
Made for Him

In a world where the press is the only way to hide the dirty undercover lives of the mafia, what happens when a contractual marriage is arranged between The head of the sicillian mafia and the daughter of The Lucchese Family, the only thing in the way of their love is their pride. Preview "I'm not one of your hoes that can't keep my legs closed, get used to it Luciano"

IT_IS_SHE · Urban
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17 Chs

CHAPTER 1| Get Me A Drink

Luciano's P.O.V

"I wouldn't kill a fly" I spoke as I swirled the pen in my hand, looking at the young man in front of me.

"Drop the act Luca, I and everyone else in this room know...." The man started, gesturing to the men around the room as he spoke.

"That the flies know your territory and know the consequences awaiting them when they reach the line that marks it" he finished off, looking me dead in the eye.

I stood up from where I formally sat, dropping the pen in my hand. "Stop with all the word play Jonathan and as I mentioned before I didn't kill your brother I only sent a warning" The cold words spilled out of my mouth like a block of ice hitting his foot.

A knock coming from the door as soon as I spoke, a loud knock was heard on the door, the guards looked over, waiting for instructions, I simply nodded as one of the men moved to the door.

A man marched into the room, the doors swinging open, annoyance written all over his features his loud footsteps echoing in the room.

"Luca your father is here and insists on speaking to you" He grunted out stopping ahead of my desk.

I let out a loud sigh, giving Jonathan a pointed look with the unmistakable meaning of 'get out'.

The thin looking man blushed with anger as he looked around thinking on his next move while picking up his briefcase and storming out.

The doors shut "Carlos what did he say he wanted" I question springing up from my seat and messily putting documents in drawers and cabinets.

"He says it's non of my business" Carlos spoke crossing his hands over his chest in a state of anger.

I walked back to my seat, putting a hand on my temple "let him in" I ordered and Carlos angrily marched back towards the door.

I looked around the spacious room that is my office, the open windows illuminating the room and the vintage bookshelves standing behind me carrying not even a spec of dust.

The door burst open all of a sudden, my father stopping at the frame of the door and taking a look around my office.

He moved, taking small steps towards the chair behind the desk and sat down, a scowl forming on my face.

"Sit Luca let's have a word" he said gesturing to the seat opposite him.

"I'm good staying as far away from you as possible" I declared leaning against the fore wall of the room.

"stop being so stubborn and SIT" he said his words having an edge.

I slowly walked towards the chair, positioning myself on it my father giving me a sarcastic smile as I looked at him with an icy glare, the scoff on my face permanent.

"Good" he started as he continued to eye around the room, he let out a breath opening his mouth to speak "It's time for you to get married"

"That wasn't the deal" I sneer at him

"You're going to marry the daughter of Giovanni Hernandez, you meet with her next week Friday I'll let you know more over the phone" he said ignoring my statement.

"Should I show myself out?" my father said standing up from his former position and proceeding to the door, his wooden cane tapping on the floor.

I robbed my temple letting out a loud sigh as the sound of the door closing reached my ears, I moved towards my seat, my body relaxing on the soft cushions.

"Get Carlos and Francesco in here, and get me a drink" snapped at one of the men in the room, the man running off as soon as I spoke.

I get lost in space, an eerie silence settling in the room.

The door swinging open "What do you want Luca?" Francesco grunted as he dropped himself on the chair at the corner of the room.

"we're already busy enough" Carlos said leaning on the door frame.

"Exactly, we need a break not more work" Francesco complained.

"I need you too look into on the daughter of the Lucchese family" I said ignoring all their complains.

My two acquaintance shared a look of displeasure, communicating their thoughts and glaring daggers at me after their session.

"Rather, look into the whole Lucchese family"

"Luca I'm your best friend and your underboss, I'm not here to do your research" Francesco spoke, sitting straight a serious look on his face.

"And I'm your cousin, also the mafia capo and head hacker you can't ask me to do things at your beck and call" Carlos added in agreement the same look on his face.

"Too bad, you're my inner circle and with a mole running around like this there's no one else" I spoke.

"May we know the reason for our research?" Francesco questioned with a raised brow moving back to his slouched position.

"That is not something you should worry about" I replied turning leaving his curiosities unsettled.

"Don't tell me we're killing her" Carlos whimpered.

"I'm heading to the main house and with all the work you both have, you should get going" I announced, moving to my feet and grabbing my phone from the table.

"We're heading to the main house too" Carlos informed me as he pushed himself off the wall.

"Perfect, We should go there together, you can tell us more on the way" Francesco added leading towards the door.

I grunted grabbing my blazer moving behind Carlos and Francesco a bodyguard approaching us a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"S-s sir y-your drink..." he stuttered keeping his head down.

I walked past him, moving towards the exit, the glass hitting the floor and the air in the room moving off my cold expression.