
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Others
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17 Chs

Part 6

"Let's get back to the stuff I said earlier. Chicks are awesome, and a real man ain't afraid to say it," said Naotsugu.

"Sir Shiro, do you happen to know what's wrong with that guy," asked Akatsuki.

"The list of things is rather long and very," replied Shiro.

"Your face is long and very," retorted Naotsugu.

"Oh, please be quiet, you big Oaf," said Akio.

"We all agree he has some mental problem," assumed Akatsuki.

"Affirmative," said Akio in all honesty.

"Hey Akatsuki, did you take that potion to make yourself your real size," asked Shiro.


"You should have stayed that size in the first place," Naotsugu said annoyedly.

"That's kind of the point of being in a role-playing game to be something else but being in a man's body in the middle of this mess was not helpful," said Akatsuki.

"Yeah, I get that I played the game so that I didn't have to deal with real-life stuff," said Akio.

"What do you mean about being in a man's body not being helpful," pauses Naotsugu, "Oh, like when you have to go…."

Akatsuki goes up to Naotsugu and knees him in the face.

"Hey, sir Shiro, is it okay to knee mister Pervy in the face," said Akatsuki.

"Ask before you do it, pipsqueak," said Naotsugu.

"Hey, don't need to be mean about people's height. I used to be the shortest in my class, and at least here I can be taller," said Akio angrily.

"Yea and don't call me Pipsqueak," said Akatsuki. "Then what do I owe you for that spell."

"Well, I was happy to help, " Shiro nervously.

"I can not allow that. I don't want anyone to claim that I'm ungrateful," said Akatsuki.

"No, it's okay, really," said Shiro bashfully.

"Or if you want, you can let me get a couple of handfuls," said Naotsugu before getting a kick from Akio's face.

"Akatsuki, I hope you didn't mind that I kicked him for you," asked Akio.

"Not at all. I was just about to do that myself; you have my thanks," said Akatsuki.

"You're welcome," said Akio.

"Akio, you're getting in on this too," said Naotsugu.

"What you were about to say was inappropriate for young ears," said Akio.

"How about you join us until we figure out how this has happened," asked Naotsugu.

"Yes, we can stay together, Suki," said Akio excitedly.

"Suki?" questioned Akatsuki.

"Yea, since your name is so long, I decided to shorten it," said Akio.

"I like it very much, sir Akio," said Akatsuki.

"No, just call me Akio; we are besties, after all," said Akio.

"Sure thing Akio," said Akatsuki bashfully.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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