
Mad Hound of Esselgarde

"I'm going to live free as I please! I won't LOSE anyone given this CHANCE." Carseain Esselgarde who lives his life called a "Mad Hound" blindly, fell asleep for five days after getting drunk. During that time, he saw two dreams. One gave him his memories of his past life, struggling through adversities but still staying true to his altruist nature until the day he died. Another one showed him his future as Carseain who lost everything in vain because he couldn't face his past properly. He wakes up at the age of 19 where he can still make amends for his brother Rovenin, sister Carsina, father Johann as well as his soldiers, friends and comrades. Will he be able to protect everything now that he knows?

callow_dream · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Setting a Trap

Hilde and her companions were escorted to one of the lounges. They had many files and documents that needed to be carried but the servants were already ordered by Rovenin to get them straight to the Lounge and the documents to the office.

Sam, a man in his mid-thirties and Lynn, a young girl, were accompanying Hilde.

The three were spellbound by how the magnanimity was shown off with simple decor. It wasn't too extravagant like the other nobles but in no way was it inferior to any.

It showed clearly on Lynn and Sam's faces but Hilde was able to stay composed.

Sam : ' I can tell at a glance it costs quite a lot of gold but I'm sure that's not all it took to procure these merchandise.'

Sam could tell that whichever Artisan made these was highly sought after but such artisans have high pride and do not just sell them to anyone.

Whoever owns their work must be an honourable person because owning their pieces is the same as owning a part of their soul.

Lynn : ' Although, it's really splendid I've never felt this comfortable at a noble's house. It's as if whoever designed this wanted the people brought here to be at ease regardless of their status.'

Hilde glanced at the pieces with interest.

' I remember that the previous Marchioness Esselgarde was the one who personally decorated the Mansion where her children would stay during the Academy time and that it was so noble that it was not changed.

I thought it was all hyped but now that I see it, I feel like the rumours don't do justice to her. Even the Hallway was peculiar as if it was made for children to run around .'

Carseain actually does run around like a child despite his age. Askaneira's hunch was right on.

A few moments later, Kiha and a few other maids walked into the room.

Kiha bowed and spoke to them, " Good Afternoon, my name is Kiha, one of the personal attendants of Young Master. He has ordered me to take care of you until he is free to meet."

Hilde stood up as well as the other two.

Hilde : " I thank you for your hospitality. I am Hilde and these two are my companions Sam and Lynn."

Kiha smiled.

" Please be at ease. I am aware of your circumstances and I know you must be very tired so please take this opportunity and rest while you can before the meeting. "

Sam : ' You're damn right, Miss. We worked to the bone and slept in the office itself to manage it. Can't keep nobles waiting...'

Lynn was a little red.

' Wahh, she's sho pwetty~~. '

She squeezed her face in her palms to make sure her excitement didn't show up.

She stole glances at her as she personally brewed the tea with some assistance.

' Ah, so this how refined one needs to be to stay around the higher nobility...

I don't know why Miss Hilde brought me here! Just looking at her makes me nervous... What if I make a mistake? I was fine scribbling papers in the office!!!'

Kiha noticed them getting all fidgety.

She urged them to sit down comfortably and served them some tea and refreshments.

They took a sip of it and felt immensely rejuvenated.

Lynn basically had stars popping out of her eyes.

Hilde turned to Kiha, " Miss Kiha ,this is ....

I have no words to describe this."

Sam : " This is exactly what I needed after three days gruelling work.

Thank you so much."

Lynn was smiling ear to ear savouring it.

' I'm glad I came here despite all my nervousness... I have no regrets even if the rumoured Mad Hound slays me for no reason....'

Kiha seemed pleased as she poured them another glass.

" This used to be the favourite of the Marchioness after finishing the paperwork."

She was said as her eyes were reminiscing.

Sam gulped a little.

' She's serving us the same food as she would to the High nobility?!'

Hilde : " No wonder it is so splendid!"

Kiha smiled.

" Thank you very much!"

Hilde silently thought, ' " Used to, huh? She must be talking about the late Marchioness.

Looks like she's a blood servant for her to be close to the Lady at such a young age. It seems like the rumours about the turmoil in the Esselgarde estate dynamics were true. '


A while later they heard a loud noise from the lounge on the other side of the Hallway.

Hilde recognized the voice of the man who was shouting with anger.

It was Carseain's.

Some of the servants found themselves trembling.

Sam : ' Uh...uh did we come at a bad time?'

Lynn : ' Wahhh... I'm really gonna die.'

Lynn cried silently with trembling hands.

Kiha sighed a little.

" I will go and see what happened. Please rest assured, nothing bad will befall you."

She said glancing at Lynn.

She bowed and left with a smile.

Sam : ' That little lass is an angel.'

He thought with a chuckle.

The maids in the room glanced at each other to communicate.

Two of them near the door nodded and ran after Kiha.

" Oh my gosh, what is that girl thinking? Looks like getting suddenly promoted to being a personal attendant has gotten to her head."

A maid said, exasperated.

" Really! Going to the Young Master when his mood is this bad but you can't even leave her alone."

The other replied.

" Yes, I really don't want such a sweet and cheerful girl in tears. I hope Nox will stop her from entering."

" Oh, yes. He's always helping--..... Wha--- What is he doing?!!"

She exclaimed as her eyes widened.

The other also saw the scene which made the run faster.

However, it was too late.

Nox had already let Kiha inside the room where Carseain and the other pair of guests were in.

" Nox! Why did you let her in ?"

She said, shaking him by the shoulders.

" What if something happens to her?!"

The other yelled.

" Shhhh..."

Nox hissed insistently.

They stopped when they realized they were just outside the room Carseain was in.

Nox : " Calm down, both of you. It's alright. Kiha can manage it."

" Huh? What do you mean?"

" Is there anyone except Sir Rovenin who can do that?"

Nox : " Umm...but Kiha is also a Blood servant... So, I guess it's fine?"

They had their jaws dropped.

" Wait, Kiha is also a Blood servant? "

Nox nodded.

Nox : " She's been one since she was a child. "

" I never knew that .... No wonder she suddenly got promoted."

" But then why was she always ... you know...so... "

Nox also made an awkward face.

It just didn't make sense for an esteemed blood servant to do menial chores and not exercise her rights.

" Well, you know... Kiha's personality..."

Nox mumbled.

" Ah...that's right..."

" That : I want to travel the world on a wyvern: personality...."

The maids were completely convinced with that excuse.

They sighed in relief and went back to chatting.

" To think that Kiha was also a Blood servant..."

" I was so shocked... Do you think that the others know?"

Nox smiled as he watched them go.

' I'm glad the opportunity came earlier than expected.

This morning Kiha was suddenly announced as a personal attendant which raised many questions as to the reasons as to why that happened.

Now they have an explanation of being a blood servant which was totally unexpected for most of them.

This rumour would spread fast and I just have to see who tries to curb it. That person will be the spy we're looking for.

The investigation will proceed smoothly.'


When Kiha entered the room, she found Carseain holding a letter with a sullen face, Rovenin who seemed amused and the three guests who looked indifferent.

Kiha : " Young Master, I don't know what happened but all you screaming is scaring the other group of guests. "

Carseain : " Ah... Is that so? That's bad, I guess.

I have to work with them after all."

He said in a tired voice.

Kiha : " Huh? Young Master, please rest a little. You're pushing yourself too hard.

I mean you've been studying, writing exams and also doing your paperwork these days."

Carseain turned to her with a puppy face.

" Kiha~"

Kiha smiled.

Rovenin : "That is something all average Noble children are obliged to do."

Kiha : " I'm worried that all of this will be too much for him as he originally didn't even know he had to do it."

Rovenin : " Ah, that's true."

Carseain turned his face and pouted.

" I hate you both."

Carseain turned towards the door to go out.

" Ah...that's right. You guys..."

He addressed the guests that arrived.

" You guys should rest and stay low until tomorrow.

There are some unwanted eyes here, so make sure not to reveal yourselves."

" Understood."

They replied in unison.

Carseain went outside on his way towards Hilde accompanied by Kiha and Nox.

Rovenin stayed back with the guests.

Kiha : " Young Master, remember to smile, okay? Smile."

Nox : " She means the ones that look receptive, not the usual, Young Master."

Carseain was annoyed.

" Yeah, I know. I know.

Also Nox, I told you not to learn stupid stuff from Foxy. "

Both of them just smiled while Carseain clicked his tongue.

What do you think was the true identity of those 'guests'? and what made Carseain so angry and the sullen?

Let me know your thoughts!

callow_dreamcreators' thoughts