
lust demon system

Author: Kennedy_4646
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What is lust demon system

Read ‘lust demon system’ Online for Free, written by the author Kennedy_4646, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, WEAKTOSTRONG Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Maxwell is weak, and seventeen, he finds out about his origin as a demon.Not just any demon but the son of the great dem...


Maxwell is weak, and seventeen, he finds out about his origin as a demon. Not just any demon but the son of the great demon king and he is given a system, using it, he has to get strong to save his race. with this motivation, he yearns for power. Find out in his journey for power were lust Is the only way. for power I will fuck many beauties, and cum all the time, making a large harem. hahaha

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This novel started of well and looks like it's going to be very interesting. I am en couaging the writer to put more effort in bringing out more chapters


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