
MADE FOR EACH OTHER (fated love)

Cambridge has always been peaceful, it's rare to record any murder case or immoral activities. But it all changed when the two brothers came into Cambridge. Ethan came because she heard that Kathleen,his first love who turned him into a vampire is in Cambridge. He came to Cambridge to have his revenge on her for all the things she did to him. But he didn't know that the girl he thought was Kathleen was not her at all,They just look the same, like doppelgangers. It got worse when Ethan and his brother Niklaus both fall in love with the girl that looks like Kathleen. Kathleen, who's 178 years old but looks like she's in her early twenties is in Oxford, she'd dated many guys humans and vampires but he couldn't forget him, her first love. she knew he had never love her. she had compelled him into falling in love with her. she turned him into a vampire so they could live together forever but he immediately he became a vampire, all the compulsions wears off and he vowed to kill Kathleen. The girl that looks like Kathleen was exposed to the super natural beings, Things she has only read in books. then one of the friends she made in school later discovered she has magic potentials

DaoistKXwDZq · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CHAPHTER 3-You saw Kathleen?

Niklaus continue to study her, she looks familiar in some way like he has seen her before but he couldn't picture where he knew her.

A torch was flashed across his face,it looks like it was the security man. The man continue to move closer to him with a gun in his hand.

"Hands up"The security man said and cork his gun.

Niklaus smirked and then move so fast like a wind and stopped at the front of the man. The security man was shocked and his gun fell from his hand,he was visibly shaken to the core, he hasn't see the speed before, it was like a movie something he didn't think was possible.

Niklaus smiled as he saw the fear in the man's eyes as he exposed his fangs and his claws elongated.

"wh...a...t.... a....re.... ..y..ou?" The man stammered as he stares in horror in what's in front of him.

Niklaus stared directly at his eyes and said "Don't make a sound anymore". The man stood still unable to shout or make a sound, he has been compelled.

Niklaus dipped his fangs into the man's neck and feast on his blood.he stopped before the man loose too much blood,he raised the man's head so he could stare directly at his eyes.

"you're not going to remember anything that happened here,you are going to get yourself treated and if anyone ask how you sustain an injury in your neck, you're going to tell them you were attacked by an animal which bits into your neck". he compelled him and disappeared.

immediately he he was gone, the man stood up he couldn't remember why he was on the ground and what happened. All he could remember is that he was attacked by an animal which bits into his neck.


Ethan woke up immediately he felt the presence of his brother in the midnight.

"I'm sorry to have startled you" Niklaus said teasingly.

"Were are you coming from Nik?" Ethan asked,he knew is brother might have hurt some people because he smelled blood reeking from him.

"You know,the usual stuff" Nik replied trying to avoid the question.

"why did you come to Cambridge?"

"Oh! I thought I should be here with you,so you couldn't kill anyone out of self control"Niklaus said

"I don't need your help".

"Then why did you send the text message?"

Ethan was short of words, he knew he shouldn't have send the text.

"You still haven't drink human blood" Niklaus asked.

"NO" came the short reply from Ethan.

"It's who you are, it's what we are Ethan denying that fact doesn't change who we are".

Ethan was silent, he knew that's the truth but he has made his own decision to live on animal's blood.

Caroline woked up late, the event of yester night really took a toll on her.

The rest of the girls were already up before she woke up, she took her bath and get dressed for the day likewise the rest of them.

since lecture will start in a week time,they are free for the day so they decided to have fun and forget about what happened.

After Elena bragged about being a good cook, they all decided that she will help in preparing breakfast while the rest will do the causal work.

Olivia excused herself and went out, she couldn't see the security man so she move closer to the gate, she wanted to go and get some drugs as she claimed she was not feeling too fine.

when she neared the gate,she noticed some dried liquids on the floor, blood!!.

The hospital was really busy when he got there,with people moving around, carrying their sick children while some came with their wives about to give birth.

he had a cloth tight around the wound on his neck he saw some nurses standing at the right side in a corner of the hospital. he went to them and told them he needs to see the doctor in charge. The nurses look at him carefully and since he looked alright they asked him why he wanted to see the doctor.

"It's important" he replied shortly.

One of the nurses directed him to the doctor's office and he proceed.

"Good morning" he greeted the man seated on the chair as he came into the office.

"How may I help you?" Mr Smith, the doctor on duty asked starting at the awkward man in his office.

The security man closed the door behind him and loosen the scarf around his neck.

"Oh my gosh!!" The doctor exclaimed.

"What happened" he asked immediately, he could still see sign of teeth on the neck or was it fangs.

"I don't really know, I was on my way home in the night when an animal roared In front of me and I fainted, I couldn't remember the rest" He said

Mr Smith asked questions and the way the man answered didn't satisfy him and it was like he's having a loss memory or maybe he was hiding something. Unsure of what to do he excused himself, went outside and dialed his friend number, Mr Forbes, a cop.

Niklaus woke up as the sun shines brightly on his face he couldn't see his brother in the room. he stood up and went to Ethan's wardrobe to put a cloth on. as he was looking for a cloth to put on, he saw a picture.

He took it and guessed it is the picture of the one Ethan has been telling him about, Kathleen.

Niklaus study the picture. his mouth went agape because the girl in the picture looks so much like the blonde haired girl.....

He took the picture with him to the sitting room and called out unto his brother

"why are you screaming my name" Ethan asked annoyed

"Who's the person in this picture" Niklaus asked

"How did you get that"

"Answer my question" Nik emphasis.

"It's Kathleen," Ethan said, anger hovering in his eyes.

"I saw the person in this picture yester night Ethan"

"What!!! you saw Kathleen?" ....

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