

She was sixteen when her mother suddenly passed away after an accident at work. Later, she is sent to live with her father and two older brothers; all of whom she'd last met when she was only five. In an unfamiliar environment living with people who seemed like they'd rather not have her around, she keeps to herself, keeps her head down, and stays in the background. However, would things stay the same forever? _____ Disclaimer: The cover picture is AI-generated. Warning: I'm writing this to improve my writing skills though I don't think it's helping. However, do give it a chance if you have nothing else to read. I'd like to hear any comments, reviews, or criticisms in order to better my writing. Crossposted on Wattpad and Scribblehub.

honeyseeto_02 · Teen
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

It was lunchtime. 

By some miracle, I was able to get through the first half of the school day without any trouble. No one in my class paid much attention to me as most of them pretty much treated me as though I wasn't there. That was something I was more than grateful for because if anything, being ignored was far better than being the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. 

The morning classes drawled on without a hitch. Like a good student, I paid attention to the lessons and took notes in my book. There was a great deal I needed to catch up on but most of what was being taught - content-wise - wasn't any different from what I was learning in my previous school. The only difference was probably the way the content was taught. 

Therefore, it wasn't hard to follow along. 

What surprised me more was how the rest of the students in the class seemed to just doze off whenever they wanted without any repercussions. Most of them were either sleeping on their desks or openly playing with their phones. A very small percentage of the class were actively listening to the lesson and even a lesser percentage were taking notes like I was. What was the reason? Were they not concerned with their grades at all?

I mean, I didn't want to assume or anything but it seemed to me that they just didn't care at all. Perhaps they didn't have to worry about grades or maybe they were all just smart?

'Or maybe it's because their rich parents would give them anything they wanted whether or not they get excellent grades...'

It was a stereotypical assumption and not one I was proud of but my brain couldn't help itself for thinking that.

As the bell rang signalling the start of the lunch period, I glanced at the teacher in front who quickly concluded his lecture. Throughout the entire class time, he hadn't said a word about the students not paying attention to him. He didn't seem the least bit fazed that they weren't giving him the time of day as though it was a regular thing. 

'I feel a bit sorry for him...'

The old man had bags under his eyes and looked incredibly exhausted. He was the one who probably didn't want to be here the most compared to everyone else in the room. And yet, he has to force himself to stand there and teach for an hour to students who gave him zero attention. 

After the poor old man dismissed the class, suddenly everyone became lively again. The room was cleared out in under a minute until it was just me and the old teacher left who tiredly cleaned the chalkboard. Pursing my lips, I sighed and left my bag on the chair before walking up to him and saying, "I can clean the board if you want."

"Hm?" the old teacher jumped a bit, not expecting someone to still be here. He looked at me in surprise before smiling, "That'll be a great help, Miss Parker. Thank you."

"It's not a problem," I replied. 

He handed me the duster and I began rubbing away the chalk. I tiptoed to reach the top before bringing it down and cleaning every corner making sure I eliminated every last bit. Once done, I opened the nearby window and held the duster outside, patting it. A stepped back from the cloud of chalk dust rising in the air and closed the window again. After that, I laid the duster on the desk and heard the old teacher, Mr. Mackel say, "I greatly appreciate your help, Miss Parker. It isn't often that students here offer to do something like that - as you may have guessed."

I released an awkward chuckle, "You're welcome. I uh really enjoyed your lesson."

He barked out a laugh, "No need to flatter me. I know my voice gets annoying to hear after the first couple of minutes of nonstop talking. Regardless, I'm delighted that you were able to pay attention through the entire thing. I've seen your grades from your previous school and I must say, you've got quite the head on your shoulders."

"I-I guess?" I replied unsurely. 

Picking up his files, he said, "I had best be off now. You too should probably grab some lunch. Thank you once again for your help and if you need something or wish to consult on something I've taught, feel free to visit my office."

My eyes widened and I nodded gratefully, "I will. Thank you."

With one final grin, he left the room. 

I stood there for a minute, in a daze, before shaking my head and grabbing my bag sitting on the desk. With one last check to see that I didn't forget anything, I quickly exited the room and walked down the hallway to deposit my belongings in my locker. 


The cafeteria was packed. 

Like really full and that was saying something because there were three whole levels of the building that belonged to the cafeteria alone. As I entered, I was immediately struck with the different smells of freshly made food and I had to admit, I think I drooled a little. I suppose if you're going to pay nearly a hundred thousand a year to attend this school, the meals would have to be top-notch as well. 

I carried my feet towards the line waiting in front of the hot food and picked up a tray. 

It was a self-service buffet so I filled my tray with various dishes. I chose some butter chicken curry with naan, a bit of roast pork with a spoon of rice, and a piece of fried chicken from the hot food selection. After that, I picked up a freshly made salad from the salad bar and filled a glass with freshly squeezed pineapple juice. 

Satisfied with my tray, I scanned the room for an empty seat and was able to spot a small square table in the corner. Seeing as I had no friends or acquaintances to sit with, I chose to sit there alone. 

Placing my tray on the table, I took a seat and quietly observed the cafeteria. 

Since it was kind already a few weeks since the start of school, everyone had already formed their own little cliques and friend groups. It would be difficult to enter any of them and since I likely didn't have anything in common with these children of wealthy families, I doubt any would want to befriend me. 

As I picked up a piece of the roast pork to put in my mouth, there was a commotion at the entrance. 

From the table near me, I could hear several girls gasping and quietly squealing. 

"It's them! They're here!"

"So handsome! Ugh, what I would give to talk to them..."

"Pfft, like they would even look at you. It's the Haynes brothers we're talking about~"

"Shit, how can they be so hot? My panties are wet..."

"Ew! That's disgusting Penny! Don't say that while we're eating."

My mouth screwed up at that last comment and I almost spat out my food. Hearing them say the 'Haynes brothers' surprised me. I looked up, following their lovestruck gazes, and saw what they were staring at. 

Indeed. The so-called 'Haynes brothers' were in fact, Marcus and Cassius. My brothers. 


  I knew they'd be popular.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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