
Madness Apostle

Humanity is the Progenitor, the Origin of the current Era. Fae are formed from the Heaven and the Earth, embodiments of Mysteries that resemble the Truth. A man born without a conscience, a demon, a devil, perhaps evil incarnate. The river of time washes away all sins, leaving only memories of a time that could be behind. A World, filled to the brim with Fae, Mysteries and Monsters! Winter Solstice Salamander.... White Sovereign Fae.... Burning Heaven Fae... Steel Growth Hair Fae.... Origin Essence Gathering Tree! Glimpse into a World of devils, monsters and everything in-between! ---------------------------------- Chapters on Monday, Wednesday and Friday https://www.patreon.com/bruhdamante

Bruhdamante · Fantasy
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336 Chs

Purple Mist and Purple Fog

The sound of a bloodied fist colliding against a bloody face echoed out.

"You idiot! I told you to specifically wait until the Violet Clans Martial Gathering to make a move and yet you fucking disobeyed me!".

Several black garbed inner sect disciples watched on fearfully of the scene in front of them. They had heard rumours about the strange relationship between these two brothers, and yet the vast majority considered it to be heresy, complete garbage.

But right in front them, they watched as the older twin brother completely beat the ever-living shit out of the younger twin brother.

Purple Mist and Purple Fog.

The younger twin shivered slightly covering the side of his face which Arthur had dismembered from the blows of his older brother. Despite the fact that they both shared a womb together, and were the only two people in the world who they could both consider "family", neither of them thought such a thing of the other.

Why was that?

Because one was talented, while the other was a genius.

Despite both of them being born with Boundary Physiques, there was a vast difference in the quality and strength of said Boundary Physiques.

Purple Fog possessed the Silver Tendon Golden Muscle Boundary Physique which only possessed an innate Law Image. It was a Flesh Attributed Boundary Physique which didn't have any other abilities other granting the Fae Master a quicker perception of Laws.

While Purple Mist on the other hand-.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry! It won't happen again.... I promise you it won't!".

Purple Mist ignored his brothers cries, punching at his stomach, immediately causing the younger twin to vomit up a mouthful of bile and blood. With his Flesh Laws, it didn't just make him physically stronger, but his regeneration was much faster than the average Fae Master as well.

It made him the perfect punching bag growing up.

Purple Mist glared at his younger brother, grabbing a small damp towel off to the side and wiping his bloodied fist.

"The Boundless Forest Yearning possesses abilities far beyond even my own. That much I can admit! He is younger than you, possesses an attainment of Laws beyond your own, a cultivation beyond your own and even Attribute Control Skills with a far greater offensive power! If it wasn't for your innate Boundary Physique, you wouldn't be a match for him....".

Purple Fog spluttered out another mouthful of blood. Despite his fear for his older brother, his pride still burned strong.

One of his eyes was completely red, an indication of a small popped blood vessel.

"B-but a-at least I found all that o-out for y-you! With that, y-you can defeat him even quicker n-now!".

Purple Mist turned his head slowly, his expression cold and his demeanour bloodthirsty.

"Did I give you permission to speak?".

The older twin kicked Purple Fog's stomach, causing him to wheeze and gasp for air. He wanted to throw up again, but the muscles in his stomach contracted and all that could escape was a desire to be anywhere but here.

Ever since they had awakened their Fae Master talents, his older brother had always treated him like this. That was the difference between them.

Considering that Purple Mist possessed the Deathless Carrion Boundary Physique, his brother was perfectly suited to the techniques and Fae that the White Dominion Sect prided themselves upon. The Deathless Carrion Boundary Physique was a Corpse Attributed Boundary Physique that possessed a boost to innate talent, as well as an innate ability.

Not to mention, with the resources that the 3rd Elder had given him, he had already managed to comprehend a Law Image and reach the first level of Corpse Laws. That had been two years ago, and Purple Fog had no idea what boundaries his brother had reached....

The Deathless Carrion Boundary Physique increased the aptitude of the Origin Essence Sea it dwelled in to the maximum possible potential. As such, considering it dwelled within the Body Origin Essence Sea, Purple Mist's innate talent easy broke into the first tier.

He fell slightly short to Arthur though, who possessed a peak talent, one granted to him by the Boundless Forest Yearning.

But his innate ability though.... was perhaps the most frightening thing about him.

It could-.

"I admit.... your actions, while stupid, were not without merit, I suppose. This, Arthur Kovacs possesses a talent for the School of War which frankly, does excel in areas relating to combat, and notions such as killing. The White Dominion Sect does not possess a speciality into the School of Transfiguration, but the School of Mummification is quite well developed. I suppose I might have to put in some effort if I want to defeat a Sovereign Boundary Physique....".

Purple Mist sat down on a large spirit beast leather piece of furniture. It was a Corpse Attributed creation, one that had inscriptions inscribed within it, that could gather corpse type spiritual essence and saturate the surrounding environment.

There were hundreds of these types of inscriptions, all over the Corpse Shore replica, although this one.... was made by a high ranking Inscription Master.

It was at least a Rank 3 Inscription Master, which was relatively equal to a Rank 3 Fae Blacksmith.

In other words, someone who could create a three star Rank 3 Fae Weapon.

Purple Mist crossed his legs, cradling his hand in his chin, appearing elegant and refined, as if not bothered with the affairs of the mortal world. It was a complete and utter contrast to the bloody scene that the other Fae Masters had witness just moments ago.

"He is nineteen years of age. A vapour topaz origin essence Fae Master. One with at least a single Attribute Control Skill. With a solid attainment of the first level of Wood Laws. Possibly Emotion Laws. The powers of the Affection Tree Fae need time in order to show their destructive might, and at the very most, he has a Rank 3 Affection Tree Fae. His innate ability might prove annoying, especially if it is a Wood related innate ability. And this is all considering he doesn't walk another path. He came to White Corpse City, so it is possible that he too walks the path of Corpses..... Hmm".

Purple Mist may be arrogant, but unlike his younger brother, he knew where the line was between arrogance and strength.

Without strength to back it up, arrogance would be useless.

That was something he had tried to teach his younger brother, although didn't particular care much what that idiot did or didn't do.

"There was also that..... "killing intent" did you say?".

Purple Mist turned towards the group of Fae Masters that escorted Purple Fog here, the oldest and tallest one nodded, clasping his hands and bowing.

"Yes, Senior Apprentice Brother! The Boundless Forest Yearning possessed an immense killing intent. I originally thought that it was some sort of Illusion or Emotion type Fae designed to target fear, however the quality of such an illusion was far to high and much to pure. It was similar to our Sects, Slaughter Illusion Array but....".

Purple Mist raised an eyebrow.

"But what?".

The courageous inner sect disciple gulped slightly, before bowing even further.

"In this Golden String's honest opinion, perhaps only Slaughter Illusion Array at full power could rival the Boundless Forest Yearning's killing intent. And that is only in terms of quantity. The quality of his killing intent is.... beyond anything I have ever experienced".

Purple Mist hummed slightly, tapping his arm rest with a peculiar expression on his face.

"Hmm.... interesting. A killing intent which matches that of a Rank 5 Fae Master. Perhaps this Boundless Forest Yearning isn't so cut and dry as one might think.... White One".

Purple Mist called out, and instantly the figure of a completely black-robed individual appeared behind him. He immediately knelt down, his tone and voice muffled to hide his emotions and intentions.

"Yes young master?".

"Send somebody to investigate the Winter Rain Mountains. If you can, investigate the Marina Clan as well. This small region has produced two Sovereign Boundary Physiques, which in of itself isn't suspicious, does call into question the Boundless Forest Yearnings true intentions".

The individual known as "White One" nodded, but paused slightly before speaking.

"Young Master, I must inform you that the "Lady" has already sent others to the Winter Rain Mountains. This lowly one does not know for what reason".

Purple Mist's eyes widened and he turned his head towards White One before blinking a couple times and nodded, waving, and dismissing his subordinate.

The expression on Purple Mist's face was even more curious.

'To get "her" of all people interested.... What are your origins Arthur Kovacs?'.