

From the day onward, Satay and Andy were eyed by the student body with fear and hostility. Most at this school would have at least one family member victimized by the Plague before its end.

Those were the lucky ones. Anyone who researched the Plague thoroughly would know the death toll was widespread. Not one family was lost,1000's were.

Hence the silent rule to rid the world of the evidence of its user and the contents of the original spell.

No one dared to get near the two if they could help it. In Hanson's classroom, the desks around and behind them were nudged every minute.

Much to his irritation.

"Ya know I think we'll wrap it up for today." Hanson said, forcing a smile. The children didn't need another hint. They shuffled out the door without a word, leaving Satay and Andy in the dust. In the process, Mit Roach was tossed out like a bowling ball and left at the door sill.

"Watch where you're going!" He glared at his retreating classmates before focusing back on the front desk.

Hanson had dropped his face on Andy and Satay's desk.

"I apologize for this boys, but the students will react this way until we can prove your innocence." Hanson said sadly.

"I'm telling you those papers were fake, right Satay?" Andy said. Satay didn't respond he wasn't even looking at Andy.

In the corner of his eye, Satay looked at the peeking Roach. Mit was startled and retreated out of view.

"Satay?" Andy called out.

The Lyncean returned his attention back to the conversation at hand.

"What can we do, it's the Plague after all. It's very serious, the more we argue without evidence the more chaotic things will get. We'll just keep a low-profile Professor, no worries." Satay said nonchalantly as he left his seat.

"Hey, you didn't answer me! Why have you been like this all day!?" Andy shouted as he followed him.

Hanson adjusted his glasses, as he felt more stress build in his cheeks.

"So you're going to ignore me all day?" Andy asked, angrily.

"I'm not ignoring you, I just don't have the answers yet." Satay said, still not looking to Andy.

"Dammit Satay, at least pretend to react! It's like you don't care. Dragon Lady wants to expel us!" Andy voiced.

"I don't think you should say that so loud." Satay joked. He pointed to his right and Andy felt himself choke as he saw Tarragon's classroom door.

"Things will work out if you just dial it down, I"ll see you for lunch." Satay didn't let Andy respond as he sped off down the hallway out of sight.

Frustrated, but with no one to vent to, Andy could only lament his dire straights and enter.

Andy was harassed constantly with questions and reading topics he was barely following by Tarragon for the duration of the class.

Satay upon entering the gym carried on with Lee as per usual, but the class didn't stare at his performance like they did yesterday. As a matter of fact, they did their best to ignore him, no longer looking to feed on his momentum. This seemed to include Elise as she didn't say one word to Satay the whole period.

When all was said and done, the class filed out silently and quickly, leaving Lee bitter and his mustache stiff. Satay looked to see if Elise was around, but found her nervously scampering out the entrance.

Satay could only shrug and bid a farewell to Lee as he left for the cafeteria, alone. As he admired the snake on his hand, felt a familiar presence obstructing his path.

It was the Prince standing tall and proud with a stoic expression on his face.

"Hello, your Highness." Satay greeted with an uncaring smile. Inwardly aggravating the prince at the lack of distress in his demeanor.

"Come with me." Matane said dismissively as he walked past Satay only just able to keep up his stoic stature.

Satay shrugged unsure of his intention. But before Satay turned to follow, he stopped dead in his tracks, with worry.

"Uh, your highness?" Satay said.

"What?" Matane responded with a hint of irritation.

"Haven't you had lunch yet?" Satay asked, almost like a concerned parent.

Matane was struck cold by the question, but then when the thought occurred he began thinking to himself.

"Come to think of it I don't think I remembered to eat breakfast this morning." Matane said, recalling his day.

"Eat first, then whatever we're doing?" Satay suggested happily.

"Yes, yes, I'm quite famished, it was pretty all or nothing from the starting line today, made no time in-between." Matane said, he walked past Satay again into the dining hall.

"Mom always said, it not always about work & play balance, it's about making sure your work doesn't take over living." Satay quoted falling in line behind Matane.

"Yes, quite so. My father could certainly take a queue from that truth." Matane said as he and Satay stood in line for dumplings.

As the conversation of work and health took over. The occupants of the dining hall were all dumbfounded seeing the Lyncean accused of blatant mass genocide ate leisurely with the prince who accused him not a few hours ago.

Andy nearly choked on a dumpling as Satay and Matane sat across from him chatting more on work habits.

"Yes, splendid, an apple a day does indeed keep the doctor away." Matane said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. His plate was empty as could be.

"Do they have dumplings like this in the castle?" Satay asked.

"To the contrary, the cooks were royally selected from the Castles' finest staff. A few appointed by yours truly." Mantane said smugly.

"I bet." Andy said under his breath.

"My father does the heavy picking for the overall teachers, but I take the load off for caretakers, gardeners, the custodial staff, blah blah blah." Matane bragged.

Blah blah blah was all Andy could hear anymore.

Matane bragged about his Royal duties well through lunchtime.