

[WARNING!- MATURE CONTENT] She gasped with eyes wide open and so did he. "It's you." They both said at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stared at him. "You're the one who called me a pervert." he said. She was now scared than shocked. "I'm so sorry Prince...Your highness," she lowered her gaze. "You were being a pervert but I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't have me executed." she begged. He stared at her for a while and began to laugh. "Execute you? Why would I do that?" She looked up at him. "I don't know maybe cos I was disrespectful." "I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said. "So you're not gonna chop my head off?" "No." The elevator opened and they both got off. "What room are you in?" "Um..., I don't wanna say." she said. He nodded slowly. "Ok. I get that. Good night then." He was leaving but then he came back. "What's your name?" asked he. "K-kristen." she answered. "Last name?" he added. She lifted her brows. "Kael." "Hmm. Kristen Kael. It's lovely." She didn't know why but it sounded so nice when he said her name. "What's yours?" she asked him. "Prince Achilles Onasis." he said in a proud voice. She was taken aback. His name sounded really royal. She nodded her head. Instantly, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Made you wet didn't it?" he then smirked and walked away. Kristen found herself shocked and nervous at the same time.

Ella_Ann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Yielding the Jurrian throne

"You killed him!" Zale uttered suddenly. Achilles turned around with furrowed brows. "Well, what would you have me do?" He asked, offended.

"No, no. Good job. I haven't seen you kill someone in such a long time."

"I didn't plan on killing him. The idiot didn't know how to stay down."

"It's ok. If you hadn't, he would've." Zale patted him on the shoulder.

They walked out of the pack house, darkblade in his sheath, his woman in his arms, and his best friend and brother at his side.

The sun was bright, and the air was fresh. No other member of the pack was around. They seemed to have left Otis alone to kill them. Bad idea on their part.

Kristen groaned while unconscious. They both looked at her, thinking he was waking up. A few seconds later, it occurred to them that she wasn't waking up.

"At least we know she's ok." Zale tried to break the silence. "The lycan raped her Zale," Achilles responded.

"I know that." "We both heard her screams, and so don't say she's ok."

"That's not what -" "I know what you meant," Achilles looked away into the distance. He started walking again, and Zake followed behind.


"What happened?! Where am I?" Kristen tried to rise up.

"You don't remember?" She heard him ask. "Achilles?" She called out to him. "Yes, it's me." "You're ok." She smiled but then touched her head and winced in pain. She had a headache.

He approached her and urged her to lay back down. "Even in pain, you worry about me." He said.

"Of course I worry about you." Her words brought a pained smile to his lips. She rose back up and kissed his lips softly. He stroked her hair and kissed her back. When she pulled away, she also stroked his hair that seemed to have grown longer. She took notice of the ruby fork pin.

She took it out of his hair and stared at it.

"How long?" She asked, out of nowhere. "Two days, my lady." "That's why I don't remember anything?"

"You don't remember anything?" He asked, unaware of how desperate he sounded. She shook her head in response. He sort of sighed in relief. He wouldn't want her to remember all the traumatic things that happened.

"But I do remember," his heart sunk when she opened her mouth to speak. "How I did a physical shift." She finished.

"Yes, you did, my lady. You were brilliant." He complimented. "Did you see me?" Her eyes glistened like a child's.

"No, but I was told."

She smiled.

"I'll leave you to rest, my lady. Call me when you need me." Achilles fluffed her pillow, and she relaxed into it. He stood up to leave. She grabbed his wrist.

"I love you, Achilles." She said, smiling so much. He forced a smile just to make her happy.

"Rest up, my lady." He said and walked out of the room, leaving her complete and utterly confused. He leaned on the door after it closed behind him. A single tear dropped from his eyes.

He wiped it away and headed to his father's study. He knocked on the door.


"Can I come in, Father?" He asked. Zale was already there. "Yes, my boy." King Cyrus replied. He sat down and looked at his father.

"Where's Myles?" He asked Zale. "In his room, I think."

"Could you please go get him?"

"Of course." Zale bowed before Achilles' father and left them. "Get mother too!" He added. He then looked at his father and sighed. King Cyrus didn't say anything and just sat there.

A few minutes later, Queen Delia and Prince Myles walked into the room, with Zale right behind. They all sat down, waiting for someone to speak.

"Mom, Dad, my brothers. I've called you all here today because I wanna announce something." Achilles finally said.

"What is it, my son?" His mother asked.

Looking at everybody, one by one, his lips parted.

"I'm going to marry her." His words shocked everyone except Zale.

"What?!" He father stood up from his chair. "You will do no such thing!" His mother yelled.

"I love her, and I want to make her my queen." He added.

"You love her? The girl that wolf boy defiled?" The queen asked.

"All the more reason why I should marry her."

"If anything, that wolf boy is the one who should marry her." "He's no wolf boy mother. He's the Alpha of the lycans, and I can't let him near her ever again."

"Achilles, do you understand what you're saying right now?" His father asked, and he nodded.

"Undé fak shé ví, (You stay with your own)," the King said. "Undé ara shé ví, (You love your own) I know." Achilles responded.

"She is my own, and I love her."

"But she's half human and half lycan now," the king said. "What kind of babies would you bear?"

"Demi god lycans?" Myles said this time. Everyone turned and looked at him. They then all looked back at the king to wait for his response.

"You can marry her -"

"Your grace!" The queen interrupted, but the king spoke over her.

"If and only if you marry princess Harmonia as well."

"Two wives? No father, I won't do it." Achilles immediately refused. "Then you won't marry the human girl either."

"But father -"

"No buts. If you won't marry the princess, then you won't marry at all, and you can't be king without a queen to bear your children." The King sat back down in his chair.

"Achilles, listen to your father." The queen took his hand. He pulled his hand away from his mother's grip.

"Then I'll marry princess Harmonia," Myles said, gaining everyone's attention. "And be king." He continued.

"You can't be king while your older brother is alive and well." King Cyrus pointed out.

"Then I yield," Achilles responded. Everyone except Myles was shocked to hear this.

"Achilles, no!" Zale finally spoke. He had been quiet the whole conversation. Achilles ignored the looks he was getting.

"I yield the throne to my brother Myles." A grim smile crept on Myles' face while everyone else was staring daggers at Achilles.