
Luna: The Cursed Eclipse

"Help me..." "If you want my help…" Domhall, in his demonic form, squatted in front of Louisanna as his long, dirty nails lightly caressed her neck, creating a shallow wound in it. "Beg for it." Domhall Palmer was living his life to the fullest as a multi-billionaire CEO, not until something strange happened after the last eclipse of the year. In the middle of the night, when everyone was intoxicated and insane, he suddenly vanished into the world… and without his consent and consciousness, he became the demon king. When he found out that Luna, the one he had the last connection with can bring his old life back, he forced her to bound a contract with him as he wanted to make his plans achievable by keeping his prey closer… not knowing that he was the one being trapped. Would he fall in love with her for another time? Or decide to end all his suffering by killing the woman who started it all?

iwaswiththestars · Fantasy
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85 Chs

A Demon Intruder!

In the blink of an eye, Dana was already in front of Louisanna who always summons a replica of her every time she was in the portal.

It was her way to relieve the stress she has when she misses her mom. Dana's heart aches at that thought.

Soul exchange was a power she built when she made love with someone she should never have been involved with— Luna's father that had been gone after the first eclipse.

For the previous lifetimes she wasn't able to see him, his memory gradually fades onto her mind.

That power may be a blessing because she could do something like this— To explore different kinds of dimensions even though her physical body was resting somewhere.

But it was also a curse as the higher-ups paralyzed her body and her basic powers as an angel, being afraid that she was hiding more cursed powers that can be harmful to all the races.

Luna showing up her power recklessly like this in another place frightens her. The higher-ups may do something even worse than she had experienced.

Soon, they will realize that the curse they placed on their daughter wasn't enough to conceal her powers.

Knowing the council, they would consider ceasing her existence and not letting her reincarnate in the next lifetime anymore.

She won't let that happen. She just can't let the council have her daughter and punish her according to the rules.

"This isn't a lucid dream," Dana told her in a low tone. "This is reality."

"So… am I just dreaming that I can control my dreams?" Louisanna asked without hesitation.

However, confusion was evident in her voice as she had her brows furrowed. The place was peaceful as she was the one who made it, but her mind reluctantly goes somewhere else.

"It may be hard to understand, but I need you to listen to me."

This time, Dana's voice was full of authority.

"This place is one of the dimensions of the outside world. A place where no ordinary human can enter… not to mention to change the whole place as you do."

'Because you're the only one in this universe who possesses a power like that,' Dana added at the back of her mind.

"I'm doing it using my imaginary powers, mom," Louisanna explained as she opened her palm, facing the sky.

She just thinks that there's a power releasing from her palm, and it would happen. It's nothing special, but the way her mother scolds her for this feels like her imaginary power was something that can bring the world into chaos.

"It's not imaginary! It's real!" Dana shouted unintentionally to her daughter.

Louisanna had her eyes widened as she didn't expect Dana to shout at her. She knew her to be gentle and have a soft voice before she got comatose, but it looks like the years they weren't together changed some things about Dana's personality.

However, Dana just wanted her words to be retained in Louisanna's memory since she wasn't taking her seriously.

"Try returning things back. See where we really are," she even challenged her as her eyes scanned the place.

With that, Dana continued speaking, "We are not in the world you created in this place. We are in a much way darker place than that."

Louisanna blinked her eyes twice as she was still in confusion. Dana raised a brow so Louisanna didn't avert her gaze at her— watching her every move as the expression of her eyes softened.

"Mother…" she called her mother in a soft voice. "May I think about that later when I wake up?"


This wasn't something Dana expected her daughter to react to, especially if what she was sharing with her was some kind of information she won't be able to grasp so easily.

"If all of this is real…" Louisanna held onto her mother's hands and caressed them lightly, "Can I spend some time with you for a while without thinking about the problems you were telling me?"

Dana wasn't able to react immediately. She could hear the sadness and longingness in the tone of her voice. She was aware of the fact that Louisanna was missing her the whole time— which resorted her to do this kind of this.

"I wanted to be with you even just in this place. Please don't take my happiness from me."


It was all both of them could feel. To feel like they were a lifetime away from each other because, in reality, only the life support is making her conscious. At that time, she realized how hard it was for Louisanna for her to hear that it should be the last time they should be together at this place.

"I understand." Dana, although she wanted to cry, tried to smile to comfort her daughter. "Rest here. I'll put you to sleep."

She tapped on her shoulder as Louisanna went back to her original position. It was the most comfortable position for her— Lying down on her mother's shoulder while she was caressing her hair, staring at the peaceful night sky where the stars were shining.

"Put me to sleep while I'm sleeping? That's weird, mom," Louisanna answered as she chuckled a bit, moving her body closer to her mom.


That night was so peaceful. Looking at the golden mansion in front of them as she spent time with her mom was the best time of her life for Louisanna.

To be honest, she doesn't care if this place was in another dimension. If she can communicate with her mom in this place, there's no way she won't come back here again and summon her for another time.

"It was nice to be here, isn't it?" Louisanna spoke, breaking the silence between them. "I miss you. I miss being comfortable sitting on the grass with you."

But they weren't.

However, she still hopes that they can do this in real life. Not in any weird dimension or such, but in Earth where they truly belong.

Or, do they?

"I miss you too, my child..." Dana answered as she gave Louisanna a kiss on her forehead.

She closed her eyes as she felt like her body was healing itself. She couldn't feel the fatigue she had after changing the whole place where they are. It feels like she became well-rested.

"Do you want an ice cream? I can summon it for you." Louisanna suddenly remembers how they loved to eat vanilla ice cream when she was a child.

Dana just nodded as she watched how Louisanna summoned two vanilla-flavored ice creams in her right hand. That was her dominant hand, and that's where her powers come from.

"Here!" Louisanna said as she gave her one of the ice creams and immediately ate hers.

Again, silence filled the conversation, but instead of being anxious, Louisanna feels at peace as she knows she was with the right person.

"Mom… I do hope you'll get better soon. I really miss being with you..." she said as a tear fell from her eyes.

'It's so hard to be alone. I'm so tired and lonely...'

She wanted to say that, but she just closed her eyes and bite her lower lip. She doesn't want her mother to be sad for something she didn't have control over. It wasn't her fault to faint without knowing that it will take a long time for her to wake up.

"Girl... aren't you going to wake up? We still have classes!"

Louisanna had her brows furrowed as she heard Gianna's voice somewhere. At that time, she realized that she fainted because of her headache. Damn it, she suddenly remembered how painful it was to the point she wanted to bang her forehead on the wall.

"If only I can sleep forever just to be with you like this, I will gladly do it..."

Louisanna stood up and stared at her mother who looked at her with a confused expression.

"But who will take care of you in the reality? No one."

As long as she wanted to be here, she can't.

"I'll do everything to keep you alive." Her eyes narrowed as her right hand went to her mother's head and pat it lightly.

She almost cried as she noticed that her mother's presence was slowly fading away.

This is the part Louisanna didn't like.

Her dreams make her happy but not until the end.

It feels like this place was slapping her that everything was a creation of her imagination, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Seeing her mother fade away feels like watching her die every now and then. It pains her, after all.

"I'll go back here later at sleep time, okay?" she told her as she was about to snap her hand to wake up.

But she wasn't able to do that when something opened on her right side and went in front of her.

His beast-like figure, the dark red eyes that give her chills every second she stares at it, his dark and burned skin, his not-so-good yellow teeth, and his aura that seems to devour her alive were enough for her to know what it was.

A demon intruder!

Thank you all for reading this story of mine! I do hope you'll comment with your thoughts. ^___^ Next chapter will be the fight between Louisanna and the demon intruder! Who will win?

iwaswiththestarscreators' thoughts