
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 23

Hearing William's voice when he found those chickens in his room. Priceless! I look at everyone as told them it's time to go to bed. Big day tomorrow, we'll be in a new kingdom. Kagura was put in her own room and I made sure that she was taken care of. I went to bed with my girls and before I went to sleep, I get a text from God.

The text said, "I got two gifts for you. One is ear buds for your phone. The other is another weapon you can add to your arsenal. It's the MPS AA - 12 Sledgehammer. Happy belated birthday my son."

I texted back, "Thank you and that weapon. Is it the automatic shotgun from "The Expendables"?"

I get a text back saying, "Yes."

I got the biggest shit eating grin on my face. I LOVE that gun in the movie. The way it sounds when Terry Crews was firing it was beautiful. I now have a gun that will put a statement from the first round. And the damage though short range, is devastating. I put my phone down and Yuna looked at me.

"Did god give you a gift?"

"Yes he did. A new gun and one that I always wanted to fire."

"That's good darling."

"I love you Yuna"

"I love you too Michael."

We kiss each other and fall asleep in each others embrace.

Morning comes and everyone is getting ready. Iris had already left to get her armor on since it is at the castle. Before leaving, Liza went and hugged Margaret and said her goodbyes. Margaret then ran to me and I picked her up.

"Be safe big brother!"


I put her down and we left. Arriving at the castle, I see William, He doesn't look happy.

"Hey William, you got back last night. How was it?" I asked though in know what he's going to say.

"Fuck you Michael. You asshole. That prank went too fucking far!"

"Well, next time, tell me when you go skirt chasing in another kingdom for a week. We have a visitor that needs help and you was no where to be found because you went to Marks castle to get to know Beth better. By the way, how did that go?"

"I'm sorry and it went great. I think she's the one."

"Good. Just keep seeing her and take her on dates and love her. I know you got it in you to do that much."

"I will. By the way, who's the visitor?"

"Kagura Kazami."

William eyes went wide. There's something I don't know that he does.

"Kazami? You mean the Queen of the Jimmu Kingdom, Kagura Kazami?"

I look over towards Kagura.

"You're the queen?"

"Yes." she said while lowering her head.

"Hey, look up. Your servants made a sacrifice so you wouldn't get captured. You now have to honor them by walking tall and proud."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and started crying. I hug her and the rest of the girls move in to join in on the hug. I told William what the situation was.

"That's horrible. I'll sent some knights over there tomorrow with 1,500 soldiers and I'll get a hold of the Evergreen Kingdom for them to send some additional support too."

"Thanks William. I'll be heading over there first to clear the castle. The girls are coming too."

"Ok, please be safe and protect my sister!"


We all end our hug on Queen Kazami and head to the teleportation room. We met up with Iris and told her about Kagura. She was shocked for a moment but went back to her serious mode. We made it to the teleportation room and I summoned my new gun.

"Is that the gift that god gave you?" Yuna asked.

"One of 2 gifts." I replied.

"What is the other?" asked Anita

"Ear buds."

I pull them out of my storage and put them in my ears. I know this gun is going to be loud. I put "through the Fire and Flames" from DragonForce on and head in.

As soon as we teleport, I sensed 2 orcs in the room on the other side. As soon as I see them, I aim and pull the trigger.


5 shots ring out and 2 orcs where blown apart. Liza was the only one of my ladies to vomit. The battle maids that wasn't with me during the time in the Marks Kingdom also got sick. I wait for a few minutes for them to regain their composure. Then we leave and find 4 more orcs which I made their deaths quick and brutal.. I tell the ladies to start searching rooms for survivors. and to kill the orcs. everyone is now strong enough to kill an orc though when it comes to Liza and Nina, I prefer them to stay away from the fighting but to be ready to heal when ready which i conveyed to them.

I went to the throne room and found 10 orcs and an ogre. I fire and death followed in my wake. I knew what these green bastards do to women so I'm sending them to meet their maker fast. The ogre didn't stand a chance against the Sledgehammer. Makes me wonder if a demon can withstand the force of a close range shot. Clearing out the throne room, I head to the next room. The war room. There was 5 ogres and an orc in there. 15 seconds later, all clear from that room.

I head towards the dungeon and I know I'm not going to like the scene because I sensed 10 human presences and an orc down there. I summon my Glock and hold it my right hand while the Sledgehammer is in my left. I head down and I see an orc getting ready to **** a woman I quick stepped over there and shot the orc in the head. I help the woman up and told her to go to the corner away from me. I aim the Sledgehammer at the orc's groin and fire. blowing him apart. I then signaled the women to follow me. I meet up with my girls and had Liza and Nina heal them .

I head back past the dungeon and sensed more orcs and ogres in the garden. A minute later it was cleared. The castle was almost cleared. The armory was the last one to check. I near the armory and sensed an orc, an ogre, and a demon. I kick down the door and fire, the orc and ogre was instantly blown apart but the demon was tough. I quit firing and take out the sword with the golden handle out of my storage and swing. I connected and cut him in half. The castle is cleared. Mission accomplished.

I head back to the girls and tell Lydia to scout the city to see how many orcs, ogres, and demons we are dealing with there. I asked how many survivors we rescued. 17 including the 10 I rescued from the dungeon. I have one of the battle maids take the survivors to the teleportation room to take them to Hearth castle. 5 minutes later the battle maid came back.

"Battle maids, take turns standing guard. We wait for the Hearth soldiers."