

[WARNING!- MATURE CONTENT] She gasped with eyes wide open and so did he. "It's you." They both said at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stared at him. "You're the one who called me a pervert." he said. She was now scared than shocked. "I'm so sorry Prince...Your highness," she lowered her gaze. "You were being a pervert but I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't have me executed." she begged. He stared at her for a while and began to laugh. "Execute you? Why would I do that?" She looked up at him. "I don't know maybe cos I was disrespectful." "I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said. "So you're not gonna chop my head off?" "No." The elevator opened and they both got off. "What room are you in?" "Um..., I don't wanna say." she said. He nodded slowly. "Ok. I get that. Good night then." He was leaving but then he came back. "What's your name?" asked he. "K-kristen." she answered. "Last name?" he added. She lifted her brows. "Kael." "Hmm. Kristen Kael. It's lovely." She didn't know why but it sounded so nice when he said her name. "What's yours?" she asked him. "Prince Achilles Onasis." he said in a proud voice. She was taken aback. His name sounded really royal. She nodded her head. Instantly, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Made you wet didn't it?" he then smirked and walked away. Kristen found herself shocked and nervous at the same time.

Ella_Ann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


"Maybe I have gone mad," Myles retaliated. "But did you ever stop to think about that? huh?"

Zale and Achilles looked at each other. "Did you stop to think that the only person that could have turned her is Helix?" Myles kept on talking.

"You need to stop thinking with your dick and start thinking with your head." "Watch your mouth!" Achilles curtly said. "He is right if you think it through, Achilles. The only one that could infect her is Helix." Zale chipped in.

"And so what?! What difference does it make?" Achilles shouted.

"That means she'll be part of his pack and that is something we all know cannot be helped. He's our enemy and that makes her our enemy as well." Myles added.

Achilles went quiet for a second. He looked up at the two and said, "I'm not ready to have this sort of conversation right now." He stood up from the table and approached the stairs.

"Well, you have to sooner or later," Myles shouted behind him. Without looking back, Achilles responded, "Yeah but not today."

"That motherfucker!" Myles cussed under his breath. "Watch your mouth, little man," Zale said with an unhappy look. Myles rolled his eyes. "Sorry." he apologized.

. . .

Achilles made his way to his room, assuming that she was there. When he entered, he saw no one. He called out to her,

"Kris are you there?!" but no response. "Where the hell did she go?" he asked himself. He was about to leave the room when something caught his attention. He could hear the sound of water hitting the floor. Maybe she was in the bathroom.

He advanced toward the bathroom door and to his surprise, it wasn't locked. He entered and he saw her standing in the shower while the shower head was on. She slowly turned her head and saw him but she didn't freak out about the fact that he was staring at her and she was completely naked.

It was her fault. She should have locked the door.

"I'm sorry, I'll just-" She shook her head which made him stop talking.

She opened her arms and gestured for him to come closer.

He was mystified but didn't ask any questions. He walked closer to her all the while hastily taking his clothes off. He stepped into the shower with her and she hugged him. His bruises were still prominent so she made sure she was careful enough to not cause him pain. He heard her suck her nose.

"Are you crying?" he looked down at her head and asked. "Your brother hates me!" She said through her tear. "He doesn't, my love. He's always been like that. He'll come around I promise."

"Why did he have to say those things to me?" She now looked up. He held her face ever so softly.

"He's just a teenager and doesn't know what he's saying. Let it go ok?" she then nodded. He bent down slightly and sealed her lips with his. She wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him passionately. He slid his hand down to her waist and pulled her even closer till she could feel his hard-on. Eventually, he ended up grabbing her thighs, lifting her and making him enter effortlessly. She let out a sound. A very pleasing sound at that. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands were on her ass, supporting her weight.

He pressed her against the wall and began to thrust. Her moans echoed in the bathroom and so did his quiet grunts.

It started to get so intense that she slipped from his grasp and landed back on the ground. He didn't have time to carry her again so he just turned her around and bent her over. He was gonna go from behind. She placed her hands on the wall for support and he grabbed her hips, tightly. He wasn't going to let her slip again.

He went all in with his power thrusts and pulled her backward to enter even deeper.

"Say my name!" he urged. "Say my name Kristen!" he urged louder.

Subconsciously, the next sound that came out of her mouth was alluring and it shocked him to his very core.

"Ouhhhh! Ahhhhh! Achil uhhhhh!"

His eyes widened. Did she just say was he thought she said? Achil?? No one had called him that in ages.

A spasm of both happiness and ecstatic pleasure surged through him. He was super excited and was determined to make her finish.

* * *

"How are you feeling now?" he asked her as she stroked his chest gently. "Pretty good." she smiled. He smiled back and kissed her forehead.

"What did you call me before?" he asked her with a straight face. She looked away. Her cheeks burned red.

"Kris, look at me." he grabbed her chin and tilted her head to face him. "Achil?" she said. "Yeah, I like that." He smirked.

"Alright. His Highness Prince Achil," she said which made him laugh out loud. She grinned and then rested her head on his firm chest.

"I wonder if I have superpowers." She said suddenly. "What?!" He asked. "Superpowers. You know like, telekinesis, teleportation..."

He let out a rather haughty laugh.

"Are you joking?" he asked. "What do you mean?"

"This is not like the movies my love. You don't have telekinesis or whatever. You do have a heightened sense of smell, super strength, and regenerative abilities. Meaning you heal instantly."

"That's cool, right?" she asked. "Yes love, it's very cool."

She put her head back on his chest and she couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.

Not long after, she spoke again. "Achil?"

"Yeah?" "What clothes am I gonna wear?" He looked down at her.

"You're not gonna wear anything. You're gonna walk around naked." "What?" she got up immediately. The blanket came off of her. He looked at her chest and back at her.

He picked her up and made her sit on his lap. She put her arms around his neck and he put his hand around her waist. "I wanna see your boobies all the time. They're so soft and bouncy," he said and then put his mouth over her nipples.

She closed her eyes and threw her head back, moaning softly.