
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Others
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17 Chs

Part 5

Naotsugu, Shiro and Akio were walking down a ruined building. Then suddenly, there was a rock thrown their way. And saw a ninja-like assassin.

"Wait, isn't that Akatsuki," said Shiro.

"So you know him, Shiro," asked Naotsugu.

Xxx skip to where they're now in the buildingxxxx

"Hey Akatsuki, you got stuck here too," said Shiro.

"Yo, my name is Naotsugu. I'm a guardian and a fan of the ladies," said Naotsugu.

"You had one chance to make a first impression," sweatdropped Shiro.

"Hello, my name is Akio. I'm a summoner. It is a pleasure to meet a talented ninja such as yourself," said Naruto.

"Sir Shiro, I've been looking for you," said Akatsuki in a girl's voice.

"Wow, you're a girl. That's so cool," said Akio.

"So you're not a dude," said Naotsugu.

"I just thought you didn't use the voice chat to be more assassin-like," pondered Shiro.

Akatsuki blushed in embarrassment about them thinking she was a guy.

"That's a real Metamorphic; they were only available when the game first came out," said Naotsugu.

"I almost made my character a girl, but at the last minute, I decided not to, thankfully," said Akio.

"I remembered Sir Shiro had gotten one," replied Akatsuki.

Naotsugu began to sneak up on Akatsuki while she was taking the potion. Shiro and Akio thankfully caught him before he could peek at Akatsuki.

"I feel much better, thank you," said Akatsuki thankfully.

"Yo sup girl babe city seriously," said Naotsugu.

"You have truly saved me. I appreciate it," Akatsuki told Shiro.

"Not a problem," replied Shiro.

Naotsugu's jaw hung open at how adorable Akatsuki looked now.

"Hey Akatsuki, can we be besties, please," said Akio, wanting a friend who was kind of like him.

"Akio, where have I heard this name before," asked Naotsugu.

"Well, I guess people started rumours about me and my summons," said Akio.

"Wait, for your, the one they call Maelstrom isn't your famous for your wind and fire summons*," said Shiro.

"Wait, how am I famous? I just always liked to play the game," said Akio.

"You don't know at all people say that the maelstrom was famous for his duel summons and how he fought with them even if a summoner can't fight," said Akatsuki.

"Oh, that's cool. I think if I told Kurama**and Tuuletar***, it would go to their head," said Akio.

"Okay, then we're going to test out the hunting grounds," Said Shiro.