

[WARNING!- MATURE CONTENT] She gasped with eyes wide open and so did he. "It's you." They both said at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stared at him. "You're the one who called me a pervert." he said. She was now scared than shocked. "I'm so sorry Prince...Your highness," she lowered her gaze. "You were being a pervert but I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't have me executed." she begged. He stared at her for a while and began to laugh. "Execute you? Why would I do that?" She looked up at him. "I don't know maybe cos I was disrespectful." "I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said. "So you're not gonna chop my head off?" "No." The elevator opened and they both got off. "What room are you in?" "Um..., I don't wanna say." she said. He nodded slowly. "Ok. I get that. Good night then." He was leaving but then he came back. "What's your name?" asked he. "K-kristen." she answered. "Last name?" he added. She lifted her brows. "Kael." "Hmm. Kristen Kael. It's lovely." She didn't know why but it sounded so nice when he said her name. "What's yours?" she asked him. "Prince Achilles Onasis." he said in a proud voice. She was taken aback. His name sounded really royal. She nodded her head. Instantly, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Made you wet didn't it?" he then smirked and walked away. Kristen found herself shocked and nervous at the same time.

Ella_Ann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Complete chaos

"Let go of me, you f&%king ass hole!!" Kristen yelled, hitting him continuously. He, however, ignored her and kept walking.

"You didn't care when I was shivering in the rain, right? So what do you want now? Put me down!" She demanded angrily. "Will you stop yelling?" He said. Well, he asked.

"No, I won't. I don't know why you freaking care all of a sudden."

He finally put her down when they arrived in the training with all the weapons. He grabbed both her hands and chained them each.

When she realized what he was doing, she tried to escape, but he had already chained her to the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, looking at the chains on her wrist. "Listen to me, Kris. It's a full moon tonight, and you're turning."

"Why the hell do you care?!"

"I care because you're going to shift and go on a killing spree." he said.

Her eyes turned to bright yellow, and her face started to change. She began to tug the chains, trying to break free.

"Arghhhhh! Let me go now!!" She screamed on top of her voice. He noticed that her fangs grew, and so did her claws. She herself looked at her hands, and she noticed. The gaze she threw at him next was menacing. This time, she tried to attack him, but the chains stopped her. Her predator instincts kicked in, and she was ready to kill whatever was in her path.

She wasn't herself anymore. Her lycan part has taken over her, and she wasn't the same Kristen he knew.

"You need to fight the urge, Kris. You need to goddamn fight it!" Achilles said, but she only growled in his face.

It was like she had gone savage or something. He was worried. She wasn't able to fight it. She had shifted but not into a full lycan. The good thing was that she only looked like a human with werewolf features.

She kept on pulling on the chains and howling like she was calling for help from her alpha. He tried to approach her, but she growled like she wanted to bite his face.

He was frustrated. He rubbed his head as he couldn't bear to see her like that. He turned around to go get help.

"Don't go anywhere, love. I'll be right back." he said and immediately left.

All her human instincts had vanished, and she could only reason like an animal. She started biting on the chains, and when that didn't work, she let out another loud howl.

Achilles, nonetheless, rushed out to look for Zale. He was the only one who knew about her and, thus, the only one who could help him help her. He was sprinting when he bumped into Myles.

"Did you hear, brother? I think Helix and his pack are near." Myles said. "No, no, no. Where's Zale?" Achilles frantically asked.

"I'm here," Zale responded behind Achilles. "Did you guys hear it too?" Zale asked.

Achilles turned pale. This meant everyone in the Palace must have heard it.

"It's... it's Kristen. She's in the weapons room." Achilles said with disdain.

"It's a full moon tonight. Is she turning?" Zale asked, and Achilles nodded.

"Ohh sh!t!" he cursed under his breath. Zale then darted to the weapons room.

Achilles and Myles swiftly followed behind him. When they got there, they all gasped in shock. She unchained herself. She stared dead into their eyes when she saw them enter. She still had her human body, but she was a full-on werewolf now with a furry face, wolf like ears, long fangs, sharp claws, and bright yellow eyes. She looked like a predator, ready to hunt down her prey.

"What do we do now?" Zale asked in a panicked tone. Achilles only stared at her, not saying anything.

"This is all my fault. If she wants to attack me, then I'll let her." Achilles responded. At this time, she growled and charged towards them. Both Zale and Myles moved while Achilles just stood there.

"What are you doing, brother? Move!" Myles shouted. Achilles turned a deaf ear. He watched her rapidly approach him. She pounced on him and proceeded to claw him in the face and chest.

He didn't fight back. He let her be.

Myles and Zale, on the other hand, moved to go help Achilles.

They both grabbed her and threw her across the room. There was blood everywhere. On her face, on the floor and on his clothes. She scratched his face slightly, but his chest was heavily wounded.

She tried to attack them again, but Myles didn't let her.

He used his powers against her. He created a small tornado, and it sent her crashing into the wall, making her fall unconscious.

Zale dashed to check on her while Myles checked on his brother.

"Are you ok, brother?" he asked. *cough* "I'm fine." Achilles replied.

"She's unconscious, guys!" Zale yelled out to them. He picked her up and walked back to where Myles and Achilles were. Myles helped Achilles up, and they all left the weapons room.

They were so lucky that The King and Queen weren't at home right now, or else it would have been chaos.

They all headed up stairs to Achilles' room. Zale laid her down on his bed, and at the same time, Myles helped Achilles sit on the couch.

"Your wounds look bad, Achilles. Why didn't you defend yourself?" Myles asked with furrowed brow.

Achilles groaned in pain before he spoke. "If I defended myself, I could have hurt her. "So what? She'll heal in a matter of seconds, but you won't." Myles counteracted.

"I'm fine, Myles. I'll heal eventually." Myles sucked his teeth and sighed in frustration.

"You need to learn to help yourself sometimes. You shouldn't always put people first. She's just a random girl you barely know."

A pained smile crept onto Achilles face.

"I like her little brother. I like her very much, and I won't be able to forgive myself if I hurt her just to save myself. Bear with me that it's my fault she's like this."

Myles was perplexed to hear what his brother just said. He turned and looked at Zale, who was busy examining Kristen.

"Did you know about this?" he asked. Zale turned. "Huh? About what?"

"About what he just said." he pointed at Achilles. "Well... I can't lie and say I didn't, so yeah, I did know." Zale said.

"Wow! This is complete chaos." Myles was in so much disbelief.