
Mad Hound of Esselgarde

"I'm going to live free as I please! I won't LOSE anyone given this CHANCE." Carseain Esselgarde who lives his life called a "Mad Hound" blindly, fell asleep for five days after getting drunk. During that time, he saw two dreams. One gave him his memories of his past life, struggling through adversities but still staying true to his altruist nature until the day he died. Another one showed him his future as Carseain who lost everything in vain because he couldn't face his past properly. He wakes up at the age of 19 where he can still make amends for his brother Rovenin, sister Carsina, father Johann as well as his soldiers, friends and comrades. Will he be able to protect everything now that he knows?

callow_dream · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Temporary Superior

Carseain entered the room Hilde and others were, with an indifferent expression.

Sam and Lynn were a little and she was unable to read his mood.

Sam : ' Why do I need to face these nobles ?

Can't I just meet my superior and get working?'

Hilde stood up and greeted him while the other two followed her lead.

Carseain : " I guess everything went smoothly as you managed to finish things on time."

Sam : ' Except for the overwork that killed us everything else did go smoothly...'

Hilde : " Yes, there were no major problems and the minor ones were nipped by the presence of the knight you bestowed upon us."

Carseain smiled.

" That is good to hear. Now, let us head to my office and hear the report."

He said as he was opening the door.

Hilde : " Pardon me, Young Lord. May I ask what sort of person the manager who will be supervising us is ?"

She said as she followed him diligently.

Lynn : ' I hope he is not the person who would give me butterflies in my stomach just by a glare.'

She cried internally.

Carseain : " Ah, he is.... He is.... Someone who is very good with a sword...."

The three tilted their heads while Nox and Kiha shook theirs.

Sam : ' Why does a manager need a f****** sword? '

Lynn started shaking.

Lynn : ' Don't tell me that he is going to cut off limbs for any mistake we make?

Wahh... Nobles are scary. I want to go home....'

Hilde : " Umm.... I see."

Carseain continued.

" Ah... He also doesn't like to work too much.

So, he will just be glossing over everything.

Everything is on you guys so do it right, 'kay?"

He said nonchalantly.

Lynn : ' Then what is the use of a supervisor?'

A thought crossed her mind.

Sam : ' Why would you even employ such a lazy bum? I am pretty sure that the Esselgarde household has more than enough capable individuals.'

Hilde : " We will complete our job to the best of our capability. Please be assured. "

Carseain : " Ah .. That's good.... good...

I can rest easy as your supervisor. Well, I'm gonna have Rovenin do most of the work . So, It'll be fine. "


A brief moment of silence.

A brief moment of complete panic.

Hilde could not believe what she heard and the other two did not want to believe it.

Hilde : " Umm ... Excuse me but will you be personally supervising us?"

Carseain scratched his head.

" Oh Yeah, I never mentioned it. "

He mumbled.

" That is correct I will be personally supervising you but that said I'll just be getting rid of the dirt, management is all on you. This is temporary."

He said.

" Even if it is not, I will make sure it will be temporary. "

He grumbled in silence.

"Also, I am good with all weapons but swords are the best while spears take second place followed by daggers."

Nox and Kiha sighed with grief.

Nox : ' I believe that they have greater concerns than your choice of weapons, Young Master.'

Kiha saw Lynn gulping.

' Haa... The child was already scared and he managed to suck the life out of her without even a glance.

It is an impressive talent in its own way...'


A few hours ago.

In the guest room for the entourage that arrived on the order of marquis.

Carseain : " Aw... Look who we have here~

I didn't expect him to give me his top dogs when the royal council is in turmoil. "

In front of him was the leader of the Esselgarde Shadow squad which was responsible for the dirty work of the marquis and also the intelligence channel.

His name was ' Dow'.

He had a man and a woman standing behind him covered with a hood.

Carseain went and sat down on the couch opposite to them.

Dow did not stand up like others do in front of a noble. He did not mind the manners and always had his own way of doing it.

Johan did not mind it as he was more of a friend subordinate and to Carseain and Rovenin , he was a teacher who taught how to kill.

Dow : " It is because you mentioned a powerful backing behind the second hand bitch. "

Carseain : " Although, it is just a speculation, I think it is quite plausible as that stepmother of mine would not have the guts to move on her own.

Also, I remember I asked for a Company supervisor too, did you guys kill him on the way? "

Dow : " Ah, the manager right?

Though, he is weak right now. I cannot kill him even if I wanted to."


Dow took out a letter and threw it towards Carseain.

He opened and read it with a blank expression.

It was a letter from his father.



Carseain Esselgarde.

Son, I will leave the supervision of the company to you. This is an order but you may consider it as practical training .


Johan Esselgarde.


Carseain slammed the letter on to the ground with an annoyed expression.

His letter was annoyingly succinct without a shred of interest in his son's affairs.

It was things like these that made Carseain believe that his father is an indifferent man.

" What the hell is that old man thinking?"

Dow laughed at him.

Rovenin also peeked into it and tried to suppress his laughter.

" Don't you guys dare enjoy the situation.

Rovenin, did you not tell him that I was taking the exams?"

" I did mention it 'briefly' in my report."

Carseain narrowed his eyes.

" And how brief was it exactly? "

Dow : " It was about thirteen pages including how excited, confused, happy , proud and troubled he was.

It was the first time I ever saw him write a report with such details."

Carseain narrowed his eyes.

" Then my father must have read it, right?

He couldn't have missed thirteen pages all at once."

Dow averted his eyes.

"Who knows my friend is not as jobless as you are, kid. Must have overlooked it by chance..."

"Is that so?"

He grumbled.

' There is no way that my father does not know that I am taking the exams.

He is deliberately doing this and I know it.

That ol' geezer. He only cares about getting his work done.

Can't he appreciate the fact that his son is actually taking the pain to write the exam and make his life easier? '

Rovenin : "Can't he appreciate the fact that his son is actually taking the pain to write the exam and make his life easier?

Is what is going through your head right now.

I believe that he would be happy he knew it but that does not mean he should relieve you of your necessary duties. "

Dow applauded Rovenin while Carseain gritted his teeth.

Dow : " You have become his full-fledged nanny, Kid."

Unlike Rovenin, Carseain was not pleased with the situation.

He reluctantly gave up on fighting any further FOR NOW.


Hilde, Sam and Lynn followed the young Lord with a storm of thoughts raging inside their heads.

Carseain run into Rovenin his way and was startled.

Rovenin was surprised.

" Young Master, your office is the other way. Did you need something here?"

"Exactly my question!"

Nox and Kiha exclaimed softly.

Carseain found himself subconsciously walking towards the dining hall.


Suddenly, they heard two stomachs growling loudly.

It was Carseain and Lynn.

Both of them turned beet red at once.

Lynn : ' I have not eaten since the morning because I thought I would have an upset stomach due to the nervousness.'

The others were simply staring.

Carseain and Lynn looked at each other as if they were looking into the mirror.

Carseain : " It was because she was hungry!"

He said, grabbing her.

" And I thought we should eat first , as even I have not eaten since the morning, Okay?

So, it's natural for us to be here, right?"

He said, looking at Lynn.

She nodded three times sincerely.

" Bery Hungwy... I mean Very hung-"

She bit her tongue.

Taken aback a little with the unexpected reactions the others stayed silent.

Rovenin brought out his business smile.

" It's alright , the food was ready anyways.

Would you like to head in and eat right away?"



By some twist of fate, they ended up at the dining hall and the table was set for four people.

Having gone through an embarrassing experience together and being close in age, Carseain and Lynn hit off well.

Sam was also now more relaxed.

What Hilde expected to be an uphill journey turned out to be surprisingly smooth sailing.

They ate together while giving a general view of the company affairs and the internal workings.

The meal made the mood lighter and the further work was taken care of smoothly in Carseain's office.

Lynn : " Thanks to the Esselgarde influence we were able to dabble into all areas of businesses but are yet to to take root in some of them.

Especially the foreign trade routes and commodities section because it wasn't easy to prove the backing with just an informal word from the Marchioness. "

Sam added.

" Also, when it comes to food grains there were a lot of shady entries but we were never able to get hold of where the money went .

The boss always handled that money and ledger personally. "

Carseain : " I see. Hilde. "

" Yes, My Lord. "

" I am not asking for your loyalty but I wish for someone capable and to be able to hold secrets.

With that said, I hope that person could be you."