
Luna : The Crescent Crest Elementalist

Fable, a company that became famous after revealing the possession of ‘The Six Great Fables’ soon to be ‘Seven’, which are portals connected to unknown places full of mana stones and others. But… the successor of Fable is missing? --- In a world where the power of elements and crests exist, she was picked up by her foster parents. They treated her as if she's their child. But happiness didn't last long, her loved ones were taken from her without even realizing it until she was at the brink of death. --- Years passed, everyone came to know a powerful elementalist with snow-white hair who always wore a white mask. People who have met this figure said he has eyes that are red like crimson and he called himself 'Luna'. One day, 'The Seven Great Fables' started to change, discovering signs of lives far in it.

C1yde · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Press the Bell

As usual, on the sofa in the living room, two people were seated, surrounded by various shapes of fire elements simply floating in the air.

If a person who's not an elementalist were to walk in and saw this sense, they would simply think it was an easy thing to do. They wouldn't know how much concentration and control the caster was using on it.

She has improved slightly. Knowing that, she tried to risk it.

The floating fire elements became bigger till it all reached the size of a basketball. It then started to turn smaller and smaller. The power of the element didn't increase. This was her way of condensing it.

In a few seconds, it has turned into the size of the stones used in Go games. The flaming vermillion color of it was truly redder than any red.

Her right hand slightly raised. Her pair of red eyes behind the newly bought glasses stared into the air, not to the fire elements. Her eyelids closed. At the same time as her thumb and her middle finger met, her eyes opened to concentrate.


Along with her snapped sound, all the small fire elements in the air made their own small explosions. The air pressure became intense. The explosions had caused some sparks of fire to blast out by its sheer power.

Before it could reach near her it disappeared as if it was nullified.

It was a great success for her.

A pair of small tender hands lifted up on their own to touch the chin of the one who was lending him a pair of laps to sit on. Luna felt the touch on her chin and gazed down. Two pairs of red eyes met each other.

She gave her little brother a smile and continued to think about what they should do today since her self-training was over.

It had been five days since they hadn't visited Ian. If she were to not go there today, both she and Ian will be stuck in the house watching movies all day long again.

She breathed out with a sigh and stood up while holding up Ian.

She can't do this anymore. There were only two days left before they couldn't play games on the weekdays. Why? Because they have to attend school. She was sure that they both will pass the entrance examination which will be on Sunday. She just really needs to not mess up there by touching the wrong testing ball.

Her footsteps stopped. She has arrived in front of Daniel's house. She hesitated to press the doorbell.

How should she explain to Daniel about her absence during these days? This wasn't something she used to do so the possibility of him asking about why is relatively high.

'Should I just use Shadow…no no no…' she immediately felt bad about making Shadow play the bad guy role.

While she was building up an excuse, the little guy in her arm didn't stay still. His little arms reached to the doorbell, he pressed it. Ian was anticipated to press the doorbell many many days ago. He had seen his sister pressing it and making Daniel come out of there.

He was overjoyed now. He summoned Daniel this time!

The doorbell rang inside Daniel's house. Even though the door was thick enough to prevent any leakage of sound, Luna's unnatural hearing helped her hear the sound of the doorbell quite well.

Her face moved to face Ian's and she spoke a 'why' without using her vocal cords.

Ian giggled and smiled at her. He did not understand what his sister was saying but he liked the fact that she remembered to give her attention to him.

Luna stopped doing what she was doing. What was she doing anyway? The giving an excuse part was her own, Ian didn't know that. She couldn't bear to blame her adorable brother anymore.

When people get trapped in life and death situations, they tend to come up with the answer to it super-fast.

'Yes! let's just use that,' a made-up excuse came up in her mind.

She looked at the culprit in her arms, gave him a big grin, and waited for Daniel.

While waiting, she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the door and then it went back running away from the door. The footsteps were in a hurry from many places to a certain place. It took around five minutes for the door to be opened. They were greeted by Daniel drenched in sweat from all the running.

"Eve!" he called out.

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