
Father-daughter duo

"Hello? Mumma?" Miracle's angelic voice filled the principal's office. Her tiny hands were formed into fists around the receiver.

"Miracle? Don't worry. Mumma is on her way. Stay in the office, all right?" Amy's voice oozed out of the receiver. D.K. tried his best while concealing his smile.

"Yes, Mumma. I am at the principal's office with the story uncle."

"Story uncle?" Her Mumma was confused.

D.K. wanted to slap himself hard on his forehead as he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Who told her to speak about him to his Mumma?

"Yes, Mumma. He is my new best friend."

"Oh!" Amy chuckled, "I am coming. Bye!"



Miracle hung up the phone after which felt like an eternity. D.K. looked at her with ogled eyes as she strode over to him with her tiny legs. Then, with eager eyes, she spoke, "Until Mumma comes, will you tell me Mumma and Daddy's story? How did they meet? How they became friends in their school life? Were they best friends since nursery? What did they do together? Were you friends with them? What..."

D.K. smiled as he closed his eyes. Then, he spoke, "Oh my little kitty. If you keep purring like that, how will I answer your questions?"

Miracle pouted adorably as she spoke, "Okay. Then, answer."


"Miracle", Amy's voice rang out from the corridor. D.K. shrugged at Miracle as her lips curled down. Soon, Amy entered and the scene that unfurled before her, it gave her a start. To her surprise, she saw her daughter with her father. The father was talking happily with his daughter. How did they know each other, thus father-daughter duo? She had a look of disbelief. The thing that pulled at her heartstrings was that the father-daughter duo flashed smiles almost at the same time. She glanced down at her feet. A few questions arose in her heart.

Do they know they are blood-related?

If yes, then how?

How did he know that Miracle was their daughter?



Didn't she promise to stay away from him?

Then, why?

Tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. She lunged forward and grabbed Miracle's hand. Without a single word, she dragged her away from the school.

"Mumma", Miracle was on the verge of tears as her voice broke, "What happened? Why are you dragging me away?"

Amy did not listen to Miracle's pleas as she dragged her outside the school gate and to her car. Once she made her seat inside and made her way to the driver's seat, she began lecturing Miracle, like she was a teenager.

"You will never ever meet him again. Do you hear me?" Amy yelled inside the car, "How can you just meet up with nobody and called him your best friend?"

"Mumma", Miracle's teras finally fell out uncontrollably, "How would I know? He told that he will tell me your and Daddy's story?"

Amy looked at her speechlessly as she broke into tears.