
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Others
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17 Chs

Part 13

"Brigandia is the guild that's bossing people around at Susukino,"

"Those guys had a bad reputation back when this was just a game,"

"Jeesh, that gotta be loving all these newbies to pick on,"

"Yes, thank you,"



"Who was that, Shiro," asked Akio.

"Marielle is going to do what she can to get in touch with Serara and get back to us on it,"

"Works for me,"

"I'm concerned it's going to be pretty dangerous meeting them in the city we're bound to run into Brigandia,"

"And if we're out in the open and we're clobbered in a fight, we would revive back in the Acaraba cathedral, but she would revive at the Susukino cathedral,"

"This will be dangerous, so be on guard. They will not be able to fight us in the city, but as soon as we are out of there, they may try to ambush us." Said Akio.

"I understand," said Akatsuki.

"There is the problem that she is on a Brigandia guy's friend list, right,"

"Yea, she has managed to find a private zone to hide in so they can't find her, but the second she goes out, whoever that guy is can use his hud to find wherever she goes,"

"So when it's time for her, she has to keep on running,"

"Akatsuki, I'd like to keep yourself hidden with the sneak and silent movement if you please, and Akio, can you hide as well? We want them to underestimate us as much as possible,"

"Of course, I do draw some attention since I know how to and have done it irl it should come naturally,"


With that, they both disappeared. Sneak enables self-concealment, and silent movement allows movement with sound. There are tracker class skills.

"Alright, let's lay the smackdown on these dummies,"

X scene change x

"Wherever you're hiding, little girl, I'll find," says Demiqas with a malicious smirk.

"How long are you going to obsess over that girl,"

"You gotta keep a short leash on your pets. After all, you gotta let them know who the Boss is,"

The sound of a friend's call comes in.


"What is it?"

"Well, sir, there are a couple of strangers coming in through town,"


"I've never seen these guys before,"


The online screen showed in front of Demiqas that Serara was out of hiding.


X point of view changes x

"Looks like they just saw us,"

"Yea, the outlook at this place, all three bad vibes are messing with my mojo,"

X scene change again x

"Alright, we're here, Akio, Akatsuki. Stand watch,"

"Will do,"

"Of course,"

"Naotsugu, hang out here,"


Shiro went in by himself. He arrives at a doorframe and sees someone.

"Ah, um, I'm Serara of the Crescent Moon Alliance. AH, I should thank you for coming for me," she bowed.



"Ah, is that you, Chief,"


Serara goes a bit pale.

"Well, now, if it isn't my old partner in crime, Shiro-ecchi, that would explain how that party of yours got itself here so quickly, Nya,"

"Um, I Ah,"

"Yea, it does. I should introduce myself. I'm Shiro. It's nice to meet you,"

"This one is sage. If my boy here is leading the party, there's no doubt in my mind it's going to work. That's a matter of fact, mmh,"

"I see you're still making with the cat talk, huh still at it,"

"What are you talking about, Nya? Just show me a cat man who doesn't talk like this, and I'll set him straight, haha,"

"Ah, do the two of you like to know each other,"

"Something like that, baby, haha Shiro-ecchi used to check me diligently for fleas,"

"I most certainly did not,"

"I can go back to Acarabara. That's great, but what about Nyanta,"

"I got Naotsugu with me. There is also a girl with us, Akatsuki. Oh, and you wouldn't guess who else,"


"You remember Akio,"

"The Maelstrom, he's here,"

"Yea, he contacted me as soon as he saw my name light up on the friend list,"

"Akatsuki is a level 90 assassin. She's scared good, and Akio just hit level 90 before the Novak sphere pioneers release,"

"So you brought Nautsgou-Ochi, Little Akio and a new friend to Nya,"

"All things considered, you probably be better off coming with us,"

"Humph works for me. Baby Susukino is a mess. Maybe it's a sign from above telling me to go with you to Arabia,"

"Huh, does that mean,"

"You know it,"

"That's awesome,"

Shiro's friend's call goes off.

"Hum from was,"

"They're coming from the North. There search the town as they storm through it. They are there going to be on top of you in five minutes. The Boss seems to be a huge wrestler or fighter of some kind. He's dressed like a monk but"

"A bear carved out of wood,"

"That's Brigandia's Guild, Master Demiqas,"

"Huh, hmm,"

Swears had started to shake and shiver.


"I hear…man got it…roger,"

"Thanks," then he calls out, "Akio."

"Yea, Shiro, what can I do,"

"you can stalk out the rest of the guild members for me once we go out. Yea, okay, thanks," Shiro turns to Nyanta and Serara "Let's get going. We should take the back way out of here."

Serara tightens her grip on her staff.

X scene change x

A guild member, "Landmark," has seen Serara, Nyanta and Shiro.

X scene change x

Londark answers the call. "Alright, then the outsiders are here for Serara,"


"The intercity transport gates still aren't working, so then how did they get here,"

"Hehe, interesting,"

X scene change x

All the guild members from Brigandia are chuckling. Shiro, Nyanta and Serara are walking down the street with them all staring at them.

"It's fine. They're not going to try anything yet. We can't still fight inside a town. They'll wait until we're outside to attack, so we should be prepared for that,"

"So then, how will we escape,"

"We leave you to see your new friends from the Brigandia Guild want us on the other side of the gates. That makes think easier actually,"

"Yea but Shiro, I Mmh, if we go out there, they might attack us, right,"

"I wouldn't count on anything less this is what is going on. They will attack us once we're outside the city gates, and they will try and PK Chief Nyanta and we helped you. They're going to try and kill him first. They want him out of the way and you back under their control. That's much more likely than them just likely letting us walk out of here,"

"That's terrible. There's a whole bunch of them, and only a couple of us we're going to die,"

"Take it easy, honey pie. Just let Shiro-ecchi handle this. You're going to be alright,"

"Yeah, but Nyanta,"