
Kyle's brother

"wow Zeke you are awesome! you made her blush! haha!" kyle said excitedly."what?" he asked clueless."oh my good friend Zeke you think too much! just go to her,hug her and tell not too be embarrassed okay" he said and left the room and then Zeke wondered how he knew all of this.

it's been 4 days since Sarah moved in this house and she's already in love. Her brother was coming back today so she went downstairs and found Zeke sitting on the couch."ahem Uhm Zeke can I go see my brother today? he's coming back today." she said and sat on the couch with him."okay" he simply said then he looked at her "sarah don't be embarassed about what happened earlier okay, and there's no need to lock yourself in bathroom" he said "okay" she said and blushed remembering what happened.

'oh my god this guy!' she thought and somehow, Zeke heard her thoughts "this guy what?" he asked "what? I didn't say anything" she said shocked ' I didn't say anything,or maybe I thought out loud. Anyways I want pizza right now ughh am hungry I haven't eaten in an hour and more' Sarah thought"do want me to order pizza right now?" he asked. "huh? are you hearing my thoughts?" she asked "no you said it out loud maybe it's because you are hungry" he said and ordered pizza and went to Kyle's room fast. he knocked on Kyle's door and he opened "what now?" Kyle asked.

"my demon instincts are back Kyle. I can hear her thoughts" he whispered "thats great! then that means we can continue the mission and finish everything before they harm your wife." he whispered back."i guess so but we have to plan it through and then we'll move from there." he said and teleported into Kyle's bedroom"it feels good to be back" he said "please don't teleport to my room NEVER!" kyle almost wanted to scold at him.

"okay grandpa" he said and teleported to the stairs.*ding dong* the bell rang and Sarah ran to the door because she thought it was the pizza delivery guy but to her disappointment it was a beautiful tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes. This man looked like Kyle "hello! wow! are you Kyle's brother?" Sarah talked without thinking "yes my name is Jason and Kyle is my older brother" he said and smiled "sarah let him in!" Zeke called out. "Zeke!! Justin is here!" Zeke called out again and Kyle came running and went to Justin and started scolding him" yahh you idiot! I told you to call me when you arrive you punk! how can be so stupid! huh! what if you got lost!" he scolded and Justin just stood there and then he froze. "am sorry brother Kyle, my phone battery is dead" Justin apologized