
Lycan Wars

In a catastrophic car accident, he should have met his end. But fate had other plans. Survivor of the wreckage, he emerges forever changed. With each passing day, he discovers that he is no longer ordinary – his being infused with extraordinary superhuman strength, speed and every other senses in his body. Something else must had occured after that accident and he needs answers. As he grapples with the weight of his newfound powers, he finds himself caught amidst a world of anomalies, shifters, and vampires. But it doesn't end there. In a race against time, he must confront the relentless hunters who seek to eradicate the supernatural. Can he reclaim his humanity, even if it means standing up against an entire war of the supernatural? This dark fantasy of self-discovery, supernatural beings and a fight for redemption will leave you spellbound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am deeply sorry for the irreversible mistake I made before starting this novel. it is infact an original novel and not a fanfiction. I sincerely apologize once more.

Clintonn0sike · Book&Literature
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38 Chs


Lost in his own little world, he sat cross-legged on his bedroom floor, a sketchpad in his lap and a set of colorful markers scattered around him.

The infectious beats of his favorite song pumped through his headphones, engulfing him in a world of vibrant melodies and soaring lyrics.

Eyes closed and his lips moving in sync, he couldn't help but sing along with passionate abandon, oblivious to the outside world.

Suddenly, amidst the chorus of his exuberant voice, a sharp and persistent knocking disrupted the harmony.

Still immersed in his music, he couldn't hear the faint sound at first, but as the knocking grew louder and more insistent, it finally filtered through the melodic haze in his ears.

Confused, he paused the music and glanced towards the source of the disturbance – his bedroom window.

Slowly rising from the floor, he stumbled towards the window, wondering who could it possibly be .

With a slight hesitation, he pulled open the glass pane and was greeted by a sight that sent a shiver down his spine.

Standing there, with eyes wild and breathing heavily, was his best friend. But what sent a chill coursing through him was the sight of his friend's hands and clothes, drenched and stained in chilling hues of deep red.

He quickly removes his headphones and starts to feel a sense of unease as his best friend's panicked gaze locks onto his own.

Without wasting a moment, he invites his friend into his room, noticing the bloodstains they've left on the walls and floor as they hastily make their way inside.

As he slams the door shut so no one would accidentally come in and get the wrong idea. His heart pounds in his chest, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.

Wide-eyed and speechless, he stared at his friend in disbelief.

As he looked into his friend's eyes, all signs of helplessness seemed to reveal a deeper story. It was as if there was more to this blood-soaked encounter than what initially met the eye.

"I need your help".

Ceaser nodded slowly, indicating he had his full attention.

"I know what this looks like but you have to hear me out".

"It's going to be really hard considering you're covered in blood. Did you kill someone?".

Noah shook his head, though he felt he was slightly responsible for it since he warned him not to ask him any question but Noah was blinded by pure rage.

"Then tell me Noah, what's the matter?" With an unwavering look in his eyes.

Noah hesitated before he continued. "Can I trust you?".

Ceaser nodded with no hesitation.

Just then they heard a voice coming from behind the door.

His heart raced as he glanced at Ceaser who's voice barely made a whisper, reaching Noah's ear "Hide".

Without a second thought, Noah obeyed, his instincts guiding him to a concealed spot just moments before his best friend's mother opened the door wide open.

She entered the room, her maternal gaze wary but trusting. The protagonist held his breath, his entire being consumed by the clandestine tension of the moment.

"Were you talking to someone dear?".

"No .... Just me, alone , drawing", smiling nervously as he peered round the room , averting his gaze from his mom's.

"I could have sworn I heard someone's voice here, anyways I'm about to run to the supermarket to get some groceries and I want you to take out the trash. It's full".

"Ok mom, I will".


As she loomed in the doorway, her concerned gaze falling upon the crimson mark marring the floor.

"What's that stain on the floor?", She asked.

The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation as Ceaser slowly turned to see a blood stain on the floor which he hadn't noticed.

His eyes darted anxiously around the room, searching for any possible way to explain to his worried mom.

With a trembling voice, he concocted a quick lie, hoping against hope that it would be enough to pacify the prying eyes.

He muttered something about a spilled drink, praying that his words would veil the truth beneath the veil of plausibility.

His heart pounded like war drums in his chest hoping his mom would believe him and not question any further.

"If you say so, but make sure to clean that up, ok?", she said ,as she headed down stairs

Relief swept over him like a soothing balm.

Whispering to Noah ,who was still hiding"Stay here, I'll be right back".

As they departed the room, he exhaled, the weight of the situation lingering in the stagnant air.

Alone in the room at last, the protagonist took a moment to gather his thoughts.

He was about to reveal his biggest secret to his best friend and he couldn't help but ponder if he was actually making the right choice .

With determination and trepidation intertwining within him, Noah steeled himself for the inevitable conclusion he would have to tread.

This was his decision after all and he couldn't go back after coming this far.

As the room remained cloaked in a suffocating silence, he prepared to confide in his friend , still nervous of the out that would await him later on.

He brought out the phone from his pocket to read the message ,still trying to make sense of what it meant .

#Saturn holds secrets, shadows dance beneath the ivory moon. Midnight strikes at a crossroad named Delta. Beware the lion's roar, it carries the weight of time#


Ceaser ventured out ,to dispose of the accumulated trash from the comfort of his home.

With a heavy sigh, he trudged towards the garbage bins situated at the end of the driveway.

"You were in kitchen just a moment ago, why didn't you take out the trash while you there? ", murmuring to himself in annoyance.

As he reached the bins, he notice a familiar sound approaching from behind.

It was the distinct rumble of his mother's car engine, steadily getting louder as she drove out from the garage.

She waved at him through the open car window. She was off to the supermarket , determined to restock her pantry with a plethora of groceries.

He watched as her car disappeared into the distance, leaving behind a trail of exhaust fumes.

After successfully completing he trash disposal , he commenced the short journey back towards the sanctity of his abode.

He walked slowly when he was abruptly interrupted by a shrill ringing.

His phone, nestled securely in his pocket, jolts to life with an incoming call.

He retrieved the device from the confines of his pocket, glancing at the screen to reveal the identity of the caller.

As Noah sat anxiously on the bed in his friend's room, his mind was filled with a mix of anticipation and unease.

He had been waiting there for what felt like an eternity, the quietude of the room accentuating his restlessness.

The walls seemed to suffocate the air, holding an almost tangible sense of uneasiness that made him fidget in his seat.

"What's taking him so long?!".

Just as he started to consider leaving, the door creaked open and his friend entered, taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"Sorry, my mom made me take out the trash. She's gone now so that's great for us , I guess".

Their eyes briefly met, each searching for a sign or indication of how to approach the forthcoming conversation.

The tension in the room thickened, weighing heavily upon their shoulders, casting a pall over their familiar camaraderie.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Noah gathered his courage and began to speak.

His words stumbled out at first, his voice betraying his apprehension. But as he continued, his voice grew steadier, his thoughts steadily flowing from his lips.

His friend, sitting beside him, listened with an intensity that was evident in his unwavering gaze fixed intently on the floor.

In all his life , he could never expect something like this.

The weight of his silence spoke volumes, a testament to the mutual understanding they shared without needing to exchange a word.

Every word uttered by his companion was absorbed with utmost concentration, as if they were threads weaving together the complicated tapestry of their relationship.

Noah understood the potential consequences and was still willing to confront the discomfort head-on, in an attempt to clear the air and address the unspoken issues happening in his life.

And so, they sat together on that bed, their silences and spoken words forming the foundation for an honest and crucial exchange.

After Noah was done, he became instantly silent as he allowed the words to settle well with Ceaser who still looked bewildered.

He thought he had made a huge mistake as Ceaser was silent for almost a whole minute.

Finally letting out a sigh, he stood up and paced around the room for a while.

Noah knew it was going to be really hard for him to understand but he was trying his best to.

He made sure Ceaser know he was his only option ,as he was the one he trusted most. He had no idea how to go about any of this.

"Show me". Ceaser said suddenly, not looking at Noah.

"Excuse me?" Noah asked, as he was quite puzzled by the question.

"If what you said is true then show me . Let me see your other form".

Noah didn't blame him, he would have done the same thing if he was in his shoe. For all he knew, this could just be a very desperate prank .

Noah sighed "Do I really have to?".

Ceaser's silence gave him the answer he wanted.

Standing up slowly, he walked to the center of the room, let out a slow breath as he said with a low tone."Don't just freak out ok?"

A shiver coursed through his body as his muscles tensed and shifted beneath his skin.

A surge of power coursed through his veins.

It was a delicate balance, a dance with his primal instincts.

Tendrils of silvery white emerged from his scalp, intermingling with his black hair.

Half of his hair transformed with an ethereal glow, contrasting with his remaining black hair.

He extended his fingers, revealing grey deadly claws.

As he opened his eyes wide, the transformation reached its apex. His once deep brown irises turned into a piercing shade of yellow, radiant and hypnotic.

The lycanthropic power surged within him.

He had shifted.

"You really are a wereshifter"....

To be continued.