
Made for Him

In a world where the press is the only way to hide the dirty undercover lives of the mafia, what happens when a contractual marriage is arranged between The head of the sicillian mafia and the daughter of The Lucchese Family, the only thing in the way of their love is their pride. Preview "I'm not one of your hoes that can't keep my legs closed, get used to it Luciano"

IT_IS_SHE · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter Five| I don't get it

  -Time will heal every scar-

Third Person P.O.V

Alessia walked into the large sitting room, velvet emerald green couches with gold trim, adding a touch of luxury to the room, complementing the deep green walls.

"You called, you asked me to come, I'm here" Alessia stated, gesturing to herself.

Her father looked at her, looking like he had come into thought for a second, "I almost thought you wouldn't come" he said, stroking his short grey beard.

"Yet here I am, what do you want?" Alessia asked taking a seat on the chairs pushed up against a wall,  facing the door a gold picture frame hanging over the chair.

"You're always straight to the point," He said dismissively, moving towards a door similar to the one we came in from.

"Let's talk in my office" He spoke, his cold demeanor shifting as he opened the door walking, stopping to hold the door.

Alessia stood up and walked into the room, her father closed the door behind her.

She surveyed the room out of instinct, it was a classic office, a chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, shelves replacing the wall behind the table, gold detail running through the walls, two armchairs standing in front of the desk, a side table in the middle.

Alessia stood silently observing the room until her father spoke "Sit" he said moving to sit on the leather armchair behind the table.

"I have arranged for you to be married," he said settling into his chair, his cold tone carrying.

Alessia started to cough, choking on the air, the shock was inevitable, her back was bent over as she coughed into the inside of her elbow.

Her heart raced, her mind aching like it was challenging her heart, who would jump out first? she felt her ribs ready to break, her skull already cracking

'I was not prepared for that' she thought as she leaned back into her chair, grasping the situation.

"What do you mean by arranged for me to marry?" She asked, regaining her composure.

"Exactly what I said, or have you become slow?" He said unphased. 

Alessia let out a cough, rolling her eyes, "Is that code for something? or are you just toying with me? because this isn't funny" Alessia snapped.

"I guess you are slow" Her father mumbled, a knock emitting from the door, their eyes turning to the direction.

"Come in" Alessia's father ordered, men in black suits pilled in the office, standing at the corner of the room, two men coming in after them.

The man on the right caught Alessia's attention, ashen eyes, and olive skin, she knew this man, everything clicked, and the wheels in her mind started to move.

"Mr. Luchesse," the older-looking man said nodding his head as if to greet Alessia's father.

"Mr. Bianchi," Alessia's father said, repeating the man's greeting, standing up from his seat. "why don't you take a seat" He persisted, moving around his table.

"Alessia, delighted to meet you, I'm your father in-law" the old man greeted. 

"OK, why don't the children excuse us while we talk?" The old man said taking a seat opposite Alessia and making her stand up.

"Children?" Alessia though.

"I trust you can show yourselves to the main room," Alessia's father asked, Alessia ignored him and walked towards the door, the man following her.

They went through the door, leading them back to the large sitting room, Alessia taking a seat, the man standing awkwardly.

Luciano's P.O.V

I stood awkwardly at the doorway, a sweet coconut scent feeling my nostrils.

"Who exactly are you?" She asked pointedly at me.

Her voice was soft, her hands pointed toward my slagging position.

"The handsome man you're going to marry," I said bouncing off the wall and moving to her, "Nice to meet you" I finished taking a seat next to her, the cushions soft and smelt of cleaning solution and disinfectant.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked, not cockily though, like she was curious.

"You're the daughter of the Lucchese family, am I right?" I answered her, leaning forward to hear her response.

"I meant my name" She rolled her eyes leaning into her seat, crossing her legs, one knee on top of the other, her dress exposing her long dark legs. 

I stayed silent, she scoffed rolling her eyes again, "Alessia" she said, her accent rolling off her tongue.

I mumble "Alessia" as I lean back in my chair.

"your name?" she questioned.

"Luciano" I replied calmly.

"no nickname?" she asks, like she was interrogating me.

"I go by Luca," I respond. 

"Is that somehow meant to be related to Luciano?" she asked.

I nodded my head, locked into her ocean-blue eyes.

"Am I welcome to call you Lucy?" She asks a glint in her eye.

"You're more than welcome" I reply.

Alessia's phone pings, she immediately reaches for her bag, takes out a phone, and scrolls through, her facial expression changing.

She muttered something under her breath, the glint in her eyes disappearing.

"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing a change in mood. Alessia, with her arms crossed and phone by her side, replied, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

I asked again, "What's the matter?".

She just picked up her phone, facing the screen in my direction, "What do you think is the matter?" she retorted.

EVENING STANDARD NEWS: Alessia Lucchese and Luciano Bianchi Spotted Together - What's the Scoop?

"I don't get it," I said feeling confused, 'what's got her worked up?' I wondered to myself.

"You don't understand?" she asked irritably. I nodded, and she sighed in annoyance. "You're annoying," she muttered, picking up her things and moving to the other side of the room.

"Where are you going darling," I said stopping her halfway. 

"Away from you" she replied, taking a seat, the dark walnut door, which led to the office opening, revealing our fathers.

"Bonding time is over," Alessia's father said abruptly as he entered the room, the atmosphere growing tense with his presence.

"You can come back in," her father spoke retreating into the office.