
Lycan Wars

In a catastrophic car accident, he should have met his end. But fate had other plans. Survivor of the wreckage, he emerges forever changed. With each passing day, he discovers that he is no longer ordinary – his being infused with extraordinary superhuman strength, speed and every other senses in his body. Something else must had occured after that accident and he needs answers. As he grapples with the weight of his newfound powers, he finds himself caught amidst a world of anomalies, shifters, and vampires. But it doesn't end there. In a race against time, he must confront the relentless hunters who seek to eradicate the supernatural. Can he reclaim his humanity, even if it means standing up against an entire war of the supernatural? This dark fantasy of self-discovery, supernatural beings and a fight for redemption will leave you spellbound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am deeply sorry for the irreversible mistake I made before starting this novel. it is infact an original novel and not a fanfiction. I sincerely apologize once more.

Clintonn0sike · Book&Literature
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38 Chs


The atmosphere of the bedroom abruptly shifted, leaving an indescribable feeling of awe lingering in the air.

Ceaser stood frozen, his eyes wide with disbelief, as he watched his friend undergo a mesmerizing transformation.

It was an incredible sight, as his friend effortlessly shifted, a surge of shock washed over him.

Never before had he seen such a phenomenon. The vivid color and ethereal glow of hair, the sheer otherworldliness of the moment left him spellbound.

Time seemed to stand still as he took in every intricate detail, struggling to comprehend the unimaginable power his friend possessed.

"I honestly didn't think you were telling the truth. This is ...."

"I know, I know, it's quite scary but don't worry I'm ok?" Noah cut in, trying to stop his friend getting the wrong idea.

"Does your hair always turns white when you shift?"

"Well, yes, it does ".

"Why only half of your hair though?"

"I'm not sure myself "

"Does it hurt?"

"Not really".

Ceaser went back and forth with questions like this but so far he wasn't terrified in anyway. He was just really curious.

After Noah shifted back, he sat down back on the bed nervously while Ceaser stood still, mouth wide open , staring at Noah.

"Look , I would really appreciate the questions later but could you just help me . My family have been kidnapped and we're wasting precious time"

Ceaser took a deep breath before going on,

"Tell me everything that happened and don't skip any details ".

Noah felt the heavy weight of the world on his shoulders as he frantically explained to his best friend, how his family had been kidnapped.

His words tumbled out in a rush, trying to piece together the terrifying events that had unfolded just hours ago.

He recounted the chilling words of Lianne back in school, the very person he really suspected that was responsible for all this.

Strangely cryptic, He began to read the text message to Ceaser. 'Saturn holds secrets, shadows dance beneath the ivory moon. Midnight strikes at a crossroad named Delta. Beware the lion's roar, it carries the weight of time',from one of the assigned gunmen phone screen which left him perplexed.

The enigmatic meaning behind those words puzzled Noah as he could not fathom how Saturn could hold any relevance to his family's current dire predicament.

Fear and confusion mingled on his face, desperately hoping that Ceaser could help him unravel this strange message and rescue his loved ones from the clutches of the unknown.

"Let me see the phone with the message", requesting ,as he stretched out his hands to receive the phone.

"Here", Noah said, removing his phone from his pocket and giving it to him.

Tension hung in the air as Ceaser studied the message curiously, while Noah watched.

"Yep, don't have any idea what any of this means". Ceaser said , falling back on his bed , with a silly smile on his face.

Noah felt his hope dwindle, that was not the answer he wanted in anyway.

"But , I do know someone who can help us", startling Noah as he stood up suddenly.


"A friend of mine, he's good with decoding messages like this".

"Really?!", Noah's eyes lit up , as he felt there was a ray of hope for him.

"Yeah, I'll text him the message for you so he'll decode it and text us back"

"That's great, thanks so much".

"No problem dude, you seem to be struggling so much on your own and I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling right now".

He was right and he had no idea how grateful Noah was to him.

Suddenly, he felt a gentle touch upon his frame. The warmth of his friend's hands wrapped around him, pulling him closer, as if their very touch offset the frigid grip of despair.

"Not gay or anything but I'm really happy that you trust me enough to tell me your secret".

In that instant, a surge of comfort surged through his veins, erasing the darkness that had held him captive.

The tears slowly started to flow, but they became tears of release, of the knowledge that he was not alone.

"How about you take a shower and change out of your blood stained clothes and I can throw it in the washing machine for you to get it cleaned up"

He had already forgotten about the dried up deep red stain on his clothes and hands.


A corporate building standing tall and imposing, a symbol of power and success. Its exterior is made of sleek, reflective materials, such as glass and polished metal, giving it a futuristic and cutting-edge look.

The structure is characterized by clean lines and a symmetrical layout.

The interior design of the building follows a modern and minimalist theme, with open-concept workspaces bathed in natural light streaming through floor-to-ceiling windows.

The conference rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including interactive display screens and video conferencing systems, to facilitate seamless collaboration.

The executive offices are spacious and luxurious, featuring panoramic views of the city skyline, high-end furniture, and personalized touches that reflect the occupants' status and taste.

In a grand boardroom adorned with opulent decorations, the members of a prestigious corporate organization gather impatiently in a large circle.

The tension in the room is palpable as they anxiously await the arrival of their boss, the orchestrator of their professional destinies.

Murmuring among themselves, their voices filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity, they discuss the rapid changes unfolding in the world around them.

Whispers sweep like gentle gusts through the room, carrying news of threats that loom on the horizon, poised to disrupt the delicate balance of their reality.

"As you all know, the imminent threat of supernatural beings are rapidly emerging and posing a significant danger to our world. It seems that chaos and disorder are looming over us, and we must strategize on how to effectively respond". A man who appeared to be in his early Forty's started, glancing at each members as he spoke.

"Reports indicate that these supernatural beings are appearing rapidly, not just in our city but also in various parts of the world, causing panic and disruption among the population.

It's a subtle issue but it will become a huge problem for us in the near future. We cannot underestimate the potential consequences if we fail to address this threat promptly and effectively". Another joined in, though not looking at peers but focused on the papers at his desk ,while adjusting his spectacles.

"Agreed. We need a comprehensive plan of action to safeguard our corporate interests, as well as the wellbeing of people who depend on us. This is far different from what usually occur in the past so we can't exactly be too confident to handle this in ways similar to that of the past.Our reputation is at stake if we do not handle this crisis in a competent manner".

"We could try to understand the nature of these supernatural beings and their motivations. If we can determine the root cause, we may be able to develop a targeted strategy for containment". The second added again, still not glancing up.

"While I agree with the idea of approaching it with the intent of understanding the reason, we also need to ensure that our approach is not solely defensive. We must consider offensive measures as well. It's essential to explore possibilities of neutralizing or even eliminating these entities, should such measures be required".

"Let's not get too carried away and forget about the potential risks in dealing with supernatural beings. We need to exercise extreme caution and prioritize the safety of our personnel and the public. Additionally, we must also plan for any adverse impact on our businesses due to the disruption caused by these entities" A third party finally joined in, speaking in a low but confident tone.

"I believe it's crucial to establish a worldwide task force consisting of government agencies, multinational corporations, and non-governmental organizations. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can create a unified front to tackle this global threat".

As the anticipation reaches its peak, the double doors swing open with a flourish, revealing a figure that, at first glance, brings surprise and confusion to the faces of the expectant audience.

Instead of the stern and imposing executive they imagined, a young boy strolls into the room with an air of carefree confidence. Dressed impeccably in designer attire, he exudes an aura of privilege and indulgence.

"Meetings like this are such are soooo boring, won't you agree Gordon".

But there is something more to this seemingly unassuming figure. As he enters the room, he is accompanied by a distinguished butler, their conversation filled with lighthearted banter.

It becomes clear that this young man is none other than the boss they have been eagerly waiting for.

With a grin adorning his face, he takes a seat at the head of the table, unfazed by the perplexed expressions around him.

The members of the organization exchange bemused glances, their initial expectations shattered by this unexpected twist.

Their thoughts swarm with questions about the profound contrast between their assumptions and the reality that now stands before them.

"You, with the ugly tie, get out , you're fired. I don't like your face". He said pointing to one of the man in a red tie.

He looked quite confused as he heard those words and he wasn't sure how to react.

It becomes apparent that there may be more depth to this seemingly carefree billionaire that meets the eye.

Who was he?

"Excuse me? You're firing me, why? Do you know who I am". He rose up from the chair, infuriated .

Though his demeanor remains cheerful and nonchalant even when the man starts raising his voice.

"It's simple really, my father owns this firm and when he's not around, I am left in charge of making sure a lot of changes happen so as long as it is for the benefit of this firm".

Placing his legs on the table now while still relaxing on the chair he continues "And you don't fit into the category of people that will benefit me, so therefore I would ask you to kindly leave so I won't be forced to use other means".

The man couldn't believe his ears but he angrily walks out nonetheless.

In this corporate organization, where a large circle of professionals once held steadfast in their expectations, the arrival of this spoilt brat turned astute captain injects a new dynamic.

"From now on , we do things my way, is that understood". Grinning maliciously to the people around him who still found it hard to believe what had just unfolded right before their eyes.

To be continued.