
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 24

Night falls at the Jimmu Kingdom's castle. i am still paying attention to anything. The girls are resting while the battle maids stand guard. Lydia is still scouting the city. Queen Kazami walks up to me.

"Thank you for clearing the castle but why are we waiting instead of liberating the city?" she asked.

"Always be prepared for anything. So I sent Lydia to scout the city. I want to know what we're about to go up against when we start heading into the city. I rather be prepared for nothing that to run in blind and face something that we didn't know was there."

"I see your point. You're pretty wise despite being 19."

"Well, I have lived another life before. The experiences I've had in my previous life has helped me a lot. But i always live by a motto. Always be prepared."

"I see. So you lived another life before this one?"

"Yes. I was nearly 38 years old in my previous life and I was on a planet known as Earth. I lived in a world where the technology was a lot more advanced than this one but had no concept of magic. There where kingdoms but also totalitarian states and democracies. I lived in a country that is a democracy. The United States Of America. But we had a idiot for a president. Anyways, I had a heart attack in my sleep one night and died and God sent me here with a mission."

"What is that mission?"

"To take out the Dark Lord."

"I see."

"So now that You know where I came from and why I'm here. I do have a question. When did you become the queen? No offence but you look a little young."

"I became the Queen 5 years ago when my father passed away after a long illness. I was 13 at the time. My mother passed away right after I was born so I am the only heir."

"I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences."

"You're quite the gentleman."

"My dad taught me to be a gentleman."

"He must have been a great man."

"He is in my eyes."

All of a sudden, Lydia shows up.

"Michael, there's roughly 300 orcs, 250 ogres, and 3 demons. And they're coming!"

"How long before they get here?"

"2 hours give or take a few minutes."

"Ok, get some rest. You did a great job today."

"Thank you Michael." Lydia said with a smile.

I look at my girls and the battle maids. I know they're ready for anything. The demons with be on me to take care of alone.

"Alright, in 2 hours, we'll be fighting again. Roughly 550 orcs and ogres are heading this way with 3 demons. I will take care of the demons and will help take care of the ogres and some orcs. Any questions?"

No one said anything.

"Good, now let's prepare for our guests."

2 Hours later....

I'm relaxed and ready with the Sledgehammer ready to go. I also have my sword sheathed to my side. My girls are ready. I think some are a little nervous but I wink at them to relax them. We start hearing foot steps and growling sounds. They're here. I wait until I see them.

"SUCK BOOMSTICK BITCHES!" i shout pulling the trigger on my Sledgehammer. Blood, organs, and body parts fly everywhere. I'm making short work of them. Some start running away but get caught by the slugs I'm firing. They have no chance to escape. I keep firing until I see the demons. I had already taken out 500 of the orcs and ogres so I leave my ladies to clean up the stragglers while I take on the demons. I quick stepped towards them and punch one in the face, sending that one flying into a wall. the other 2 look at me shocked as I look at one with a sadistic smile on my face.

I unsheathed my sword and with a vertical slash, split one in 2, killing that one instantly. The lone demon that hasn't been damaged tries to run but I wrap my arm around his neck and put him in a rear naked choke. The demon loses consciousness. As I let go of that demon, the first demon I attacked has regained his senses and comes at me. I swing my sword and slash his gut wide open. His intestines spill out. I swing down on his neck and cut his head off. The lone remaining demon is starting to come to. I swing the sword down on his neck like an executioner and cut thru clean. His head rolls a little ways but when it stops, his eyes are on me surprised. I flip my middle finger up at him and the light fades from his eyes. I take a deep breath and look at the battlefield in the hallway. No orc and ogre left to kill. My girls did the job.

I walk over to Yuna.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm good, darling. You did great against the demons. That sword has grown on you."

"Thank you babe. I do need some training with the sword but I think I can handle it."

She kisses my passionately. I look at the others and they look a little winded.

"Alright everyone. We rest and wait until back up arrives. in a few hours."

I sit with my girls and then close my eyes. Sleep is calling my name. I can't escape it. Next thing I know I open my eyes. The sun is rising. The air is heavy with the smell of orcs and ogres. I see 2 round mounds. The back of my head is resting softly on someone's lap. I hear Yuna's voice.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"Good morning beautiful. How long was I out?"

"4 hours."

"I feel rested enough. How about the others."

"Still sleeping."

"What about you?"

"I slept with your head on my lap."

"I have to admit, Yuna. The view that I have right now is very good right now."


"I love you Yuna."

"I love you too, Michael."

Then I hear foot steps coming from the teleportation room. Reinforcements have arrived. I get up and check the other girls with Yuna. Everyone is asleep. I look at Yuna and tell her to find an empty room. I follow her and she found one with a big bed. I get in the bed and she joins me. We cuddle and fall back asleep for a few more hours. The battle wore me out.