

In this world Triquetra, the strongest and smartest are the Lyncans. One of the great unspoken rules is to never piss off a Lyncan. Their males created their foundation of academics and society, while their females are held in high regard as monstrous warriors to any who would cross them. The foil of their race is their search for the answer to their greatest mystery. Why they have no mana.

Hase0 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Headmaster Waylin

"Head Master, I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. I'll be reporting this to my father personally." Matane said, fiercely.

"These are serious allegations sir, beyond the mere consequences of expulsion, this could very well equate to charges of treason!" Ella argued, slamming her hands on the desk before her.

Andy and Satay stood silently behind them. Andy was cursing the prince from within his mind, Satay stood calmly and let his eye wander the office. Which only infuriated Andy more.

The surrounding walls each had a mural of a reptile. Off to the side, there were glass containers housing more lizards. Geckos, iguanas, species of reptile Satay had scarcely seen before.

The most worthwhile specimen was on the desk. A two-headed demon some would say, yellow scales, a pair of steel-blue eyes on one head and another bright yellow pair on the other.

This creature was built like a komodo dragon and stood on all fours on top of one of the containers.

However, the creature's presence did nothing to defer Ella's attention.

"I understand what these accusations mean, truly. Will the two students step forward?" a firm male voice called.

At the moment Ella obstructed the boy's view along with Matane.

Ella and Matane moved to either side of the desk, motioning Andy and Satay forward.

They dare not linger and upset Tarragon.

"Satay Sabai." Satay said.

"Andy Thorston." Andy said, dismally.

The first thing Satay admired about the headmaster was his serpent spectacles. The rims and temple tips were designed with a snake head at the end. His beard was full and tinted gray. He was not young, to say the least. Dressed in the school colors they could make out his vestment and tie. As he clasped his hands together, Satay noted the white gloves and his ragged hair.

On the desk was a nameplate with the words 'Headmaster Waylin" inscribed.

"To my understanding, you two stand accused of researching and reproducing the Plague. A Lyncean of all people being involved is most disturbing. After all, Lyceans can't use magic am I right?" the older male asked.

"Yes, sir." Satay said, calmly in contrast to Andy.

"Which would make you Mr.Thorston not only a guilty party but the main benefactor. " The man said, making Andy tense up. Even Matane's demeanor faltered slightly.

"Sir! We really don't know where these papers came from! Neither of us could have written any of that!" Andy argued. Ella grew furious as flames streamed out one of her nostrils.

"Settle down, Mr.Thorston. You too, Ella." The older male said, waving his hand to Ella. Her flames ceased immediately, as Tarragon composed herself.

"One may even say, you are taking advantage of your new friend for a heinous plot. Smart as he is, it wouldn't be impossible." the headmaster said, all too calmly.

A look of panic spread across Andy's face, but before he could voice an argument, the headmaster held his hand up again.

"As for the matter entirely, can I ask your highness to let us investigate the matter further. Until the end of the school day, perhaps? If these documents were found in their room, we'll need to search it again for anything suspicious." the headmaster suggested.

"I suppose that's fair, but the sooner I report to my father the better!" Matane responded with an authoritative glower.

"I understand, this is my only request on the matter, as for you two. Given the severity of this accusation, I will need to put a plant on each of you. I must do what I must to make the students feel safe." the headmaster declared.

The man extended his hand and out came two serpents from his sleeves. Andy stifled a scream as the snake coiled on his arm. Satay inspected the serpents with interest, only stifling a temptation to touch his own.

The snakes faded into their skin creating snakehead motifs on the top of their hands.

"Oooooh" Andy felt the air rush back in his lungs, finally remembering to breathe.

"Awesome." Satay whispered, admiring the snake print on his skin. The headmaster couldn't help but smirk at his reaction.

"Those marks will serve to let me know if or when you two get into trouble. If you start anything I'll always know, and I"ll be forced to have my friends act." One of the murals hissed as if to get a word in.

Both Andy and Matane shrunk back at the moving picture, but Ella barely reacted to it. Satay could only continue to be fascinated.

"If you both understand, then with the Prince's blessing I would like to allow you to continue your classes. For the rest of the day, your room will be inspected and you shall await our call. Is that fine your highness?" the headmaster asked.

The prince forced himself to regain his composure under the gaze of the mural snake.

"Since you have these contingencies well placed, the student's safety won't be an issue, but don't expect to be let off easy you two! Good day Headmaster, Ms.Tarragon." Matane said and hastily exited the office letting the color drain from his face once he was out of sight. He didn't notice Pandesal and Hanson off to the side.

"Looks like you two have until the end of the day until you're officially expelled. If you have something to say, say it now, after that look forward to punishment from the King himself!" Ella snarled.

"Sir." Satay said, unaffected by Tarragons' threat.

"Yes?" the headmaster said.

"Will these come off? My mother will disown me if I come home with a tattoo. She hates them." Satay muttered with a frown.

The fire streaming off of Tarrgon's nostril ceased and the room went silent.

The headmaster covered his mouth to suppress a snicker."Khgrrk! I wouldn't be worried, one whisk of my hand and they'll disappear." he reassured, even waving his hand.

"Thank you, sir. Be seeing you, Tarra." Satay said leaving Andy in bewilderment along with the dragon lady.

"Andy, aren't you coming? We're already late." Satay popped his head back through the door.

"Quite so, I had to postpone class for you guys, I"ll be lucky to get a whole hour." Hanson poked his head out as well.

"Yes, we must talk on the way now. I have another class in 15mins." Pandesal poked his own head through causing the door to slam open.

"Don't just barge in and how long have you two been standing out there!?" Ella's nostrils began to ignite again.

"It's good to see you two worried about your students, but you have more than two, now see to them." the headmaster chided, as he snapped his fingers.

The reptile murals on the walls converged on the door frame and nudged Ella out with the rest of them. Then by their fangs, they shut the door.

"Ah." The man titled his chair back and looked out the window.

"Did I forget to introduce myself again?" he said. The two-headed reptile let out some kind of bellow from each head.

"Ah, the situation was so serious I couldn't even be bothered, but on to the matter at hand." The gentlemen looked down at his desk to see the documents that had been the cause of the disturbance.

Old as he was, his age was a blessing when you considered the Plague. 50 years of sickness and infection and he had survived to this day.

"Was it really possible that a Lyncean, whose race saved the latter half of the continent from disappearing was foolish enough to research it, especially on their land?" the Head Master thought.

"More so would it be for a student who schemed to use it to get ahead of the rest of his peers?" he thought again.

Knowing he could no longer dwell on it, the older man grasped the papers and took them to confirm his fears. His eyes widened and he began shuffling through the pages non-stop.

The headmaster, fell back into his seat, causing his two-headed reptile to react with another bellow.

"Take a look, you won't believe it." he said.