
lust demon system

Maxwell is weak, and seventeen, he finds out about his origin as a demon. Not just any demon but the son of the great demon king and he is given a system, using it, he has to get strong to save his race. with this motivation, he yearns for power. Find out in his journey for power were lust Is the only way. for power I will fuck many beauties, and cum all the time, making a large harem. hahaha

Kennedy_4646 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Ok ma,,. he kept his head down through out the remainder of the lesson not wanting to offend her any more, as he thought of possible ways to escape.

the lectures ended for everyone except for Maxwell who had to stay for an extra hour, of boring nonsense, he kept telling himself that he should never look at this teacher body again in his life.

After an hour of boredom he was finally realised.

Remember to finish the assignment I gave you Angela reminded him with a big prideful smile on her face, which meant"you got what you deserve".

He ran out of the class before she came up with another assignment for him, I will never look at her body again he reminded himself once more.

his sister should be in one of the restaurants for her afternoon shifts. school ends by 2.00 at the same time he had his afternoon shifts, and now the time is 3.00, which means he was late.

He hurriedly walked to get to the restaurant where he had his shifts.

Maxwell,,. what happened, why are you this late? he heard the managers voice as he entered the restaurant.

Sir my teacher gave us extra lesson at school today, he made use of his brain again to bring out a good excuse.

I don't care about any extra lessons, will they wash the dishes that is waiting for you in the kitchen, hurry and go wash them.

Doing dishes doesn't sound like much, but imagine like about two hundred plates, that was what what he was currently stairing at right as he entered the kitchen, he could not help but curse angela if it wasn't because of her he would have been hear reducing the numbers since, and more were still coming, and all this is just for ten bronze per day.

The currency were bronze, silver and gold, one gold equals ten silver which equals one hundred bronze.

the money he receives was small, but he couldn't complain cause he needed the job. he knew he will not be able to come home on time, so he put in more effort In washing the dishes.

9.37 ,,,. Maxwell comes out of the restaurant while checking his time. shit I am so late Camila will be very angry at me, he says to himself and start running home.

Schreeeeeech... Bam. Boom

Halfway there he here's a very loud noise from behind, he looks over in time to see a black car hit a wall. And there was no movement from the car.

The accident did not look fatal, or maybe it just shows that the car model was very good.

he picked up courage from who knows where, approached the car and look through the screen, he saw a girl structure lying on the stearing, he quickly opened the door and cheked her pulse.

she was awake and kept murmuring something about I can't take it any more and so on.

Maxwell recognised her immediately.

Phoebe what happened to you? Maxwell asked in concern.

Phoebe heard a familiar voice, she raised her head and their eyes met, as she spoke.

Maxwell is that you? she asked with a shaking voice like someone who was about to cry.

Yeah it's me what happened?.

she ignored the question "please take me home"

Ok he wrapped his arms arms around her, she was shaking, it felt as if she was fighting with something, he kept her at the back, asked for the location and drove off, thank God he learnt how to drive from the manager at the restaurant.

Maxwell did not understand anything he was confused and concerned for phoebe, he knows her, after all she attends their school and Phoebe is tagged the most beautiful girl at school, she had pink hair with blue eyes, her skin where so soft that many people will envy, after her was Camila who was tagged the second most beautiful girl in the school and they where good friends.

He arrives at the location and carries her to the front door and began knocking

"I live alone" ,,,, she spoke with a small voice "put me down"

He let's her stand on her feet, but she couldn't stand straight.

Don't worry let me carry you,

Maxwell took the keys opened the door and went inside.

Phoebe points out the way to her bedroom, he couldn't help but notice her flushed face and her legs that were tightly closed, he ignores this as he climbs up the step.

The building was very big showing that she has money, he admires the chandeliers, curtains, chairs,....

Mmmmhh,,,, his thoughts were disturbed by a soft sound coming from phoebe.

Wait did she just Moan, no I am just hearing things, Mmmmhh,,, the sound came again this time a little bit louder, he felt her grip on his body tighten.

Phoebe are you alright?

She didn't reply, she just kept making lewd noises. Mmmmhh,,, Ahhhhhhh, Mmmmhh.

Maxwell was confused right now, he was definitely sure she was moaning but why, he asked himself he entered her bedroom, they was a very big fancy bed at center of the room with red bed sheets, and beautiful designs.

But this was not the time to start admiring her bed, he brought her to the bed and tried to lie her down, but she stocked to him like glue.

Phoebe I have to g,,,, Mmmmhh, before he could say anything her pink lips were met with his and they had a passionate kiss, not long he started feeling honey, he tore his shirt and jumped on the bed with phoebe while their lip were still sealed. Their bodies were heating up while the remaining clothes were on their bodies were torn of.

Phoebe's beautiful body was on display to maxwell, but he just did not care like he was not himself.

His cock has risen as it stood firm like a mountain, girl's, especially virgins like Phoebe will be scared of that big dragon, but she wasn't, she positioned on all fours, pointing the opening of her slit to the tip of maxwell dick,

No teasing involved he trust his cock in as he broke the little resistance he felt while going in, half his penis could only enter as her vagina was very tight .

Phoebe had a pained expression on her face for a moment, which immediately turned to one of pleasure, as she just followed the rhythm of his trust while begging for more

AHHHHH,, Mmmmhh,,, Yeahhhh gi,, ve,, m,, me mmmore and other type of numerous lewd sounds came out from phoebe mouth

It was so intense, they were both acting like animals that just wanted sex and nothing more. "" I,,,,, A,, Am. Ccccumuuu,,, mmmIng""

Pheobe yelled for the sixth time that night, as maxwell also cums inside her. They both felt dizzy and blacked out.

Phobe woke up at 8.30am in the morning and found out that she was naked, then she saw she was lying on a naked Maxwell , Ahhh, she shouted and jumped out of the bed.

She was confused, her thoughts were in chaos, she remembered Maxwell carrying her home, and couldn't remember what else occured

At this time Maxwell woke up, feeling dizzy, he noticed phoebe looking at him with an angry expression, before he could say anything. He heard say something, in A very quiet way that he did not hear.

What did you say? , he asked.

"You raped me" she repeated herself once more.

Maxwell placed his thoughts in other remembering what happened last night, wait I am not sure what happened last night is considered as rape. Before she could respond he slumped on the bed and started vibrating, and his temperature rising.

Phoebe was shocked she immediately ran down stairs to get ice and a towel to cool his temprature.