

She was sixteen when her mother suddenly passed away after an accident at work. Later, she is sent to live with her father and two older brothers; all of whom she'd last met when she was only five. In an unfamiliar environment living with people who seemed like they'd rather not have her around, she keeps to herself, keeps her head down, and stays in the background. However, would things stay the same forever? _____ Disclaimer: The cover picture is AI-generated. Warning: I'm writing this to improve my writing skills though I don't think it's helping. However, do give it a chance if you have nothing else to read. I'd like to hear any comments, reviews, or criticisms in order to better my writing. Crossposted on Wattpad and Scribblehub.

honeyseeto_02 · Teen
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

Breakfast this morning was eggs benedict with a bowl of fruit salad. 

When I arrived at the dining room, I was informed that Marcus and Cassius had already left. They go to the gym at six every morning and have breakfast elsewhere which meant I wouldn't be running into them in the mornings. It was honestly a relief. After last night's interaction and dinner, I didn't feel like seeing their faces anytime soon. 

I ate my meal quietly and occasionally listened to the radio playing in the background belonging to Ms. Owens. Once my plate was cleared of crumbs, I took it to the kitchen and left it in the sink before heading back upstairs to brush my teeth. 

It was 7:15 A.M. when I finally left the house. 

Ms. Owens told me that the documents for school had already been taken care of so all I needed to do was to pick up my schedule once I arrived. I thanked her for letting me know and climbed into the backseat of the same car that picked me up from the airport. Mr Ken was once again appointed as my driver and kindly greeted me as I got in. 

"Good morning Miss Lynette," he said with a smile, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Excited for your first day at school?"

"Good morning to you Mr. Ken and 'excited' isn't quite the word I would use," I replied with upturned lips. "Nervous would be more like it."

"Hoho, yes, I suppose it would," the man replied with a soft chuckle. "I'm sure you will be fine Miss. But I should remind you to be careful. That school, as you've probably heard by now, is the school where the children of many big names go. It wouldn't be wise to anger any of them unnecessarily but at the same time, you shouldn't let them push you around."

"...I will take your advice," I said masking my nervous expression. Mr Ken was probably looking out for me but that was stuff I already knew. Luckily, my personality wasn't hotheaded and I liked to think my tolerance level was quite high. Unless I was physically bullied - something I hope will never happen - I planned to keep my head down as always and go about my own business. 

"But I'm sure that Young masters Marcus and Cassius will look out for you so don't worry too much."

I couldn't help but cringe at his words. 

'Yeah...about that Mr. Ken...somehow, I don't think that'll be the case.'

Unable to verbally reply, I responded with an awkward chuckle.


If there was one thing I had to say about the academy, it would be that it was freaking huge. 

Not just huge but it barely looked like a high school at all. It looked more like a very prestigious university with its complex architecture and pristine classy look. In the courtyard, crowds of students wearing the same uniform as she flocked towards the entrance. Since cars were not allowed in the compound, most of the vehicles parked outside which allowed the students to get off where they would then pass through the gates on their own. 

And as expected for an academy hosting the rich and famous, the vehicles that dropped off the students were mostly limos or extremely expensive branded cars. 

'I don't think I've ever felt so poor in my life...'

In order to not seem like a weirdo, I closed my gaping mouth and averted my gaze to look at the school instead. Breathing in and releasing a shaky sigh, I held my head high and marched forward, determined not to display any sort of weakness in my posture. 

I made sure not to bump into anyone and skillfully avoided any collisions. It luckily wasn't too difficult since the hallway past the doors was large and spacious. I walked while keeping an eye open for any obstacles that might cause me to trip and make a fool out of myself. Call me paranoid or over cautious but I really didn't want to deal with having any sort of clumsy reputation on my head on the first day.

At the same time, I followed the signs which pointed me to where the office was. 

After passing another long hallway, I finally arrived at a room that had the word 'School Administration' plastered on the wall above the door. I held the knob and turned it, pushing the door forward and entering the room. 

There was a lady sitting behind the counter. She looked up from the computer and asked, "Good morning. How can I help you?"

"Good morning. I'm uh the new student? L-Lynette Parker," I stated unsurely. 

The lady or Martha as stated on her name badge, scrutinized me for a minute before her eyes widened, "Ah yes. The new transfer. Just give me a minute; I'll print out your schedule for the semester."

"Ah, yes. Thank you."

I waited patiently while silently admiring the abstract paintings hung on the walls. A little over five minutes passed before she passed me a paper over the counter. 

"Here is your schedule. Please check and see that it matches with the subjects you chose. If it matches, you can sign off on this form here but if it doesn't, then give it back to me and I'll give you a new one."

Following her instructions, I looked through the schedule. 

Maths. English. Accounting. Economics. Home Economics. 

The same subjects I was doing in my old school. They must've transferred the information and credits over. Although, I was in Advanced English and Maths but the standards here are probably different. It wasn't unusual that they demoted me to regular classes. If I want to get into the Advanced classes again, I would need to prove myself here. 

Other than that, there was no other issue. 

I signed the form, thanked Martha, and left.


"Good morning class. Today, we have a new student who has transferred to our school. Everyone, please welcome Miss Lynette Parker."

As the teacher, Mr. Mason introduced me to the class, I stiffened unconsciously and silently gulped. 

The students in the classroom stared at me with different gazes. Some were curious, others were frowning, but majority of them - to my relief - didn't seem to care at all and wore bored expressions on their faces. 

"Why don't you say a little something about yourself?" Mr. Mason asked with an encouraging smile. 

I swore in my mind. 

'Shit. I really hate this...'

Clearing my throat, I spoke as confidently as I could and said, "Um it's nice to meet you. I'm Lynette Parker from X District. I like reading and looking at flowers...thank you."

And then I inwardly smacked myself. 

Looking at flowers? Seriously? Of all things...

I heard some snickering in the back but chose to ignore it. It was difficult fighting back the blush threatening to rise on my cheeks. Thankfully, before anything more mortifying could happen, Mr Mason saved me at the last minute by sending me to the only empty seat in the classroom. 

Without wasting another minute, I quickly walked towards it and sat down, placing my belongings on the desk. Some of the students near me were watching me but after Mr. Mason began his lecture, they turned away and I breathed out a sigh of relief. 

First obstacle - complete.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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