
A/N: Luke’s Future Military

This is not a real chapter it's more of an information provider about what Luke's future Military looks like in case you haven't read the title, most of units will be from Star Wars because they look cool and if you want to add or change something for something better let me know.


*Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I (Vulture Droid) [Class: Fighter] (Star Wars)

*Droid tri-fighter [Class: Interceptor] (Star Wars)

*Hyena-class Droid Bomber [Class: Bomber] (Star Wars)

*Stingers [Class: Battleship] (Battleship)

*Reaper [Class: Troop Transport] (Mass Effect)

*G'quan [Class: Heavy Cruiser] (The Babylon Project)

*Star Killer MKII [Class: Capital and Mobile Battle Station] (Star Wars)

*Resurgent-class Star Destroyer [Class: Battlecruiser] (Star Wars)

*Cyber-Commander [Class: Naval Officer] (Doctor Who)

*Lucrehulk-Class Core Ship [Class: Mobile command centre] (Star Wars)

*Lucrehulk-Class Battleship [Class: Battleship] (Star Wars)

*Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship [Class: Capital Ship] (Star Wars)

*Sentinel [Class: Multipurpose unit] (Matrix)

*Various Decepticon Starships [Class: Starship] (Transformers)



*Droideka [Class: Vehicle/Armoured Infantry] (Star Wars)

*Sharpshooter Droideka [Class: Armoured Sniper] (Star Wars)

*T-XA [Class: Elite Infiltrator] (Terminator)

*Cybus Cybermen [Class: Infantry] (Doctor Who)

*ST-series super tactical droids [Class: Ground base Commander] (Star Wars)

*Runners [Class: Scout/Patrol] (Matrix)

*J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon [Class: Heavy Artillery] (Star Wars)

*Super tank [Class: Heavy Tank] (Star Wars)

*MTT [Class: Troop transport] (Star Wars)

*OG-9 Homing Spider Droid [Class: Anti-Infantry] (Star Wars)

*Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid [Class: Mobile artillery] (Star Wars)

*Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike [Class: Light patrol craft] (Star Wars)

*IG-227 Hailfire-Class Droid Tank [Class: Anti-air] (Star Wars)

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