
MADE FOR EACH OTHER (fated love)

Cambridge has always been peaceful, it's rare to record any murder case or immoral activities. But it all changed when the two brothers came into Cambridge. Ethan came because she heard that Kathleen,his first love who turned him into a vampire is in Cambridge. He came to Cambridge to have his revenge on her for all the things she did to him. But he didn't know that the girl he thought was Kathleen was not her at all,They just look the same, like doppelgangers. It got worse when Ethan and his brother Niklaus both fall in love with the girl that looks like Kathleen. Kathleen, who's 178 years old but looks like she's in her early twenties is in Oxford, she'd dated many guys humans and vampires but he couldn't forget him, her first love. she knew he had never love her. she had compelled him into falling in love with her. she turned him into a vampire so they could live together forever but he immediately he became a vampire, all the compulsions wears off and he vowed to kill Kathleen. The girl that looks like Kathleen was exposed to the super natural beings, Things she has only read in books. then one of the friends she made in school later discovered she has magic potentials

DaoistKXwDZq · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 2- The bad one.

Olivia and Elena awaited the arrival of Caroline and Katherine and when it was taking too long,they started getting worried. It was 45 minutes past ten in the night. They both decided to go out and look for them, they stepped outside of the house and Elena guessed that they should go left, but before they move,a car was seen from afar coming at a high speed and it stopped in front of them.


They stepped back Instinctively and tried to picture the person in the car. Caroline and Katherine alighted from the car, fear written all over their faces and they half-run, half-work into the room not listening to the beckoning of their friends. The guy behind the wheel came down from the car and introduced himself to the duo still standing, unsure of what to do. they have no idea of what was happening and why their newly made friends acted like that.

He was a cop and he brief both Olivia and Elena about what was happening,how their friends heard the screams and later saw a dead body. Elena, being the fearful type was already shaking.

"I will leave now to join my colleagues in the crime scene" The cop said, "Try to calm your friends down,it's probably an animal attack" he continued and after saying that, he drove off.

Olivia and Elena entered the room,and the four of them sat down very close to each other fear visible in their eyes.

"I saw it, I'm sure of it" Caroline said again, it's what she's been telling the cops and they think it's probably the fear that made her saw a man with red eyes and blood in his mouth.

"Why didn't it come for us, if it was there" Katherine said silently like she was afraid to raise her voice.

Niklaus wiped his mouth with the white handkerchief in his hand and he tossed it into the bush. he just had his meal, though it was interrupted by the two ladies.

"I should have killed them" he said to himself regretting his action.He knew she saw him, the blonde haired one,he wanted to kill her immediately they made high contact, but he didn't. The fear and pleads in her eyes had stopped him, she looked so fragile, so innocent.

he brought out his phone and after seeing the text message again he smirked and dialed Ethan's number.

"Hello Niklaus"Ethan sounded weary on the other line.

"I saw your text message,I am already in town".

" You're already in Cambridge?" Ethan asked surprised and displeased.

" Yes, why did you sound like you don't want me around" Niklaus asked,he knew he will never want him around.

" You know why Niklaus"Ethan replied shortly.

" Don't worry I'll behave this time around,I will be in your house later in the midnight" he said.

Ethan knew there is nothing he could do to stop him from coming,he ended the call without replying. He had wanted nothing but peace,and he knew the only way he could get it is to stay clear of his brother, the bad one. he had come to Cambridge to accomplish a task, to have revenge and he has vowed to live peacefully immediately he gets what he came for. What he has become 120years ago can not be changed,but he wants to change how he lives,he wants to be normal, even if it's for a day, he wants to forget about it all.

But with Niklaus coming, he know there will be no peace, he regretted sending the text message. and he has no power to stop him from doing the bad stuff he does,

Ethan know he is not as strong as his brother.

He went into a closet and brought out a bag of blood, he poured the content into a cup and his aura, his eyeballs changes as he drank it.

For a long while, he has decided not to feed on humans again, and as long as he doesn't taste human blood, his strength diminishes, he only drink animal blood which barely keeps him alive because it's human blood that he needs, that vampires need.

His brother Niklaus is much more stronger than him because he feeds on humans, and he kills some doing the process. Niklaus has always been the rogue one among them, he doesn't care about them being discovered, and he kills whenever he feels like and hereby developing suspicion In where ever they went to.

Ethan always have to leave the area so as not to be discovered, he loathes Niklaus but he loves him all the same.

The four of them in the room continue talking, afraid to close their eyes. Caroline continue to argue her point about what she saw. Though they didn't believe her but since they were tired, they succumbed and agreed.

They all started feeling sleepy and since they couldn't cheat nature they all slept off.

The cop, Mr Forbes arrived at his house tired, he just left the morgue where they went to drop the body, they're still deciding whether an autopsy will be necessary or not.

He's been suprised by the event himself, The neck of a woman bitten into and completely drained off blood till she died. He wasn't certain it can be an animal but he couldn't think of any other thing and doesn't want to believe that it was the work of a red eye man as Caroline has stated.

since he's the only one at home, his wife and is two children travelled three weeks ago. he ate some snacks and he later dosed off on the sofa he was sitting on

Niklaus finally gets to the hostel the one the girls entered into, he guessed that the door will be locked so he didn't bother trying to open it, he went to the window frame and surprisingly it was opened wide with only the curtains blocking it from the inside.

But he could still see them clearly, he saw four of them and his eyes settled at the blonde haired one...




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