
Lustful Adventure in Otaku World

I was always been an otaku. Never had a girlfriend. Or rather, I was hated by others. I destroyed my happy family with my own hand. But I am happy, I had otaku culture with me all the time. I was able to laugh when they laugh, I was able to cry when they cry. They were my best friend. But there's a problem, I am facing. I am going to die. My consciousness is fading. [You have passed the Weeb Exam. Now, you will be transmigrated into a world called Otaku.] "World of Otaku?" I asked in surprised. [It's a world I created as a fellow otaku. You will be in a world similar to one piece but it's totally different.] After that, I was able to know all about Otaku World. A word with a lot of anime and game characters. I began my journey in a lust filled otaku world. I will definitely conquer all holes. It's about a boy who becomes pirate in an Otaku World. Will he be able to get one piece? Or is it a place filled with a lot of girls? . . . . . . . . . . . [AN: I decided to write a fanfic. It's my first fanfic, so I will probably make a lot of mistakes. Updates might be a bit slow or it could be fast, depends on my original novel. The picture above is not mine. Credit goes to rightful owner.] [AN: Mc will have sex with others wife. But non of his wife will have sex with others. So, if you're into where mc having sex with someone else's wife in front of him, you're in the right place.]

Sowrav2459 · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs


"W-what do you mean? I don't understand mom?" Orihime asked while being surprised.

"What she said was true. But you and Eleonore are not blood related sisters. In my early days, I loved being traveled around the world. Then one day, I found your father and have a child with him. But he was someone with high background and we couldn't remain together. He had to go back to his usual life. So, we broke up and I came back to my home with you. Everyone accepted me with a warm smile. Years later, I found someone I love again. It was our previous village chief. He loved his wife. But he started falling for me too. Same goes for me. So, we decided to have a relationship where I won't be his official wife. But I will be his lover. That's why, Eleonore is calling me as mother. It's not like I am her mother or anything. But I do think I love Eleonore as much as I love you, Orihime. So, to me, you guys are both my daughter." Lady Inoue spoke.

So, the sum of it is, lady Inoue fell for someone with high background. But because of her ordinary background, she couldn't became one with him. She couldn't get the position of his wife. I don't know why she didn't just became his secret lover. They had a child together after all.

It might be because, she had to return home for some reason. After coming here, she fell for a married guy. But both of them, decided not to marry and just enjoying their secret life. But Eleonore somehow find out.

"Okay, let's stop this heavy stuff. So, what do you want? You want to punish him, right? How do you want to start punishing him?" Lady Inoue asked Eleonore.

Eleonore stopped for a moment. A heavy silence fell into the room.

"I want Sol-san to make him wear that slave ring. After that, he should fuck me in front of Lars." Eleonore said with a serious face.

Everyone became suprised hearing that.

"Are you okay with that?" Orihime asked while being concerned.

"Yeah. Lars has a confidence that nobody would be able to steal his things. So, I want Sol-san to have sex with me in front of him and everyone in this room. Lars thinks that he is superior to other men and he has rights to do anything with their wives. So, I want Sol-san to show that he is definitely superior then him. What will happen to him after that, I will leave it to you guys." Eleonore explained her reasoning for saying things like that.

"Okay, we understand. What would be our plan after that?" Daki asked

"I would turn him into a girl and let the whole village rape him. One by one, everyone will fuck him. He likes to rape others, right? So, he should learn about the same pain too." I told everyone.

"In that case, we would go and reveal all of his wrongdoings to the villagers. We will take Albus with us too." Lady Inoue told me.

"Okay. I will be with you guys. Also Eleonore, I want you to make him your slave. The same thing he did to you." I told Eleonore while giving the slave ring.

"Okay, thank you." Saying that she took the ring and made the unconscious Lars wear it.

She had a satisfying smile while making him her slave. After that, we gathered the villagers in one place. They were totally surprised seeing Lady Inoue and Orihime. We explained the whole thing in detailed. We let the raped girls go back to their family.

Upon knowing the whole truth, the villagers became enraged. They wanted to kill Lars. But I stopped them and explained about the whole plan on how the men would get to rape him in the night. Most of the males decided to agree with our plan. Some of them refuse to fuck him, as they things it as disgusting.

Well, I do think the same way too. I would rather die than mating a person like him.

But those who agreed with my plan, most of them wanted to suffers the same way those innocent girls suffered. They were truly furious.


The time when we came back to the house, it was already evening. We went straight to the Eleonore-san's bedroom. We tied up Lars in a chair.

"It's about time he gets woke up." Shar spoke.

"We have to wake him up. Eleonore-san, can we get some hot water?" I asked Eleonore-san.

"Wait, I will bring it here." Saying that she went to the kitchen and few minutes later, she came back with a pot full of hot water.

I took the pot from Eleonore-san and spread it to Lars face.

"Ouch... It's hotttttttttt." He screamed in pain.

"Looks like you woke up, Lars-san." I smiled while sitting face to face with him.

"It's freaking hurts.... Eh! Sol-san, what are you doing here? Wait, I am in my bedroom, but why is there's so many beautiful woman. Is it a haren for me? Am I in heaven?" Lars tilted his head.

"Yeah, you're in heaven. Even dead peoples are here." Lady Inoue spoke.

"Wait! H-how? W-what's going on?" He seems to be clueless.

"Lars, it's checkmate bro." I told Lars.

"Checkmate? What do you mean?" Lars asked while being clueless.

"I am saying that all of your evil doings are revealed. I have destroyed your whole life." I told him.

"What do you mean? Are you perhaps, joking? It's not funny." He started to get mad.

I stood up and get close to Eleonore-san.

"Sol-san?" Eleonore-san went surprised a bit.

I touched her back and pulled her closer. I started groping her breasts and looked at Lars with a smile.

"You wanted to steal my Shar from me. Now, I am going to steal your wife from you."

Lars expression instantly became dark, "Sol, you bastard. I will kill you bastard. What are you doing with my Eleonore? Eleonore, get away from him. I am saying get away from him. I am ordering you to kill this bastard." he shouted like mad.

Eleanore's expression was dark for a moment. After that, she smiled and kissed on my cheeks.

"Why would I do that? You see hubby, he has already stolen me from you. I wanted to make you watch him fucking me." Eleonore answered with a smile.

"I am ordering you to get away from him. Don't you get it you, bitch." Lars shouted.

"Hubby have you seen what are you wearing now?" Eleonore asked Lars.

"I am wearing???"

Lars looked at his hand and his expression became dark instantly. He finally understand that he just fucked up.

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