
Lycan System

After a long day, a young man called Lex found himself barely awake on top of his bed. 'What is this place?' Puzzled Lex starts to believe someone kidnapped him, but what really happened? --- I hope that you enjoy the chapters as I am rewriting them anyways! Discord Link - https://discord.gg/VK49j3Dk9m

Bpcb · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Battle Of Transformations

Lex was thrown back by the attack of the Giant Skeleton, he hit the wall with his back leaving a small crater in his place as he fell down. 'Damn.' Lex thought as he watched the ape barreling towards him.

Health: 213/310

Lex threw himself up with his hands a jumped out of the way of the apes punch that created a larger crater on top of the other with the impact of its punch.

'No quest yet? Maybe it's because I already have one to clear the Dungeon.' Lex thought as he ran around the Giant Skeleton once more.

He slashed away with his claws dodging attacks from the ape as it attempted to turn around whilst Lex was making sure he stayed behind the ape attacking it and slowly carving away at its back.

Eventually, the ape started to show signs of slowing down, but the battle was far from over.

The Gaint Skeleton ran towards the closest wall before putting its back to the wall. Lex was slightly puzzled by this for a moment before realising what could happen.

The ape put its back against the wall to protect itself before sitting down and activating its skill, 'Four-Arms' the skill caused the ape's ribs to double in height and new arms to form between the two sets of rib cage that it now possessed.

'This wasn't in the depictions...' Lex couldn't help but remark.

Lex looked at the apes now further deformed body, 'This is going to be a pain, I need to kill it before my transformation runs out.' Lex thought as he dashed towards the ape.

The ape's top set of hands were raised above its head and the lower two opened up to opposite sides exposing its chest.

He sprinted towards it at full speed before stopping around a meter and a half away from the ape, seeing Lex charge towards it the ape began its attack.

It's top two arms slammed down whilst intertwined causing another crater to form under them, the lower set of arms closed in, slightly above the other set, clapping its hands with an extreme amount of force.

The sound of the slam attack and clap travelled across the whole room with the pair pressure soon to follow.

Lex's hair was slightly blown back from the attack as he stopped mere millimetres away from the apres clapping hands. He proceeded to jump above the two sets of hands and take a short run up the ape's arms.

Lex held his hands low to the ground as he ran in a rugby tackle position cutting through the ape's bones. He reached the Giant Skeletons head after only a fraction of a second of running.

Slashing away at the apes face and causing many slash marks to appear on its face with large cracks appearing every so often.

Lex wanted to stay and keep attacking but he didn't want to take any more damage so he jumped away at the first sign of an attack.

'Damn, if only they had health bars.' Lex thought as his legs touched the ground, he could visibly see the damage done by him, but he had no idea how much further he had until they died.

Lex proceeded to dash in again barely dodging each attack being thrown at him whilst taking minimal damage, he slashed away at the monsters arms.

'He's slowing down!' Lex thought as he dashed in once again, the Giant Skeletons bones were now weakening due to the amount of damage it had taken.

Skeletons and Undead didn't have regeneration like other living creatures, they had to expend their essence in order to reform their bones, the Giant Skeleton slowing down was a sign it was hurt badly enough to need to use its essence to heal.

What happened next could only be described as murder, Lex viciously and swiftly slashed with his claws, so much so that it seemed that he wasn't in control of his attacks.

After around thirty seconds of constant attacks, He finally saw the message.

Optional Quest Complete: Conquer The Dungeon

Reward: 5 Attribute Points, 1500 EXP

'I can finally leave this place.' Lex thought as he took a deep breath in before breathing out.

"AND FINALLY GET SOME FOOD!!!" Lex screamed so that it echoed across the whole dungeon before sprinting towards the exit.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I also hope you had/have a good day!

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