
I will make you mine

"what are you doing here Sarah?" Meriam asked "what part of get out don't you understand NUMBER TWO?" Sarah said devilishly and then she smirked"ahh Sarah you will pay for that. And Zeke I will make you mine I promise!" she said and left the mansion angrily. Sarah just stood there for a while"how do you know her?" Sarah asked with folded arms "herfather and I have done business with each other and how do you know her?." he asked her.

"oh she got 91% in the test today and she's been boasting about her father and riches then she confronted me with cheating. she makes me wanna kill her. no!. torture her to death" she said fisting her hands. "i wanna torture her too miss" Kyle said "ahem what were you two doing anyway before you got disturbed?" Kyle asked smirking

"Ahem uhh Uhm..." Sarah said and ran back to her room."we were doing nothing!'' he said and also headed to the bedroom. Kyle just laughed out loud and went to watch a movie in the living room. When Zeke got in the bedroom he found Sarah looking at the place where they almost did IT and when she saw him she ran to bathroom and closed the door and then she started dressing while blushing.

Zeke was filled with thoughts in his mind then he headed to the bathroom and knocked"hey Uhm are you alright?" he asked "yes!" she simply stated. Zeke just applied his lotion and then he dressed and went to Kyle. "kyle to the secret room now" he damanded and headed to his secret room.' I wonder what's the problem? ' he thought and headed to the secret room.

"what is the problem Zeke?" Kyle asked "she locked herself in the bathroom, I don't know why? what does that mean? did I do something wrong?" he asked hurriedly "i don't know? what did you do?" he asked

"well we bathed together and then we...we k-kissed and then we almost you know... Uhm...we almost did IT" he said blushing