
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 72: Occult Research Club and Raynare

I waste time walking around Kuoh City to enjoy the social scene and to find stores and restaurants that I can take my wives to for dates. I also kept looking over my shoulder as I continued to notice that I'm being spied on. Not that I'm worried since I can defend myself but I know who it is and why. I look on my phone to check the time and it was nearly time for the academy to dismiss students for the day. I head back and quickly head to the old school building that the Occult Research Club was using for their respective club house. I see Rias looking out an open window and stand there for a few seconds.

"Hey Rias." I said out loud with a smirk.

"Michael, can I help you?" she asked.

"Just wanted to meet the rest of your peerage."

"Let me come down to teleport you up here."

"No need, just move away from the window. I can easily jump up there faster."

She moves away from the window and I jump up there easily. As I enter through the window, I see Akeno standing at the desk with Rias.

"Ladies." I said to them as I tip my favorite hat.

"So did you find your classes easily?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah, pretty easy to figure out my classes."

"What did you do with the rest of your day?" Rias asked.

"I spent the rest of the time to tour Kuoh City. I found some restaurants and shops that I can take my wives to for future dates. However, I was being spied on the whole time but a fallen angel. Though, I can take care of myself, still not something I like."

The ladies had a worried look on their faces. But before they could say anything to me, 2 magical circles shown and 2 more members of the Occult Research Club appeared. A young and small girl and a boy. They saw me and got in a fighting stance.

"Stand down you 2. I'm not here to fight." I said while I looked at them.

They relaxed a little but kept their eyes on me.

"My name is Michael Barnes, and yours?"

"I'm Yuuto Kiba." said the boy, Standing at 5'8" with blond hair and blue eyes, he's certainly this school's prince charming. I extend my hand for a handshake and he shakes my hand.

"Koneko Toujou" the little girl said. Standing at 4' 6" with white hair and gold eyes, I felt that she wasn't human when she reincarnated to be a devil.

I extend my hand to shake her hand. As soon as our hands touch, it conform my suspicions.

"Nekomata?" I asked.

"How did you know?" Rias said.

"When I saw her, I sensed that she had different power within her. Then when I shook her hand, I felt that power. I've read books about nekomatas before. Plus, in my world, we have beast-kin that close resemble nekomatas. In fact, I'm married to one. You remember Kara?"

Rias and Akeno's eyes went wide as well as Koneko's.

"President, is he joining us?" asked Kiba.

"As an honorary member only. I don't want to loose my humanity or my status as a high human. Besides, I already reincarnated before. Not the greatest memory in my book."

"Wait, you mean you're from another world?" Kiba shockingly said.

I explained my origin from my previous life to the world I reincarnated. All 4 of them listened to my story. When I was done, I looked at each of them when I sensed that someone is missing.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Rias?"

"Like what?"

"Why do I sense another of your peerage in another room?"

"That's Gasper. I have yet to get permission from my brother to free him. He has yet to control his Sacred Gear."

"Does it involve time manipulation?"


"I'll talk to your brother."

"Michael, why are you here?"

"First to meet everyone here, and then to tell you all that you all will be training at my mansion starting tomorrow. Kiba, I have a special trainer for you. Koneko, I will train you. Akeno, your mother will train you. Rias, I'll be bringing my best mage from my world to train you. I have to rework my barriers around my mansion so you all can teleport inside the mansion. The training will be hard. So don't go into it half assed."

The Occult Research Club members had eyes wide open and jaws dropped.

"Be prepared for tomorrow. I'm going to head home." As I was about to jump out the window, a knock comes from the door. I sensed that it was Sona.

"Come in." Rias said.

The door opens and in walks Sona Sitri.

"Hello Rias, I didn't know you had company." Sona said.

"I was about to leave, Ms. Sitri."

"You may call me Sona. And since you're here, I guess you know about the three factions then."

"Yes, in fact, they knew about me about a decade ago. Did you hear about the incident back then that left 12 Himejima Clansmen dead?"


"That was me."

Everyone but Rias and Akeno was shocked.

"T-That was you!"


"How, you look like you're a teenager now, you would have been 10 back then."

"I have my ways, haha. Anyways, did you need anything from me, I'm going to head home."

"I came to talk to Rias but since you're here, how about you tell me about yourself?"

"I would but I'm pressed for time. How about I tell you over a game of chess in a few days?"

That peaked Sona's interest.

"Ok, just don't be a sore loser when I win." Sona said with a grin.

"I suggest the same but I'll put it in my terms. Don't get butt hurt when I tan that hide of yours." I said with a wink.

"W-What!" Sona stammered out with a blush.

"He did that to me earlier today." Akeno said.

"He tanned your hide?" Kiba said.

"No, he made me blush."

Everyone looked at Akeno in shock. While they were staring at Akeno, I made my way out and used Stealth to head home without being spied on. I knew I had at least 3-4 days before I encounter Raynare so I will make the most of it.

4 days goes by pretty fast. I started to attend Kuoh Academy and as expected, classes were BORING as fuck. I acted like I was paying attention in every class. After school, the Occult Research Club came to my mansion to begin training. Kiba met Sara and they had a spar on the first day to see where he was as far as abilities, He's not bad for someone his age but he's no where Sara's level. I had brought Maria to train with Rias as Maria is the best mage in my world. Rias is good but she needed to focus more. Still yet to talk to Sirzechs about freeing Gasper but it will come later. The problem came with Akeno and Koneko. Akeno has yet to embrace her Fallen Angel side so that's why I left her to Shuri. Koneko was still dealing with the trauma from the last time she saw her sister, the Class SS criminal, Kuroka. I knew from my past life as I have watched the anime before my untimely heart attack and remembered the story behind the 2 sisters and what happened that night when Kuroka killed her master and his assistant. I knew where the research notes were and I asked Koneko about her hairclips. I asked to see them and when I inspected them, one of them had the info. So I went and was able to retrieve the info in the hairclip. A 30 minute job. I gave Koneko her hairclips back and asked her for a spar.

She is strong but going against me, she's got a long road ahead. I pointed out her weak spots in her fighting stance. I helped improve her stance and told her that though strong, she has to gain experience before she can see the improvements. I did meet with Sona a few days after me meeting the Occult Research Club. She played a mean game of chess but it was weird at the end after I checkmated her. She tried to get me to play another game right after but I told that I didn't have time to go again. During the match, I told her and her 'Queen', Tsubaki Shinra, about my previous life, my death, my reincarnation, and my time in my world. After I left the Student Council Room, I walked home, knowing the I'll be fallowed by Raynare. The next few days went like so, school, home, training with Rias's peerage. Then came today, I knew that Raynare would disguise herself as Yuuma. After getting through classes, I texted Rias to tell her peerage to not go to my mansion as I had something important to do. I figured that Koneko would be tailing me which I didn't care as she would see first hand my combat capabilities. I walked to the bridge where I knew where she was going to be and sure enough, she was there. She walked up to me and asked me out.

"Sure." I said.

We went and I showed her a good time. I paid for everything. We walked all over the place as the sun went down. We went to the park and we talked a little. As I knew she would, she walked out of my line of sight so she could transform.

"Would you die for me?" she asked.

As soon as she said that, I disappeared. She looked around for a second before I reappeared behind her.

"No. Bad bird. You was duped into this date by me. I sensed that it was you Raynare."

She turned around only to meet the barrel of my Glock.

"H-How did you know?!" Raynare shockingly asked.

"Like I said, I sensed your feathery power for a while. Not going to lie about a few things. I hate being spied on but by a beauty like you. I could overlook that fact. However, I won't overlook the fact that you intended to kill me just now because I have the Boosted Gear."

I saw the fear in her eyes as I spoke to her but I also saw her blush a little when I called her a beauty.

"I suggest you give up as I am a whole lot better than you in combat than you. You only will experience death if you do fight me. I'm only giving you this chance once since we did have a good time during the date. Consider this a gift."

She grit her teeth but she knew that she was outclassed.

"Fine. I'll give up. But next time, I'll be ready."

"As will I, Raynare."

Raynare flies off. My Glock disappears and I take a deep breath.

"Koneko, I know you're here. Come over."

Koneko walks over. "How?" she askes.

"I'm always aware of my surroundings. I can sense all kinds of energy. You should have known this by now. Remember when we first met?"

Her eyes raised when she remembered that I sensed that she was a nekomata.

"Will I be able to do that if you keep training me?" she asked.

"As long as you keep training with me, I think you have the best shot at it."

She looked at me and smiled. That's rare. She never smiled the whole time I've known her before now.

"Are you ready to go home now?" she asked.

"Yes. I'll tell Rias what happened here. I'll walk home, It shouldn't be too far away from here."

We said our goodbyes and I walked home. As I walked in, I see that Yuna made the trip here and was watching a little bit of T.V.. I asked her what she is watching and she told me news. I told her that the news is garbage and if she was ready for some real news, I could tell her about my day.

Back to Raynare's POV...

"Damn it. I wasn't able to kill him. How can a human be that powerful?" Raynare was shacking her head. Then it hit her.

"Wait a minute, he was the one behind the Himejima clan massacre 8 years ago. I fucking forgot!"

Raynare finally realized that she was lucky she was alive.

"On to the nun then."