

[WARNING!- MATURE CONTENT] She gasped with eyes wide open and so did he. "It's you." They both said at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stared at him. "You're the one who called me a pervert." he said. She was now scared than shocked. "I'm so sorry Prince...Your highness," she lowered her gaze. "You were being a pervert but I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't have me executed." she begged. He stared at her for a while and began to laugh. "Execute you? Why would I do that?" She looked up at him. "I don't know maybe cos I was disrespectful." "I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said. "So you're not gonna chop my head off?" "No." The elevator opened and they both got off. "What room are you in?" "Um..., I don't wanna say." she said. He nodded slowly. "Ok. I get that. Good night then." He was leaving but then he came back. "What's your name?" asked he. "K-kristen." she answered. "Last name?" he added. She lifted her brows. "Kael." "Hmm. Kristen Kael. It's lovely." She didn't know why but it sounded so nice when he said her name. "What's yours?" she asked him. "Prince Achilles Onasis." he said in a proud voice. She was taken aback. His name sounded really royal. She nodded her head. Instantly, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Made you wet didn't it?" he then smirked and walked away. Kristen found herself shocked and nervous at the same time.

Ella_Ann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Unexpected murder

Achilles shook his head and smiled. "We're stupid is why." He said. Achilles then tried to break free from the chains but they wouldn't budge.

"What! They won't break!" He said. "What do you mean they won't break? You have super strength." Zale said. "Well it's not budging."

"Could it be witch craft? Cos that's the only logical reason why you can't break that with you strength." Zale asked.

"Circe?" Achilles asked. "Could be."

"But how did Helix get hold of a circe witch?" They could only wonder. The witches lived in hiding for so long and it was nearly impossible to come across a regular one let alone a circe witch.

"Just use your fire Achilles." Zale suggested. "Right." Achilles eyes turned a dark blue under the blindfold and his hands burst into flames. It was taking a while but the chains finally broke off his wrist, falling to the floor with a soft clank. He quickly took of his blind fold and was dumbfounded by what he saw. Kristen was unconscious on the floor, naked and sweaty. He rushed towards her. He was filled with so much rage, he wanted to kill someone. He looked down at his poor girl and he noticed that her neck was covered in bruises and her thighs in semen. It broke his heart into a million pieces. He hugged her tight, fighting the tears that wanted to escape his eye lids. He let out shaky breaths.

"Achilles, are you ok?" Zale asked. Achilles now remembered that Zale was still chained up. "Oh Zale! Yes I'm fine." He replied and walked over to unchain him too.

"Oh my god!" Zale exclaimed and immediately looked away out of respect.

Achilles took his shirt off and put it on her. It was tight around the bust but he made it work. He then picked up the pants she was wearing before. Luckily, it was still intact.

"You can turn around now." Achilles announced. Zale slowly turned around. He sighed out of relief when he saw that she was covered.

His eyes did wander and he discerned that the shirt was a little too tight. "That button took like its gonna pop off any second now." He said.

"Zale, why are you looking at her chest?" Achilles asked, his brows furrowed.

"Because it's so obvious Achilles! Look at her boobs, they're huge." Achilles laughed.

"You're right. The gods did take their time on this one."

"Give her my shirt." Zale offered. Achilles nodded and took his shirt instead. It fit better on her since Zale wore a bigger size than he normally would. They tried waking her up but it was of no use.

Achilles decided to just carry her in his arms.

"Ok so, what's the plan?" He asked Zale.

"That window right there." Zale pointed behind him to a big enough window that they could jump out.

"Nah that's too easy. It's probably a trap." Achilles supposed. "Or it could be that he's stupid." Zale added.

"It's definitely a trap."

"Alright let's fall into the trap and fight our way out. " Zale said. "With her still unconscious and helpless?"

Zale sighed while scratching his head. "You know it's real easy to point out the problem. I need you to point out the solution."

Achilles rolled his eyes.

"Let's just think of something. Perhaps, try to wake her up." Achilles suggested. "Ok but how?" "Splash some water on her face."

Zale sighed and shook his head. "Do you see water around us? I need some kind of source of water. I can't just conjure up water like how you can with fire." Zale explained.

"Oh! Well that's a bummer!" Achilles exclaimed.

"You're the bummer Achilles!" Zale threw his hands in the air.

They kept going back and forth until they heard the wooden door creak open. Their attention was pulled to the person that stood there.

"I hope you weren't planning on going anywhere." Otis spoke. Achilles instantaneously reached for his sword but he soon realized he didn't have it. Of course he didn't have. Helix would have been a fool to leave them with their weapons.

"I'm afraid you don't have that little trinket of a sword to help you." Otis taunted.

"That little trinket could slice you in half with one swing." Achilles replied.

"Killing you and stealing the throne would be so much fun then."

Then and there, Achilles knew Otis wasn't going to go down without a fight but then again, he was unarmed.

"What is with you lycans and unfair fights? Are you that afraid of me? That I'd beat you in a fair sword fight?" Achilles asked, with the intent of making Otis feel inferior.

"Stop talking!" He threatened.

"Hand me my darkblade and let's see who actually dies." Achilles said, pushing Zale behind him. He didn't trust Otis and he knew he would strike at anytime.

"Grab Kristen and prepare to run," He ordered Zale. "I'll handle this idiot." Zale complied and lifted Kristen off the ground and unto his shoulders.

"You're not going anywhere! Murderer king!" Otis swung his sword, cutting Achilles' arm.

Achilles gritted at the sting.

"I'll bury my sword in your bloody chest!"

"I'll bury your sword in your own bloody chest." Achilles smirked making Otis angrier.

He swung his sword again but this time, Achilles dodged swiftly.

He swung twice, Achilles averted the blade again. He surprised Achilles with another swing trying to slice his head off. He ducked out of impulse.

"Woah!" He exclaimed on his way down.

"Focus!!" Zale yelled from behind him.

Achilles turned around when he heard Zale's voice. He sounded authoritative like always. When he looked back at his opponent, Otis was rushed towards him.

He glided to the opposite side behind him and elbowed him in the neck.


Otis dropped his sword, coughing and wheezing. Zale kicked him in the leg, allowing him fall to his knees. Achilles kicked him in the face too. He fell to the ground, bleeding in the mouth.

"I could kill you if I wanted to, but I won't." Achilles looked down at him and said.

"Let's go Zale!"

They were heading to the door to leave but Achilles turned around for some reason. Otis hadn't given up yet. He was going to stab Achilles in the back with his dagger.

Achilles grabbed his hand, reversed the direction of the blade and drove the dagger into his gut. He coughed out blood and it splatted on Achilles' face.

"Check mate!" He whispered in Otis' ears before his lifeless body dropped to the floor.

The King certainly didn't want to kill him but the lycan made him. Now he had yet others' blood on his hand.