
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 73: Meeting Asia and Freed Sellzen

After Raynare's assassination attempt, I had a quiet 4 nights on the streets to see if any other fallen angels were froggy. I guess Raynare told them that I'm not the one to fuck with which means that they'll be focusing their attention on Asia. I ended up getting a report from Lydia and Kara that Asia has arrived. I call Sona that I won't be able to make it to school tomorrow and she gave me the go ahead on condition of a game of chess the day after. I accepted her challenge and told her that she better be prepared for another loss.

I woke up as usual before the sun came up and did my 2 hour long training session with the gravity on 25x. After a shower and a quick bite to eat, I head to where Asia would be. I get there just to see her fall over and her dress fly over her head. I quickly run over to help her back up on her feet. Seeing her in person, she is very beautiful. Standing at 5'1", the blond hair, green eye nun looks up at me and says hello. I say hello back at her.

"My name is Michael Barnes, what's yours?"

"Asia Argento."

"You new around here?"

"Yes, I got here last night. You look like you're new to Kuoh City too."

"Yep, I'm from the United States."

"Wow! I've never been there before. How is it like to live there?"

"It's ok if you don't pay attention to politics and bullshit. Where you from, Asia?"

"Europe. I was raised by the church."

"So you're catholic?"

"Yes, sort of..."

"Sort of? Did they kick you out?"

She wouldn't answer.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. People have the right to withhold some things. Is that your suitcase?"


"Let me hold it for you."

"You don't have to..."

"I insist. It's the way of a gentleman."

She smiled at me.

"So where are you heading?"

"To the church here."

"Ok, I'll walk with you."

We start walking and I make some small talk. 5 minutes into the walk to the church, we hear a little boy crying. Before I could go over to the the kid, she gets to him and kneels and uses her Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing. The boy stops crying and stands up. He hugs her and runs off. As she walks towards me, she sees me with a grin on my face.

"Some power you have back there."

"Yes, it's a blessing and a curse." she said while looking down.

"I'm guessing it's the reason why you got kicked from the church in Europe."

"Yes, I discovered this power of mine when I was little when I healed a puppy. Then I was called a saint. I didn't go out much and though I saw many people, it wasn't to play with. They wanted to be healed. Then a couple of weeks ago, I found someone hurt and healed him. I didn't know he was a devil. And then the church labeled me a witch and I was excommunicated. Then I got a call from the church here that they would take me in."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said though I knew the devil that she healed and he was after her. Diodora Astaroth tricked her and was going to try to nab her into his demented clutches. As far as devils go, he's one of the worst with a nun fetish. I'll put him 6 feet under soon enough but not now. I can sense that sick fuck spying on me and Asia right now but I'll ignore it. If he made a move, I would have no choice but to put my steel toed boot in his ass.

"So Michael, why are you here in Kuoh City?"

"I'm a foreign exchange student going to Kuoh Academy."

"Do you play sports?"

"No even though, I could do good in basketball with my height, hahaha."

She giggled.

"But, I'm a good fighter and wrestler so if anything, I could go into MMA or pro wrestling."

"Yes, you could!" she said excitedly.

We continue walking until we get to the doors of the church.

"Well, looks like we're here. Here's your suitcase."

"Thank you, Michael."

"You sure you're going to be ok?"

"I'm sure."

I pull a smartphone out of my left pocket.

"Here, this is a welcome gift from me. If you need someone to talk to, my number is already in there. And you see that big mansion over there?" I tell her before pointing to my mansion.

"Yes, I see it."

"That's where I live. If you ever need a place to stay, my door is always open. And if you ever find yourself in trouble, don't hesitate to call me. I'll be there in a flash."

"Thank you Michael. I'm glad to have met you today. You're my first friend here."

"It's been my pleasure, Asia. I got to head home now. I'll see you sometime."

Before I turn to walk back down the stairs in front of the church, she hugs me tight and I return her hug. I can see a tear in her eye. And then I walk off, knowing that I'll be seeing her again soon. After I walk a good distance, I pull out my phone. I call Rias and told her to gather everyone into the club room.

30 minutes later...

I'm in the club room with Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko. I tell them I made contact with Asia. I also tell them that in a few days, one of them will be summoned by an exorcist named Freed Sellzen and Asia will be there as Freed's support.

"Freed Sellzen? Yuuto, do you know anything about him?" Rias asked Kiba.

"I haven't." Kiba replied.

"I've already did some research regarding Freed and I'll share this with you all." I said.

"He's wanted by the church so he's a criminal. He also doesn't believe in God and enjoys killing devils and monsters. He's also a nasty pervert so I want to meet him so I can stomp a mudhole in his ass and run that son of a bitch dry!"

"Michael, do you hate perverts?" asked Koneko.

"I don't hate perverts. I just hate ones that do "certain" things to women." I replied.

Everyone nodded when I said that.

"Ok everyone, I have something that needs our attention right now. I have information about a stray devil that is here in Kuoh City. Michael, are you going to join us on this hunt?"

"I will. I'll be the one to deal with that stray devil. I know that this is your hunt but I have a few things I want to research and this stray devil is perfect for me to do my research on."

"Ok, so we will back you up."

"That's fine. And if this stray proves to be problematic, you can destroy her."


I walk over to Rias and hold her hand. She teleports me to the location of the stray devil. I look and it's an old abandon house. I sensed the stray devil and I frown.

"Why are you frowning, Michael?" asked Rias.

"Too big to go through the portal at my mansion." I said.

"Well does this mean we're killing the stray?"

"Yep. However, I don't think you all have seen a major part of my abilities yet so I'll give all of you a demo."

We go inside the run downed house and begin to search. It didn't take long.

"Hmm. Rias Gremory, I didn't think you brought me food to convince me to go back to my master. I'll have to think you for doing that." said a voice from the shadows. As the stray comes out of the shadows, she has long dark hair and grey eyes. as more of her comes into light, her lower half has four legs and a snke for a tail. Yeah, I can't bring her back to my mansion at all.

"Fuck, I wouldn't touch you with a 50 foot pole, you nasty bitch!" I said loudly. I got into a stance to move. As I guessed, my words can piss off my enemies as she screamed at me and Rias's peerage. I jump up and summoned my Tommy Gun and opened fire. We everyone saw my Tommy Gun materialize into my hands, they looked surprised. Rias finished her off and made sure that there wasn't a trace of her left.

"Michael, what was that?" Akeno asked me as we all was walking out of the abandoned house.

"One of many firearms that I can summon at will. The one I just used is the Thompson Submachine Gun." I told her as I summoned my Tommy Gun for everyone to see.

"Is there anything else that you can use besides guns?" Kiba asked.

"Yes. I have my world's Excalibur." I told him as I unsummoned the Tommy Gun and reached into my pocket dimension and pulled out my sword. Kiba's demeaner changed.

"What's wrong Kiba?" I asked.

"Kiba explained his backstory on how he was an orphan and was involved in the Holy Sword project. That he was the only survivor of the project and is reason on living is to avenge is friends that had died and destroy holy sword. I put my hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"I'll help to achieve your goal but you have to remember a few things. One, you have to get stronger through training and two, don't forget your friends here.I'm sure they want to help you too, dude."

He looked at me and nodded his head. We all went back to my mansion and I set up several guest rooms for them. Before I went to my bedroom, Rias looked at me and smiled as she mouthed a Thank You towards me. I went into my bedroom and talked to my wives about what happened then we went to bed.

The next day was the same routine of waking up early to train, eat, school, and then head to the old school building. Koneko was sitting on the couch, drinking tea.

"Everyone else doing contracts?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I was about to head off to do my contract but I have a bad feeling about this one."

"You want me to go in your place?" I asked her.

"I shouldn't. You're not a devil."

"I know but I have a feeling that I get to let loose a little because that might be Freed. Stay here and tell the others what's going on."


I head to the address and go into Stealth as I make my way through a building. The sun was down now and I could see a dimly lit room as I was walking through this building. Before I walked in, I sensed that Freed was there with a dead body. I also sensed Asia in the same building. I turned of Stealth and walk in.

"Freed Sellzen, I presume." I said to the white haired man that was sitting on a couch. His back was turned.

"And you must be a devil. I can't wait to send you in little pieces." Freed said. He then stood up and turned around. When he saw me, his eyes went wide.

"Wait, you're not a devil!"

"Nope, I'm just a simple American that has a big house here in Kuoh City. But I have a grudge on those that simple come to town to murder innocent people that that person on the floor."

"He summoned a devil so I had to hack him up. The wicked deserve to die and I grant death." The deranged fuck said with a crazed look on his face.

"Well, at least you can meet the One and Only, Mad Dog Barnes now, Freed."

"Wait, you're the one that killed 12 Himejima Clansmen 8 years ago!"

"Damn fucking straight!"

Freed's face change to one that was showing fear. He heard of me.

"You only know of that but you also should understand that I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to whoop that ass, go home then drink beer."

Freed pulled out his gun and light blade. I summoned my Glock and pulled out Excalibur.

"So you use a gun and a sword, big deal. NOT!"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Freed yelled as he charged at me. He swung his sword down and I side stepped. I trip him up and he falls. He rolls in mid fall so he can land on his back. He aims his gun to shoot but I shoot first. His gun goes flying out of his hand. I point my sword at him.

"Get up."

Freed get up and he's eyeing his gun We then hear a scream. It's Asia. She found the dead body.

"What is this?" Asia asked.

"Seems to me that your friend over here is a murderer." I said.

"Michael, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to check on a friend and this is what I find. Asia, are you ok?"

"Yes, for the most part, Michael."

"You stupid bitch, you was suppose to maintain the barrier."

My Glock disappears and I punch Freed in the nose, breaking it in the process.

"Disrespecting a friend of mine in front of me will get you hurt, dumbass!" I yelled at him.

"Fuck this shit, I got to get out of here!" Freed yelled as he got up to leave.

"Go on, you fucking pussy!" I yelled as he stumbles out of the room. I turned to Asia.

"I think he's going to have to have his nose reset so you better go help him." I tell her.

"Ok Michael. I'll see you again?"

"You can count on it." I said with a wink. She leaves and I get out my phone.

"Hey Lydia, you and Kara head to the abandoned church that I mapped out and watch for any activity. Don't act on the activity, just watch and report to me when you see anything. Thanks babe."

After hanging up the phone, I turn Stealth back on and head home. I know that soon, I can flex more of my power.