me in managed the business until I came at the right age."

"I'm so lucky to have them because they treated me so well, like their son, but they were ambushed on their way home by an unknown group, and now I'm searching for who's behind their killing."

"We almost have the same story because my parents were murdered too by unknown people, but I'm lucky because I have my grandpa."

"Then why are you living alone?"

"We have a misunderstanding," I replied, and I mentally thanked our server when she returned with our food. I don't want Scott to ask more about my personal life. The lesser he knows about me, the safer he will be.

"Thank you." I thanked our server and quickly dug into my food. "Wow, this is good," I said, looking at Scott, who nodded his head, munching his food. Then he poured wine into our glass and handed it to me.

"Cheers to the two strangers who are no strangers to each other anymore." He said, grinning. I grinned and raised my glass as well.

"Cheers!! I grinned and took a sip of my wine."This wine is so good."

"It is." He said and poured another shot into his glass. I gulp down my wine, and he quickly refills my glass.

We continued to eat while talking and laughing, sometimes exchanging jokes, but I always smacked his arms when I didn't have a comeback to his remark, and he would always laugh at me.

We are so comfortable with each other as if we have already known each other for a long time, that we are comfortable throwing a joke back and forth, but sometimes I notice him stealing a glance at me when he thinks that I am not looking, but I just let it pass. I don't want to ask him why. It might ruin our comfortable atmosphere.

We finally finished our dinner, as well as the wine. I felt a bit drunk, but Scott still looks fine and handsome as he is, but I'm sure I looked like a mess.

He keeps wiping the side of my mouth while we eat, earlier while chuckling. I think I am not just tipsy, but I'm already drunk. How many times did he refill my glass earlier? I don't know because I'm so engrossed with my food. Did he do it purposely to get me drunk? Maybe not. Why would he do it anyway?

"Ready to leave?" He asked after he paid our bills. I nodded my head, stood up, and staggered backward. He laughed and held my waist.

"You are drunk already?" He asked, surprised while laughing.

"Don't laugh." I pouted." If I know, you purposely got me drunk. You did, am I right?" I asked, poking his chest. He smiled and cupped my face with both palms. His loving eyes looked straight into my eyes, with lips that had a sweet smile.

"You're so cute when you're drunk. Your face is red, as well as your nose." He softly said and pecked my nose.

"Yah, you're taking advantage of me. You always kiss me." I pouted. He smiles and pulls me into his embrace, and I feel his lips on the crown of my head.

"Let's go home." He whispered and slowly led me out of the restaurant. He quickly opened the passenger door and let me in, then fastened my seat belt before going to the driver's side.

"Scott! I called out when he pulled away from the parking lot.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Why are you so handsome tonight? You smell so good that I just wanted to bury my nose in your chest." He laughed and quickly grabbed my hand, brought it to his lips, and brushed his lips on it before he placed it on his lap.

"I want to look handsome in front of you." He answered, smiling, glancing at me. I pouted and removed my seat belt.

"You are always handsome and smell so good, but tonight you're super handsome, and all the ladies in the restaurant earlier, all their eyes glued at you." He chuckled.

"Are you jealous?" He asked, smirking.

"I'm your date. And those women, their eyes should be glued to their dates and not on mine."

"I thought this was not a date?"

"You said earlier that if I let you, you'll make it a date."


"I let you. You are so handsome and smell good tonight. That's why you're my date tonight." He grinned this time.

"Next time, I'll properly ask you for a date, but not tonight because you're drunk. I don't know if you'll remember this tomorrow, but I'm so happy." He said and took my hand on his lips again.

"Hey, sit properly, and put your seatbelt on." He said and lowered his speed. But I ignored him, wrapped my arms around him, and buried my face in his chest.

"Better," I muttered and let out a sigh of contentment. I felt the car stop moving, and the next thing I felt, Scott pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes. I felt him kiss the side of my neck, my jaw, on my neck, then wrap his arms tightly around me.


"Hmm!! He cups my face and distances himself a little to look at my face. His thumb softly caressed my face with his eyes looking straight into my eyes. My eyes wanted to close, but I forced them to open. My head felt heavy, and I wanted it to lay on his shoulder.

"You looked so beautiful tonight, Lara." I smiled, and he smiled. I leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek.

"You're so handsome too."

"I want to kiss you." We said in unison, and his lips quickly covered mine. I moaned. The feel of his lips is so soft and tender, and I can taste the wine on his lips, but it doesn't take long. After a few seconds, he pulled away, kissed my cheek, forehead, and nose, then pecked my lips. Then he wrapped his arms around me and laid my head on his shoulder. I sighed in contentment, closed my eyes, and went into my deep slumber.

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